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Thanks for the subtle improvements.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Benito, Sep 21, 2022.

  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I highly appreciate the subtle improvements in recent patches:

    - Made improvements to how achievements are processed to further reduce zone lag.
    - Experience gain messages will now also display the percentage gained. This change currently only applies to regular experience (not AA).
    - Return Home should refresh in some cases where the zone you are trying to enter is unavailable.

    *** UI ***

    - Your current target should now be highlighted with an outline of their consider color in the Extended Target Window.
    - Updated the default location for hotbars 1-4 and updated bars 3-4 to show by default.
    - Fixed an issue that would add a duplicate item when using Link All from the Advanced Loot Window.
    - Updated the Bazaar and Merchant windows to include commas in the price of items.
    - Clicking on the Extended Target Window but not on a target should keep your current target and no longer target yourself.
    - Updated the Combat Skills Window to save the sorted column.
    - Right-clicking a combat ability hotkey will now open up the Combat Skills window and select that combat ability.
    - Alphabetized the list of commands when using /help.
    - Updated the Claim window to better indicate if a feature is unavailable to claim.
    - Fixed a problem with the Chat Options button on the Login Server's chat window being inaccessible.
    - Added tooltip information explaining what the aggro numbers in Group and the Extended Target windows mean.
    - Added the ability to output a filtered (Complete, Open, and/or Locked) list of your achievements using either a new button in the achievements window or the slash command: /outputfile achievements.

    - Added chat messages when cancelling or completing a trade.
    - Updated trade chat messaging to include the quantity of items or coin offered. These messages will now display for both the sender and recipient using the System Messages chat filter.
    Mordaz, Nennius, Chikkin and 8 others like this.
  2. Free2Play1999 Lorekeeper

    It's always a good update when afterwards I can log in and not have to reset my UI.
    Schadenfreude and Hobitses like this.
  3. Zunnoab Augur

    This is definitely an extremely great patch. What's funny is I only first started actively playing alts with more than a couple combat abilities and I was shocked how much harder it was to pull up what they do. That's a great change.
    Hobitses, minimind, Dre. and 3 others like this.
  4. Cidran Augur

    Cool patch, very welcome additions and on top of it all, the servers were back up lightning fast. Thanks!
    Meeko and klanderso like this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Experience gain message is annoying, the rest is cool.

    I spend most of the year doing AA exp and not level exp, that 0.00 exp is already becoming annoying and freaking me out that I'm not getting any exp for killing stuffs. :mad:
  6. Tevik Augur

    Is there a way to limit the achievements output to only open achievements using the slash command?
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Didn't read the patch notes before logging in. Hit the Bazaar before logging out.

    ZOMG!!!! What a nice change, thanks!
    Chikkin, Hobitses, Ndaara and 6 others like this.
  8. SilentWave Journeyman

    Yes! Thank you for what seems to be a good patch so far. The extra/improvement stuff were cool additions! And best of all...for that hour or two I played after servers were up again, EQ was behaving like normal again (smooth & barely any lag). I am crossing my fingers that it will continue to stay this way.
    Meeko and klanderso like this.
  9. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    This blew my mind. My brain has always had trouble quickly telling the difference between 200000 and 2000000. The commas make a world of difference. Thank you Daybreak and friends.
    Ileasa, Hobitses, minimind and 2 others like this.
  10. klanderso Augur

    This is the exact reason why I wanted to do this. We do team playtests and I decided to be a warrior (because I like tanking :D) and was super annoyed at how obnoxious it was to figure out which skills did what or which were better than the ones on my hotbars. I have no idea how people dealt with it as it was for so long.

    As someone who absolutely cannot count how many digits long numbers have on a screen, I'm right there with you. I didn't do this one, but I'm very glad we did it :)
    Andarriel, Nennius, Chikkin and 14 others like this.
  11. Meeko Developer(Code)

    One day I'll have commas added to all the numbers in EQ. Life goal of mine.
    Raazael, Coagagin, Nennius and 17 others like this.
  12. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I don't play melee/disc chars often, but when I do, I open the combat abilities window and make it nice and tall, then sort by timer. That gets all iterations of a disc together, and then you can see which is best by the level of the ability. But that's not the hard part! ........

    The hard part is finding (on a char you don't play often) if you already have a hotkey for an ability. With 10 hotbars x 12 slots, it can be tough to see where a hotkey might be. The next improvement to make is to have a "show hotkey" button in combat abilities and AA windows, to flash onscreen where the hotkey you already made is hiding ;)
    Wdor, Rijacki, Meeko and 1 other person like this.
  13. Svann2 The Magnificent

    But whatabout the Europeans!
  14. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    But it's so amusing to find you have several hotkeys already for "summon banker" when you started to make a new one 'cause you didn't see the others. (not the only one I have made multiples of on some characters, just one that can be on all)
    Tatanka likes this.
  15. Soulbanshee Augur

    Doesn't appear so. Open achievements window, use the "Show" boxes to filter, then click the output to file button.
  16. Zunnoab Augur

    The whole spaces instead of commas, and commas instead of decimal points thing hurts my head. But then there are Indian numbers.

    You can hold right click and assign icons.
  17. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    I still have no idea what bits or points are, or why they are included every time a raid ends, and why currency was removed. =)
    Also, getting exp with 0% messages was a huge improvement!
  18. Inga Elder

    Would you make the numbers right aligned?

    Bazaar window is shown this way right now.


    Please change to the following way so that we can distinguish easily.


    I asked same change when NPC merchant window is updated five years ago and it is modified.
    Please consider my suggestion.;)
    Arkanny and Meeko like this.
  19. Meeko Developer(Code)

    Consider it considered.
    Arkanny, Coagagin, Stymie and 8 others like this.
  20. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    When you right click on the Discs you have placed in the Combat Abilities window, a menu appears showing your disciples sorted by type / timer / level. This is great.

    However, how about adding above the Auras or below the Utility Detrimental (looking at monk, other classes may be different) a "Show Combat Skills Information" which upon choosing it opens up your Combat Skills window and goes with to that discipline. Much like the nice way you added right clicking a discipline or Alternate Ability in a hot bar.

    Thank you.