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the death of everquest

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, May 12, 2014.

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  1. iniari-TR Augur

    When I was first introduced to Everquest, I loved the immersive feeling in a living world.
    players interacting with each other and with NPC's - folks gathered around the ldon campfires and roaming around pok. and the old bazaar. "living" cities like the old Freeport.
    zones that you were afraid to enter at night and fearful.
    the game has degenerated to doing task A, B , C to get the latest shiny item.
    getting flagged for raid / zone and never doing task again.
    logging in for raid and no incentive to play other then grind xp.
    playing a class that the devs constently nerf / change to make unfun to play.

    I would like to see Everquest return to the days where we were a "family" that worked together to make a great game.
    not customers of a mega-corporation that profit is the bottom line.producing the least amount of content for the lowest expense and charge the most.

    I would like devs to look at the classes and ask - what can be done to make this class fun to play.
    not be overly concerned about spreadsheets and balance.
    Norathorr likes this.
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    EVERQUEST ===> "I'm not dead yet! I'm getting better"
  3. Warpiggs Augur

    People have been saying EQ is die'n since 1999. But wait, we are still here! :)
    Marlon1957 likes this.
  4. SOE-MOD-04 Augur

    Locking this one up as nonconstructive.
    Marlon1957 likes this.
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