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The Bazaar's 2mil plat cap is literally, and the devs admit this, the result of a design flaw. How m

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. fransisco Augur

    In opposite world? Cannot sell anything for over 2mill unless you do it personally. Which means so many things get put up for under 2 mill cause the owner doesn't wanna sell it via channels. There is no world where the plat cap doesn't keep prices down, and no world where removing it wouldn't aid rmt people.
    Tarvas likes this.
  2. fransisco Augur

    Or you know, they sell it in the bazaar? Really bad at logic today Waring. If they don't wanna sell it in the bazaar they just do not sell it? Hows that work out for you?
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And you completely missed my point, there are people (myself included) that don't sell certain items in the bazaar because of the plat cap and also don't try to sell them in chat because they don't want to deal with having to spam the chat channels to look for a buyer.

    Not wanting to sell in the bazar is generally an issue because of the plat cap and not being able to get the full value for it and they would use the bazaar if the plat cap wasn't an issue.
  4. fransisco Augur

    You always focus on little tiny minutia and miss the point. If you can't sell it in the bazaar and don't wanna auction it, then you don't sell it. I don't for a moment believe your banks are full of items you dont wanna sell in the baz so you sit on them forever not selling them.
    Do you want more than 2 million for them? Seemingly so. Do you refuse to sell anything and just basically destroy it (exile it to bank/inventory) instead? Of course you don't. So lets not pretend. You just have to bite the bullet and sell it in the bazaar instead of auction it.
    Your complaint is many things arent worth krono and you dont wanna sit around trying to sell them. Not that you cannot sell them.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    People not using the bazaar because of the plat cap is a tiny issue? Also I am not saying it is an issue that I can't sell the item rather it is impacting prices in general because those items are not going up for sale in the first place.

    And yes there are items in my bags that I have gotten through the monthly DBC claim heritage chest purchases that I won't use that I don't bother to sell through chat. Maybe if I was in need of plat I would consider it but I am not so I just don't sell them.
  6. fransisco Augur

    and round and round we go. Look at those goal posts moving. Its hypnotic
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Staying on the same topic that people don't sell in the bazaar because of the plat cap and don't want to bother with selling in chat is moving the goal posts?
  8. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

  9. Buds Augur

    I think the 2Mpp cap, makes the game look very old. Like it has some 8bit code it still runs on lol. I mean come on, you can't even update a max cap on something, because it's more digits!!?? What year is this?
  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I thought it was 0b11111101000.

    The cap should have been increased long ago. Perhaps I will live long enough to see it happen.
  11. Oldeqplayer Lorekeeper

    I cant wait for krono to leave the bazar soonest.

    Hope the 2 mil limit stays in place for many reason, if it helps, put in a Krono trader exchange.

    Let the Krono exchange work in a way where you deposit plat to take part in it, and you list your buying price or selling price and it executes 1 time a day, all the people who listed Krono - get the best prices executed that day - anyone's order who did not resolve - gets a refund the following day.

    Restrict all Krono from being traded player to player now, make it have to go via the krono exchange mail system - where you can fill out the characters name to send to, then that person you are sending to has to accept the krono, then it process' that night.

    Seems like this could help track more Krono and make purchasing them less sketchy. Also with just a wee bit of analytical tools, you can find the RMT'ers.

    Who am I kidding - this is all a pipe dream!
  12. Sookie New Member

    We already have Nobles as a potential currency. Why not just have a noble vendor that buys/sells them for full price in bazaar, and allow items posted on bazaar vendors to use Nobles as a currency?
  13. Domniatric Augur

    Nah, not on FV. And, I qualified this.

    You don't have to be a kronolord or RMT'r to want to participate in trading. Like Krono or not, you'd be kind of a fool to sit on tons of plat and not convert to Krono as a longer term investment. It's just obsolete to use the bazaar to do this on older servers. Which is what I was saying.

    On server like Mischief or FV you can be a normal player wanting to sell or buy raid gear and easily be above 2m.

    It's you know....Kind of the point of free trade servers. Liking trading doesn't make you a cheater.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If it was that simple they would have done it when they introduced nobles in the first place.
  15. Irisa Journeyman

    The problem is the bazaar interface is based on calculating all transactions as copper. The code change around that is not complex, the complexity is changing it to deal with 4 different currencies platinum, gold, silver and copper. it was done as a single currency because it was rushed. People forget we almost did not get bazaar with Luclin due to issues in the development cycle.

    Adding multiple currencies is the complication.
    Tarvas likes this.
  16. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    It always get me how almost every change in EQ is a mind-boggling, complex challenge needing top coders in the world!

    While I understand spaghetti code, undocumented over decades etc, it boils down to prioritisation and utilisation of whatever dev capabilities remain.

    The whole " if easy they would have already done it" trope is just a vacuous one most times.
  17. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    The cause of the original limitation no longer exists. Immediately before they fixed the limitation, they intentionally changed the limit from being 2,147,483.648 plat, an aspect of the 32-bit limitation of the original game coding, to 2,000,000.000 plat. They could now easily change this to whatever value they wish or remove the limit all together.
  18. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    You want to drive up the prices of Krono and ultra rare items even more. Because that is the only thing that the Bazaar/Barter limit of 2 million does. The prices on all things that currently sell for over 2 million plat would drop.

    There is a reason why the moment that Krono and ultra rares started going over the 2 million mark that they rapidly increased in price to the 3, 4, and then 5 million or more. There is no way for those who are buying to offer to buy for less than whatever people are advertising to sell them at. People previously were able to set up a buyer and purchase these items, but now the prices are so far over that 2 million mark, that none of the people who are looking to sell them and just want plat now and not wait for someone to buy it at max.
    fransisco likes this.
  19. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    What is the hard limit on the number of traders?

    Sorry, but people undercutting other sellers is not a problem. It is a benefit.
    fransisco likes this.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You are correct the cause of the issue hasn't existed and could have been fixed before they moved to 64 bit servers and clients. The issue is the number of things that would be impacted by the change as the bazaar isn't the only place that this code impacts. It is just a matter of when they are ready to do it.