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Test Update 5/9/2023 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, May 9, 2023.

  1. magikarp Augur

    does it work for earth ele mage pets?
  2. Senlronia Lorekeeper

    Tested earth pet, does not seem to operate the same way as enchanter pets are
  3. strongbus Augur

    used my necro on test and it was the same necro pet had no issues. wounder if ench reg pet has the same issue or is it just charmed pets.
  4. magikarp Augur

    i was able to produce an effect by /dueling a magician and attacking their pet. it gets locked to the pvp player, and mobs will not attack it. they go straight for the mage in a motm type fashion, and if rooted, the mob will just stare at the mage helplessly while the pet chips it down

    edit: for clarity
  5. Willulearn Journeyman

    Starting a character like I would from a TLP. No Merc. At lvl 7 with druid, got thorns and took on multiple Kobolds in steamfont. These have always been a bit odd on when/if they run, but now when multiple are on single character at the same time, they start to run really early... like 45% is the number I have been seeing. Just my first observation, but its very consistent
  6. Sdoofbuc Augur

    It was very frustrating. Happened 5 times in a row. I started putting my merc on passive, then changing it after I attack a mob.