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Not A Bug - The client will now always launch in windowed mode rather than fullscreen

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Shasti, Jul 20, 2022.

  1. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Not a bug, change is listed in patch notes.

    You can use alt + enter on character select to swap to fullscreen before logging in.
  2. Chalin180 New Member

    Window modewhy is everquest starting in window mode? Fix it as most do not use it and it screws full screen up.
  3. MiataDriver Augur

    Quite annoying however. Rather than fix the actual problem, make everyone else have to switch screen modes.
    Mendel likes this.
  4. Soulbanshee Augur

  5. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Not a bug, read the patch notes.

    I am honestly amazed how many are playing in fullscreen in 2022! There seems to be significant overlap among fullscreen players and those that don't read patch notes nor any other forum threads and just post their thoughts randomly in new threads!
    Nennius likes this.
  6. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Most people do use windowed mode, but I agree this was a botched fix.
  7. Metanis Bad Company

    It's like they have no concern over alienating their players. The fix was needed for FRESH installs to eliminate the problems that NEW installations experience. This arbitrary change to force existing WORKING users to a new mode of operation is just unnecessary and is the digital equivalent of bullying.
    ajschliewe likes this.
  8. ajschliewe Elder

    If i'm on my laptop, in windowed mode, everything is super super tiny.
  9. ajschliewe Elder

    I use windowed for my desktop that has 32" monitors. On my 15" laptop, it makes everything extremely small. In order to play windowed on my laptop, I would have to change the resolution for the laptop. Or what I do now, switch to full screen when in game, fix the placement of my UI windows every time I play on my laptop.
  10. Milobrl New Member

    Game is always opening in windows mode lately and that messes up my hitbars and chat windows everytime. Please return to full screen load, or something that fixes the layout issues this is causing. Thanks!
  11. Scila Augur

    windowed mode has always messed up the ui; however, going to full screen it went back to what it remembered. Now, if you start in windowed mode, without a saved copy if you alt/enter to layout copy, you are stuck with the messed up ui. So ... why does it not revert like it used to is my question?
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Where do you get this info from?

    I'm under the other impression that more players use full screen. Most of the guild is complaing about this change.
    Scila likes this.
  13. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Just from my experience. Plus tabbing out takes longer in full screen and you cant use gina overlays.
    code-zero likes this.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Overlays are the devil. I hate writing across my screen and I really wish Daybreak would stop doing it.