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Test Update 4/12/2022 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    My biggest worry for pickpocket is they mess the rogue epic up.

    Stupid idiot in Temple of Sol Ro still won't talk to me, other NPCs in there will. :mad:
    Rasper Helpdesk likes this.
  2. Inga Elder

    Though I checked this on test server, it may not be new and happening on live server, too.

    22nd Anniversary mission Unity difficulty is scaling up after initial release max level (115).

    When a level 110 character entered the instance, the mob at zone in (a scout) was level 108.
    I added a level 117 character to the mission. When that character zoned, the same mob become level 115 (7 levels higher).
    The level 117 character died and become level 116. When the level 116 character entered the zone again, the mob become level 114.

    As this quest is introduced when max level is 115, it should stop scaling at that level.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  3. NymeriaDaWolf New Member

    I just cast an MGB buff in the GL. I got specialization: alteration skill increase messages from 50 through 260.
    Svann2 likes this.