Thank you very much.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mazame, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. Mazame Augur

    I just want to thank the dev team for this patch. I am very pleased with the changes and I know most of the time only the negative post are made so I thought I would post a thank you.
  2. Bigstomp Augur

    I'm happy with the Hiatus changes, as well as the fade changes. Fade is an escape ability for my characters. A little cost and (large but acceptable) timer change for higher levels and 100% working I'm happy with.

    If I'm needing to fade every 3 mins I'm doing something wrong.

    I would like to see another AA added though that fills the role of (clr, war) fade in raids. Drop us off ramp without having to blow a long recast ability.
    Warpeace likes this.
  3. Warpeace Augur

    This would be good.
  4. Iven the Lunatic

    From the perspectives of rogue and bard I like the changes. Imo Escape should had stayed a rogue only AA feature or only extended to a few selected classes like ranger (outdoor zones only) and bard but with restrictions. Not sure what the point of the leap series is and why every class has it. Faster travel ? Escaping mobs ? Bypassing mobs that see invis ? In a RPG and especially in MMORPGs classes should be defined very differently and their borders not be softened by abilities that everyone will get and use.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  5. Dewey Augur

    I hate the change; however, it is better than what was originally posted. So thank you for changing it.
  6. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    It's very nice to see death's effigy returned to it's original effectiveness, even if there is now a small mana cost to it.