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The obvious xp problem

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Veteran 99, Jan 19, 2020.

  1. Velisaris_MS Augur

    That's the point that the devs and a lot of people in these threads just gloss over:

    There will ALWAYS be that group of players that are max level/max AA/progression complete within a few days of an expansion's launch. No matter how bad they make the xp (or how large they make the levels), those players will always finish content in less than a month...that's just the way they play.

    So, making such extreme changes to xp only serves to punish casual players...it won't even make those players who rush through things blink an eye.
    Fanra and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  2. Whulfgar Augur

    Yes there were in fact quests / tasks since the very day Everquest first launched ..

    No clue.. absolutely not 1 single clue WHERE you got Everquest never had tasks .. or achievements .. Just because they were not catalogued on the character as they are now .. does not mean they did not exsist back then.

    This literally makes me question if you even EQ'ed back in original launch time (prior to expansions) at all.
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Daedly Augur

    I wish grinding exp was a little better. However, it's really not THAT bad as a lot of people are making it out to be. Is it on the slow side? Definitely. Is it like it was back in the early stages of the game? Doesn't feel like it to me.

    But, I woudn't mind if they lowered the exp required per level by about 33% or so. If that's even possible. Remember the problems they had when they adjusted race exp modifiers and it some screwed up those classes?
    Whulfgar likes this.
  4. Zanarnar Augur

    Your actually trying to tell me classic eq had the task system and achievements in it? Are you.. are you even reading what you write? Your so wrong its not even worth me posting the dates those things went into the game.

    There were quests back then, but even those were not a good source of XP outside a few that you could repeat fairly easy over and over, but those were mostly good at low levels to get a jump-start. However, I never said there weren't quests back then. Did I?

    No, I very specifically said the task system and achievements. So please, enlighten me. Which tasks and achievements did you use to level in classic EQ?
  5. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I will disagree some. The Devs created a system where if people are able to do all the missions they are most of the way to 115 or at it as fast as they can do all the missions. The ONLY people who get the what you seem to think of a benefit of having something to do are those who can't finish the group missions in ToV for whatever reason.

    The devs clearly intended exp to max very fast with that system so not sure how your argument makes a lot of sense. People who could do all the missions including a number in my guild are all 115 now. Possible sooner then they would have been under the regular exp grind. They may still have to get their aa's done but that appears to be at a more reasonable pace this expansion. And the fact mos gear requires 115 to be an upgrade makes getting those aa easier.
    Vumad likes this.
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I have done grind exp from 20 into 113 to 40 into 114. Yes it is that bad. Had to play far more hours then I usually do over the last few weeks and now I am burnt out on the game. If you are doing mostly aa with the grind exp you won't see it. If you are actually trying to level with it you will. So don't get me wrong getting aa is fine. Getting levels with grind is awful.
  7. Tappin Augur

    The system seems to rewards those who like to raid and and want to take the shortest path to... log on to raid, log off.
  8. Tappin Augur

    Those who simple want to raid and do nothing else are the ones advocating for this change.
    Vumad likes this.
  9. Tappin Augur

    If someone has a nonsense experience, or says something like "well I can do it, so can you," I will probably refute that, but I am not going to put words into the mouth of everyone who simply states an experience.

    The problem is there is a variety people post essentially the same experience, that this new experience system isn’t good for them. Now, I am going to refute something. The slow experience doesn’t really hurt people who sell PL services. Why you may ask?

    1)All four missions can be boxed,
    2)There are multiple scripts available for two of the missions,
    3)The first two levels can be ground out fast in RoS (time does not matter when your afk).

    So, all you have to do is PL in old word for 2.5 levels and complete the four missions to get to 115.

    And no I do not engage in any PLing of any sort. I have a whole 500K plat and no kronos, so I am supper rich.
  10. Whulfgar Augur

    Thats not what you stated .. Here allow me to REPOST .. what you origionally tried to say.

    To which I replied ..

    You do REALIZE .. that people can go back an read what you post an quote it for reference right ?

    You DO realize .. you goal post moved from saying 1 thing .. being called on it .. then changed it to .. I said "the achivement system" ..

    When you clearly did not as seen yet again in the exact post you and I are both referencing.

    Perhaps moving forward, you ought not to goal post move your debate when you are shown 100% wrong .. or not ..

    just a thought.
  11. enclee Augur

    Two of my mages are “stuck” at 60% into 114, with the only achievements that are left are ToFS mercenary and Great Divide Mercenary to complete the savior achievement. It’s a disheartening to know that both of those of achievements are hindered by low spawn rates, key mob first floor (12 hours so far) and 5 more dervishes (6 hours in). Grind xp is terribly slow, 112 kills in 30 minutes for a GMM run got me 6.28% at 114.
  12. Whulfgar Augur

    Only the GD merc has low spawn rate.. on only 1 of the 3 quests. Thats the quest involving the dervishes.

    Nothing else in GD merc is low spawn rate. And the mercenary for Tofs if you are not yet keyed for 5th floor I bet some one would easily help you get at least one of your mages to the 5th floor which will enable you to get your own grp up there if you just ask some one. One key gets whole grp up.

    And once up there on 5th floor you have all the mobs you need for all the mercs related to that quest =)
  13. enclee Augur

    The dervs are the only thing I got left on those 2 chars for the GD completion. It sucks, I know there’s a big chunk of experience just within reach. The rest of my crew got it done no problem.

    The point I’m making is it’s 3-4 days of grinding just to get the equivalent of one achievement.
    Drpeppa likes this.
  14. Drpeppa Journeyman

    Are you only boxing ? If so what ? Do you not just grind with real mains ?
  15. Drpeppa Journeyman

    The reason i am curious is because in 30 min you got over half of what mercenary granst per achive its 10%. You got over 6% in 30 minutes. So admittedly im a bit curious as what you mean by saying it takes 2 or 3 days to get the same xp as the achievements?
  16. enclee Augur

    Yes, I 6 box. The GD mercenary reward is part of the requirement for the GD savior reward. Couple those two together and it's around 40% normal experience, which is about enough to level those two characters.

    I'm going to keep grinding out some GD mobs hoping to get a lucky streak. Now, instead of being 30 minutes of killing away from hitting 115, I'm faced with multiple days of grinding. I played the expansion as it's designed, I just unfortunately hit bad timing with the spawn rate bugs from the patch for leveling those characters.
  17. Zanarnar Augur

    Everquest Tasks were added with OOW: https://everquest.allakhazam.com/wiki/Everquest_Guide_Omens_of_War

    Everquest Achicement System was added with Underfoot: https://everquest.allakhazam.com/wiki/EQ:Underfoot

    Still don't see how I'm wrong that you didn't do those things in classic for XP rewards.. you know, because they didn't exist yet. Again, you even quoted me, but then tried to equate quests with the task system. You really should just stop now.
  18. Tappin Augur

    The primary source of experience has ALWAYS been from killing mobs. Anyone trying to claim that isn’t the case isn’t telling the truth.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  19. Vumad Cape Wearer

    There is plenty of room for balance. Making everything slow is poor balance. Fast XP with slow ACH/rares is better balance.

    The evolving items for the most active players is an example of this and so are the TS ears. Making the most important stuff quick (so people with minimal play time can accomplish it) but the unimportant stuff slow (so the people who have a lot of play time have plenty to keep them busy) is good balance.

    The current XP issues are just a continuing issue with poor game balance between play times. The strongest players (usually the most play time) complete progression quickest, so they level quickest, while the weaker players (usually less play time) do not complete progression, so they level slowest.

    So now, in ToV, we have the players with the most play time killing 2 birds with one stone, but the players with the least play time having 3 birds to kill and no stones (twice the XP to level being an extra bird in this analogy). This is basically the same thing that occurred in TBL where people couldn't get into the next zones. Unlocking the zones but blocking the XP only hurts the low play time players. It actually sped the rest of us up.

    I talked about a similar issue with the evolving items in TBL. The items could have been evolved to rank 2 or 3 without ACH, allowing players with less play time to get a little bit of use out of them, but instead they are locked at rank 1. This is poor balance. It would have been easy to make them more accessible, but it was chosen to lock them down completely. This all or nothing approach, quite frankly, sucks.

    And, btw, I am not complaining as I have a good chunk of everything done. I am advocating for "the little guy" because I remember what it was like.
    Fanra, Corwyhn Lionheart and enclee like this.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Daybreak is hoping if they stay silent long enough the problem would go away.

    I would really like to hear their design guidelines each expansion though.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.