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Test Update 8/5/2014 - Pet Changes Round Two

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by Aristo, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Aristo Developer

    Please test and post your findings here. Every focusable pet has had its AC increased, swarm pets got a bigger boost than standard pets, and Earth pets got a bit more than swarm pets got. We'd like to know how these changes affect you as you're playing, whether it's solo/molo, small groups, or full groups.

    As always, parses are important. Knowing what pet you're using, what focus it has, what it's fighting, and what it's buffed with is important when posting parses as well. Hit distribution is especially important if you can add it.

    Please try to spend your effort on getting data to us and not on being mad at people who don't agree with you. Disagreements don't need to turn in to blood feuds, even if this is, technically, the Internet.
    sojero, Tarvas, Fenudir and 2 others like this.
  2. feiddan Augur

    Having issues getting into the game.

    I've patched, I get to server select screen, the game loads… and that's as far as I can get.

    Instead of the character select screen, I get a "You have been disconnected." A few minutes ago, it was sending me back to server select.
  3. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Same as Feiddan.
  4. Aristo Developer

    I was wondering why I was alone on the server... I bet it's because of this morning's hotfix. We'll get it resolved asap.
    Yinla likes this.
  5. Aristo Developer

    Server's up and unlocked now. Sorry about the delay.
  6. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Swarm pets still coming out at 66% health without being touched by anything.
  7. Piemastaj Augur

    That is design now.

    They can't figure out how to make pets come out full health because of the AAs and such increasing their base health pools. Our normal pets start at like 70% HP also.
    Gyurika Godofwar and guado like this.
  8. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Just finished up Argin Hiz Partisan #1.

    EM18 Water pet tanking, jewelry, weapons, mage buffs, merc buff. Cycled in abilities whenever needed. I was playing a mage.

    Pet DPS:

    /G Combined: Shopkeeper Mariana in 1648s, 33078k @20071sdps -- Akirage 13363k @8109sdps

    Pet Tanking:

    /G Tanking summary for: Akirage -- Total damage: 8323403 -- Avg hit: 4942 -- Swings: 3070 -- Defended: 1140 (37.1%) -- Hit: 1684 (54.9%) -- Missed: 246 (8%) -- Accuracy: 87.3% -- Dodged: 86 (3.2%) -- Parried: 88 (3.1%) -- Blocked: 210 (6.8%) -- Riposted: 119 (4.3%) -- Absorbed: 637 (20.7%)



    Interesting to note, that was today after the patch. LAST night, before the patch, I started the HA in Tower of Rot, and the water pet yielded this next graph after 15 mobs. I went to bed before finishing mission.

    Elricvonclief likes this.
  9. strongbus Augur

    i was never ready good at testing stuff like this all I want to know is if necro war pet is going be better then a tank merc. I don't care if a mage pet can tank circles round it. just long as necro war pet can tank stuff for me boxing or in a group lol
  10. Piemastaj Augur

    We have multiple fades both of them are under 10 minutes on their cooldowns. Something like 5:45 on drape and 6:30 on cloak?

    Does nothing at all to bring anything about class balance to this topic though. They have good stuff, we have good stuff leave it at that. Necros parse your pets, Mages parse yours.
  11. Hakuja New Member

    incase you guys missed this. This is the forum people come to, to review the parses and different statistical things dealing with the nerf. Not cuss each other out or express your views here is the link to the forum you can do it on. So lets leave this one for people who want to see the stats thanks!

    guado likes this.
  12. Blkrabbit New Member

    Don't have a parser loaded.. But considering how fast my pet is dying I don't see how it matters.

    Em20 Earth Pet. Burnout, Ice flame, Fortify. J5 Cleric Merc on Reactive. Followed by using Frenzy, VT and doom heal. Hit replenish and Second wind less then a minute into the fight.

    Pet died to Roon... twice before I could burn him down.

    Granted I'm not using EVERY SINGLE THING. I could be using. The idea I have to use EVERY SINGLE THING I've got to burn down a junk named is... disturbing.

    Final thought. Whatever boast you gave to earth pets was not nearly enough. Saw a fellow mage try to use a Water pet on Roon for some odd reason. The results where even more laughable.
  13. Piemastaj Augur

    You use water to see the rest of the changes considering he said he boosted AC on all focusable pets. Can't merely test out Earth and assume the rest will be peachy.
  14. Nylrem Augur

    EM20 Earth pet, burnout rk3, iceflame rk3, 2 hate proccing weapons, cleric merc buffs, and that's it.

    Shoon @ 1484s

    /tell Nylrem Mobstopper -vs- Shoon: -- DMG: 3617210 -- DPS: 2439 -- Scaled: 2437 -- Slash: 2965839 -- DirDmg: 536152 -- Bash: 75654 -- Kick: 39565 -- % dmg as normal: 62.4% -- % dmg as critical: 37.6% -- Non-crit rate: 79.8% -- crit rate: 20.2% -- Attempts: 7374 -- Hits: 5223 -- Missed: 1378 -- Defended: 773 -- Accuracy: 79.1% -- Avg Hit: 692 -- Max hit: 2336 -- DMG to PC: 17832897

    /GU Tanking summary for: Mobstopper (Nylrem) --- Total damage: 17832897 --- Avg hit: 9440 --- Swings: 2904 --- Defended: 740 (25.5%) --- Hit: 1889 (65%) --- Missed: 275 (9.5%) --- Accuracy: 87.3% --- Dodged: 61 (2.4%) --- Parried: 75 (2.8%) --- Blocked: 178 (6.1%) --- Riposted: 93 (3.5%) --- Absorbed: 333 (11.5%)

    used only 'hits' to attempt to get a true DI20, no idea what happened:

    Mobstopper (Nylrem) - vs - Shoon
    Attempts 2719 100%
    Missed 254 9.34%
    Dodged 57 2.1%
    Parried 70 2.57%
    Blocked 170 6.25%
    Riposted 87 3.2%
    Absorbed 315 11.59%
    3496 12 0.44%
    3884 532 19.57%
    4330 5 0.18%
    4811 80 2.94%
    5165 2 0.07%
    5738 71 2.61%
    5999 1 0.04%
    6665 70 2.57%
    6833 1 0.04%
    7592 69 2.54%
    7667 1 0.04%
    8501 5 0.18%
    8518 66 2.43%
    9335 4 0.15%
    9445 72 2.65%
    10170 2 0.07%
    10372 72 2.65%
    11004 1 0.04%
    11299 70 2.57%
    11838 3 0.11%
    12226 59 2.17%
    12672 1 0.04%
    13153 62 2.28%
    13507 1 0.04%
    14080 56 2.06%
    15007 73 2.68%
    15934 51 1.88%
    16009 1 0.04%
    16843 1 0.04%
    16861 49 1.8%
    17787 45 1.66%
    18512 1 0.04%
    18714 45 1.66%
    19346 1 0.04%
    19641 33 1.21%
    19743 1 0.04%
    20568 30 1.1%
    21495 117 4.3%

    IMO, EM20 Earth is about where it should be. 1 cleric merc on reactive & 1 on balanced, pretty much kept pet alive. Pet dropped below 30% maybe a dozen times, when I helped heal with my cleric.
    Elricvonclief and Fenudir like this.
  15. Magik Journeyman

    The pets are not even close, not even in the ballpark of where they should be!! It's not even worth parsing, I don't need a parser to tell me I died because my pet is so awful it died running away from a mob. I thought I was seeing things. And the poster above.. You think that with two healers healing your pet against a trash named AND you having to help heal to keep it alive is Ok????!!!! My mage himself can tank that named with two merc healers!! Completely unacceptable at this point, have zero interest in playing now.
    Numzan likes this.
  16. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    This type of attitude is a big problem with what's happening.

    It's not your game. You have zero control over what is acceptable.

    You should be providing meaningful feedback, and the devs will tell you what will be.
    Elricvonclief and Fenudir like this.
  17. Pyemia Elder

    All fights were against, "A corrupted Akhevan" in PoS.
    97 Warrior Necro pet. Pet has merc buffs and pet haste only. No armor. EM20.
    Merc healing on reactive.
    No spells cast by Necro. This was purely the pet beating on the mob, the mob beating on the pet, Merc healing.

    NPC DPS -- 6956
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 4048160 --- Avg hit: 4802 --- Swings: 1152 --- Defended: 229 (19.9%) --- Hit: 843 (73.2%) --- Missed: 80 (6.9%) --- Accuracy: 91.3% --- Dodged: 31 (3.1%) --- Parried: 39 (3.6%) --- Blocked: 72 (6.3%) --- Riposted: 45 (4.3%) --- Absorbed: 42 (3.6%)
    NPC DPS -- 7295
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 4223874 --- Avg hit: 4751 --- Swings: 1149 --- Defended: 169 (14.7%) --- Hit: 889 (77.4%) --- Missed: 91 (7.9%) --- Accuracy: 90.7% --- Dodged: 29 (2.8%) --- Parried: 33 (3%) --- Blocked: 46 (4%) --- Riposted: 33 (3.1%) --- Absorbed: 28 (2.4%)
    NPC DPS -- 7791
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 4440716 --- Avg hit: 4983 --- Swings: 1133 --- Defended: 174 (15.4%) --- Hit: 891 (78.6%) --- Missed: 68 (6%) --- Accuracy: 92.9% --- Dodged: 37 (3.6%) --- Parried: 27 (2.5%) --- Blocked: 56 (4.9%) --- Riposted: 30 (2.9%) --- Absorbed: 24 (2.1%)
    NPC DPS -- 77210
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 4217926 --- Avg hit: 4837 --- Swings: 1131 --- Defended: 182 (16.1%) --- Hit: 872 (77.1%) --- Missed: 77 (6.8%) --- Accuracy: 91.9% --- Dodged: 34 (3.4%) --- Parried: 28 (2.6%) --- Blocked: 61 (5.4%) --- Riposted: 31 (3%) --- Absorbed: 28 (2.5%)
    NPC DPS -- 6872
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 3985863 --- Avg hit: 4808 --- Swings: 1116 --- Defended: 200 (17.9%) --- Hit: 829 (74.3%) --- Missed: 87 (7.8%) --- Accuracy: 90.5% --- Dodged: 26 (2.7%) --- Parried: 39 (3.7%) --- Blocked: 67 (6%) --- Riposted: 34 (3.4%) --- Absorbed: 34 (3%)
    Pet didn't die once.

    Test Server before today's "tuning":
    NPC DPS -- 8760
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 1835554 --- Avg hit: 6018 --- Swings: 417 --- Defended: 72 (17.3%) --- Hit: 305 (73.1%) --- Missed: 40 (9.6%) --- Accuracy: 88.4% --- Dodged: 13 (3.6%) --- Parried: 9 (2.3%) --- Blocked: 20 (4.8%) --- Riposted: 24 (6.2%) --- Absorbed: 6 (1.4%)
    NPC DPS -- 9067
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 2501428 --- Avg hit: 6222 --- Swings: 524 --- Defended: 93 (17.7%) --- Hit: 402 (76.7%) --- Missed: 29 (5.5%) --- Accuracy: 93.3% --- Dodged: 11 (2.4%) --- Parried: 14 (2.9%) --- Blocked: 33 (6.3%) --- Riposted: 17 (3.6%) --- Absorbed: 18 (3.4%)
    NPC DPS -- 8879
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 2501428 --- Avg hit: 6222 --- Swings: 524 --- Defended: 93 (17.7%) --- Hit: 402 (76.7%) --- Missed: 29 (5.5%) --- Accuracy: 93.3% --- Dodged: 11 (2.4%) --- Parried: 14 (2.9%) --- Blocked: 33 (6.3%) --- Riposted: 17 (3.6%) --- Absorbed: 18 (3.4%)
    NPC DPS -- 13223
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 287837 --- Avg hit: 6853 --- Swings: 48 --- Defended: 4 (8.3%) --- Hit: 42 (87.5%) --- Missed: 2 (4.2%) --- Accuracy: 95.5% --- Dodged: 1 (2.2%) --- Parried: 1 (2.1%) --- Blocked: 1 (2.1%) --- Riposted: 1 (2.2%) --- Absorbed: 0 (0%)
    NPC DPS -- 9532
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 1713673 --- Avg hit: 6442 --- Swings: 342 --- Defended: 55 (16.1%) --- Hit: 266 (77.8%) --- Missed: 21 (6.1%) --- Accuracy: 92.7% --- Dodged: 5 (1.7%) --- Parried: 10 (3.2%) --- Blocked: 26 (7.6%) --- Riposted: 12 (3.9%) --- Absorbed: 2 (0.6%)
    Pet died all 5 times.

    Test Server after today's "tuning":
    NPC DPS -- 8988
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 2588625 --- Avg hit: 6329 --- Swings: 523 --- Defended: 77 (14.7%) --- Hit: 409 (78.2%) --- Missed: 37 (7.1%) --- Accuracy: 91.7% --- Dodged: 14 (3%) --- Parried: 11 (2.2%) --- Blocked: 31 (5.9%) --- Riposted: 15 (3.1%) --- Absorbed: 6 (1.1%)
    NPC DPS -- 9279
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 3164229 --- Avg hit: 6156 --- Swings: 686 --- Defended: 113 (16.5%) --- Hit: 514 (74.9%) --- Missed: 59 (8.6%) --- Accuracy: 89.7% --- Dodged: 15 (2.5%) --- Parried: 23 (3.6%) --- Blocked: 41 (6%) --- Riposted: 28 (4.5%) --- Absorbed: 6 (0.9%)
    NPC DPS -- 9708
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 2543590 --- Avg hit: 6538 --- Swings: 506 --- Defended: 89 (17.6%) --- Hit: 389 (76.9%) --- Missed: 28 (5.5%) --- Accuracy: 93.3% --- Dodged: 11 (2.5%) --- Parried: 17 (3.5%) --- Blocked: 24 (4.7%) --- Riposted: 31 (6.7%) --- Absorbed: 6 (1.2%)
    NPC DPS -- 10143
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 1572232 --- Avg hit: 6288 --- Swings: 308 --- Defended: 42 (13.6%) --- Hit: 250 (81.2%) --- Missed: 16 (5.2%) --- Accuracy: 94% --- Dodged: 5 (1.8%) --- Parried: 10 (3.4%) --- Blocked: 14 (4.5%) --- Riposted: 9 (3.2%) --- Absorbed: 4 (1.3%)
    NPC DPS -- 9115
    Tanking summary for: Sepsis --- Total damage: 2214887 --- Avg hit: 6169 --- Swings: 477 --- Defended: 89 (18.7%) --- Hit: 359 (75.3%) --- Missed: 29 (6.1%) --- Accuracy: 92.5% --- Dodged: 19 (4.6%) --- Parried: 10 (2.2%) --- Blocked: 29 (6.1%) --- Riposted: 27 (6.2%) --- Absorbed: 4 (0.8%)

    I don't see much, if any change for the Necro warrior pet.

    The mobs were consistently doing between 7k and 8k DPS on the healer merc once my pet had died... Boy, I wish my pet could tank as well as my healer merc... How sad is that?
  18. Pyemia Elder

    Just for fun...

    My Necro
    NPC DPS -- 8365
    Tanking summary for: Pyemiae --- Total damage: 1338352 --- Avg hit: 7736 --- Swings: 273 --- Defended: 53 (19.4%) --- Hit: 173 (63.4%) --- Missed: 47 (17.2%) --- Accuracy: 78.6% --- Dodged: 31 (12.4%) --- Parried: 0 (0%) --- Blocked: 22 (8.1%) --- Riposted: 0 (0%) --- Absorbed: 0 (0%)

    That was obviously a quick parse...but I'm betting it holds. The necro warrior pet tanks about as well as the necro who summoned the pet.

    I really wish this was a joke...
  19. Kunon Augur

    Initial testing is getting the same thing with EM20 Necro Warrior Pet.
    No noticeable change from last week to today.
    I still tank better than it does. While I take slightly more damage per hit I get hit quite a bit less due to superior avoidance.

    Holding onto the parses until I have a more comprehensive collection that narrows down the range of variation for a more adequate depiction of the changes.
  20. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Back to Test.

    Started Partisan #2 with EM18 Fire Pet, all relevent buffs from mage, and a merc healer. I got my peppers and called it good for the fire pet.

    Pet DPS:

    /G Combined: A murkweb spider in 855s, 15096k @17616sdps -- Akirage 5007k @5842sdps

    Pet Tanking:

    /G Tanking summary for: Akirage -- Total damage: 3872427 -- Avg hit: 6107 -- Swings: 1302 -- Defended: 580 (44.5%) -- Hit: 634 (48.7%) -- Missed: 88 (6.8%) -- Accuracy: 87.8% -- Dodged: 51 (4.5%) -- Parried: 45 (3.7%) -- Blocked: 90 (6.9%) -- Riposted: 33 (2.8%) -- Absorbed: 361 (27.7%)


    (((((Combined damage done to swarm pets for the duration of Part #1 and first step of #2:

    /G Tanking summary for: Akilon`s pet -- Total damage: 797887 -- Avg hit: 9973 -- Swings: 103 -- Defended: 14 (13.6%) -- Hit: 80 (77.7%) -- Missed: 9 (8.7%) -- Accuracy: 89.9% -- Dodged: 2 (2.2%) -- Parried: 3 (3%) -- Blocked: 3 (2.9%) -- Riposted: 6 (6.2%) -- Absorbed: 0 (0%))))))

    Back to fire pets tanking.



    The hit distributions look really really good.

    With the fire pet, it's the HPS that show. Even though the incoming damage is pretty low, and the spread is still highly favorable, each round is 20-40% of the pets health.

    This kind of looks like it will one day lead to being in the same position as we are now, unless health vs current content is always carefully considered for each pet, for each expansion / content release.
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