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Thank you to the artists of EQ

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nennius, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I have a rogue that has been scrounging the newest expansion's zones for collectibles. This has given me the opportunity to just explore and enjoy the work and thought that went into this latest expansion. It is beautiful. It is also a bit complex here and there with lots of ramps and ladders.

    Well done!
    Roxas MM, Tallie, KarmaKitty and 5 others like this.
  2. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    I've enjoyed running around with my bard just exploring (and maybe picking up glowies.. cannot confirm nor deny a bit of addiction to glowies). The new zones are so beautiful and unique.
    code-zero and Nennius like this.
  3. Tuco Augur

    I love the new zones too. I'm enjoying horsing around with the adjucators in the big tree house in pallomen.

    Only thing I'm missing is a big ole nasty dungeon!!!
    Metanis likes this.
  4. Metanis Bad Company

    I agree, the artwork is likely the best thing about the new expansion!

    Also, I think I'm going to setup my group on that top platform 3-pop for the adjudicators and then use knockback spells to auto-pull the rest of the treehouse! :)
  5. Micker99 Augur

    Yes, the artwork is great in the new expansions. I like the little animals etc also. I agree that a good Dungeon is what this game is about! We need a Lower Guk 2.0
  6. Iven Suggestions Bard

    LDoN 2.0 .... next year ... maybe ?
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Speaking of art I really like the background pic for the forum site.