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Not A Bug Textures on wine 9.1 not shown for some items

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Egot, Feb 3, 2024.

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  1. Egot Elder

    Shield of the Seneschal and Effigy of the Scorned both show as white objects
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    CatsPaws likes this.
  3. Drewie Augur

    A few items and NPCs have plain white textures, for example the old world brew barrels and ovens in PoK, Frans Henkal at main bank, Angler Winifred's fishing rod, or the lizardman model in various zones. This might be fixed over the next months when they start reworking these old textures. Most annoying is the random client crash caused by some unknown buggy texture somewhere.
  4. Egot Elder

    yeah a few of the PoK textures are missing, Frans is missing textures, mod rod texture looking things from wizard Staff of the Wheel, and Cazic Thule zone lizards
  5. Cairbrae Developer

    While this is not a bug as it's reported against an unsupported platform, the underlying issues are being addressed. So this is also a Duplicate report. Thank you.
    Drewie, Raccoo, fransisco and 3 others like this.
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