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The new server select

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by chronicler, Jun 19, 2024.

  1. chronicler Augur

    Would suggest to already change the look.

    The status of the server is kind of hidden, plz move it to the right.

    Status is not good in the middle as it is the important you wanna see.

    Or make so you can press the server and not status
  2. Jarok Journeyman

    It is important that the status of the server remain close to the name of the server.

    You will get used to it.
    Sunawar likes this.
  3. -----Cinexa----- Elder

    I love the new look =)
    Sunawar likes this.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The server status is next to the server name just to the right making it very easy to see the status of a server that you might want to log into. Also it is possible to click anywhere on the line for the server and it will select it, you don't need to click on any specific part.
    Sunawar likes this.
  5. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    It's not a problem with how they arranged info, it's your display size. I'm playing at 1440p and see everything just fine.
    Sunawar likes this.
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I just logged in today and saw the server history stuff. Very cool and thank you.
    Sunawar likes this.
  7. uberkingkong Augur

    Meh it can be better.

    One thing is for sure.
    It is wayyyyy better than EQ2 server select.

    Thing with EQ's a new player doesn't know what all access is.
    Not everyone knows what all access is.

    All access is not a common MMORPG thing either, this is a darkpaw niche thing, new players not going to know what that is.

    However EQ2, they can learn a thing or two from the old or the new EQ server select.

    In EQ2, you go into the game you see your character.
    I'll have a button that says heroic character, after clicking create standard go through the menus, heroic character button disappears, it makes it think you already used up a heroic character slot.

    Anyways EQ2, create a character button.
    Now it asks you Traditional, Progression Event Free Trade Lore & Legend.

    new player what the heck are these.

    I'm here for the origins server, can't even find the origins server.
    I'm not even going to write anymore thats how bad EQ2 server select is.
    Maj'Dul is heavy pop, I'm gonna guess that is Origins server???? EQ2 do better.

    Server select is no good in EQ2, they have lots to work on.
  8. Scila Augur

    It's busy but I agree the status should be next to the server name then follow with the rest. Population may only matter to those that have multiple toons across servers and face a "queue" to get in or looking for somewhere with more players.

    It does look more like what I've seen across other games.
  9. Cicelee Augur

    So I cannot see all the buttons at the bottom of the screen. I see the tops of the buttons but not sure what each of them are.

    Thoughts as to why?
  10. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Its is big and therefore unusual, but a good change. :)

    I would add different colors for the population, so that it is easier to see which servers are the most populated.
    High / medium / low = Green / yellow / orange.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Can we get the text bigger? I'm sure it is smaller than it was previously.

    Or an option to go back to the previous look server would be nice, this new screen is far to busy for me.