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Test Update 8/13/2024 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Aug 13, 2024.

  1. EQ Dev Developer

    This thread is for new bugs and how to reproduce them only. Please keep all opinions, discussions, posts about balance, and anything else in the other thread.
    Patch notes and discussions thread
  2. Hamshire Augur

    The new tower mission needs heavily nerfed or at least the level60 version does. At level60 you fight four mobs at once, the boss which hits for 500 and three adds that hit for 200 all while stacking debuffs are going out that drain your endurance, mana, and slow you. These mobs also have extremely high accuracy and higher health then your average level60 group mob. The boss and adds can be slowed, the adds can be snared ( I do not know if they can be charmed or mezzed ). A knight can prob handle this but a warrior will not, by the time a warrior gets 1-2 targets under control they will lose aggro on them while trying to get the other 1-2 targets under control and keep in mind this is all while being slowed. Killing the adds is also not an option because they have to much health and instantly respawn. IF the adds can even be mezzed this will 100% require an Enchanter if you bring a Warrior. Even Bringing a Knight I feel it would be sketchy due all that out going damage on one person all while a slow, mana drain, and endurance drain is going out.

    TLDR - no casual group will be able to do this mission at lvl60 in its current state and vets will have id consider an extremely hard time as well and thats with bringing the correct classes. Even doing this mission at low levels I think would be hard because of the mana drain, you lose a pet? Can't cast another because you will be out of mana. A simple fix? Make it so it doesn't spawn the adds, honestly I feel that the adds even spawning in the first place might be a bug.

    nitpicky part - in the quest window, the final thing you fight is a wyvern which you must investigate but in the quest window it says investigate the pile of weapons.
  3. alanus Augur

    One minor bug with the new Tower quest. The description of where the nests are is not very accurate. It lists northwest, northeast and north. There's not one northwest, it's more north-central, north-mideast and north-east