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Test Update 10/13/2022 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. EQ Dev Developer

    This thread is for new bugs and how to reproduce them only. Please keep all opinions, discussions, posts about balance, and anything else in the other thread.
    Patch notes and discussions thread
  2. Deloehne Augur

    I have had duplicated or in some cases triplicated my overseer agents. This is the case for common, uncommon, rare and elite agents.
  3. Deloehne Augur

    This did not affect two three other of my accounts. It may be related to testcopying a toon which is also doing Overseer quests, but this has not happened before. Logging and doing a second test copy cleared the issue.
  4. Deloehne Augur

    This AM a toon "Dipps" on Povar experienced this same issue, which cleared again by logging to Char select and back into Povar.
  5. bowlernick New Member

    I am trying to do Overseer. It's taken 23 minutes just to get to the point where I can select 5 quests to start. What's going on? This is happening on both of my accounts.
  6. Archayne New Member

    Combat Abilities are not showing in the Combat Skills Window. 63SK. Just bought and learned 5 new abilities. Only 3 are showing in the list. I have hotkeys for Fearless and Resistant Discs... And they work, but they are not showing in the Combat Skills window as well.

    Here's a list of what I purchased and memmed:
    <all prior to 60>
    Tome of Soul Guard
    Tome of Leechcurse
    Tome of Deflection
    Tome of Ichor Guard
    Tome of Unholy Aura

    Here's what's showing in the list currently:
    Deflection Disc
    Leechcourse Disc
    Unholy Aura Disc
  7. ChunkyViking New Member

    Also experiencing the same issue.

    114 Rogue (created on Test, /testbuff used) no longer has Throw Stone, Elbow Strike, or Focused Will Discipline displaying in the Combat Skills window but they are still assignable via Combat Abilities buttons.

    I created a new rogue, did /testbuff, they have those three discs available to them and properly displaying within the Combat Skills window.

    Created a fresh EQ install and logged in from there, Issue still persisted.
  8. Archayne New Member

    So this is SOOPER picky and not a huge deal. But ... When I open the advanced loot window and select someone on my team to loot all via the "Set All To:" drop down? It clears when I level. So when I ding from 69 to 70, I have to re-select the loot mule again in the ADVL window via "Set All To:"
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  9. Thunderkiks Augur

    Yeah it's super annoying for me power leveling my chars :)