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The Bazaar's 2mil plat cap is literally, and the devs admit this, the result of a design flaw. How m

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Montag Augur

    We understand that the issue is that the way coin is handled is done in coppers so that the max integer is capped at 2m plat etc.

    If no one on the team can figure out a fix for that or it's just deemed too risky or resource-intensive there are alternatives for this crippled core feature to be much closer to the usefulness every other game's auction house has.

    Add the ability to list items for nobles, kronos or a new noble-like currency.

    Add a new interface like /nobletrader /noblebaz if necessary.

    Would also be nice if offline traders didn't count as having a character logged in. This is the only game in the world that ties up a whole account just to have items on the auction house.
    Domniatric and KingTormax9 like this.
  2. junglevoodooman New Member

    But then they wouldn't get that extra sub money. We'll never see this change, because it caters too much towards pleasing the playerbase vs squeezing the playerbase
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Just because it is a known design flaw doesn't mean that it is simple to fix.
    Nolrog and fransisco like this.
  4. Montag Augur

    Okay. Do something hard.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If this was the only item on their radar in terms of what needs to be done for the game I am sure it would be done by now, but there are many other things that need to be done and it is just a matter of this issue becoming big enough of a priority.
  6. Montag Augur

    Cool. Let's make it a priority and keep letting them know what a problem it is for players.
  7. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    This would be a great way to eradicate that chat spam. If the limit were raised to allow Krono that is.

    But I think running a trader should be an all access benefit only. After all why would anyone pay for an account for the features that would be left?
  8. Irisa Journeyman

    The bazaar interface needs an overhaul, which by that I mean rebuilt from the ground up.

    As to priority...if they have time to entertain changing enchanter stuns due to power levelers....then somewhere the priorities are messed up. I am no fan of the PL enterprise....but players are participating...so that should not be the priority in my book.

    In other words we would not have an issue with people selling PL's if people refused to buy them.

    Trying to change game mechanics is HIGH HANGING FRUIT that should be last on the list.

    Bazaar platinum limitation has been an issue for a long time that is a known flaw and could be resolved and behind us.
  9. fransisco Augur

    Its simple, we DO NOT want it to be changed. Selling items via krono is annoying, so only those things that are worth krono get priced that way. The plat cap keeps inflation in check. If you had a unlimited plat cap, the bazaar prices would inflate rapidly.

    Lets look at who would benefit and lose out?
    Benefit: those who run the bazaar like a game and have so much plat its impossble to spend. Net gain? Nothing. They already have too much plat.
    Lose out: Everyone who buys stuff in the bazaar. Now plat becomes worth less.

    The only people who benefit from this will be the rmt farmers. Any change to benefit them is very bad for the game.
    Genoane likes this.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Still will be plenty of chat spam from people selling things that can't be sold in the bazaar such as PL, loot rights, and cross server selling of various marketplace items.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They are aware of this as an issue but they still need to consider the amount of work needed to make the change versus what they get from it and what they would have to put off to do the work. If/when they decide to do this they will have to give up on something else that they could have been working on.

    Personally I would rather switch to an auction house system for trading as it would eliminate other issues such as the trader cap on sellers in the bazaar and people being able to play games with prices by keeping their items as the lowest priced ones.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The amount of work in adding shared recast timers, target limits or otherwise adjusting a spell is very minor compared to fixing the bazaar plat limit issue or otherwise redoing it from the ground up. Not to mention that it will be different teams doing the work as it will be the designers doing the spell and the coders doing the bazaar.
  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    But is it really that much of a problem? You can still trade with others over that amount.

    There are hundreds of bugs in the bug forum which need fixing long before they even consider a major fix of how vendors deal with plat/copper.
  14. Domniatric Augur

    I think it is. It makes the bazaar increasingly obsolete as a server ages. Which is the exact opposite of what you would expect.

    It's probably not as big on a deal on servers that are not free trade. But, for ones that are, it is a pretty big pain.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Honestly the bazaar has problems besides the plat cap such as a hard limit on the number of traders and people using scripts to undercut other sellers. A better fix would be an auction house system similar to WoW that not only eliminates those two problems but lets people sell items without needing a dedicated trader character/account.
  16. fransisco Augur

    Bazaar is very valid and useful on live. The only people it causes an issue to are the RMT people and krono lords. Upping the plat cap is just a gift to all the RMT and cheaters with bot farming teams. IT'll let them put it all up in the baz instaed of having to sit around spamming trying to sell their ill gotten gains.

    The cap hurts rmt, so its good for the game.
    Tarvas likes this.
  17. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Nah, that’s not how it works at all. The plat cap helps the RMT crowd by requiring people to make more of an effort to sell and obscure actual prices. Laziness always prevails, and having to spam General to sell an item requires more work than listing it in the Bazaar.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  18. Buds Augur

    It is ridiculous, that this 2M limit still exists. The bazaar would be 100x better, if you could put higher end items on it.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Not to mention it keeps items off the market as players don't want to sell them in the bazaar for less then they are worth but don't want to spend time spamming channels to try and sell it.
    KushallaFV likes this.
  20. Elabone Augur

    In order for this you happen, you need to get about 100 players to like your first post and comment in this thread. Other than that, they are already aware of it, and dont care.