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Test Update 1/9/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. Nennius Curmudgeon

    " The Spirit of the Lost collectible finder can now locate Year of Darkpaw collection item spawns.
    - Fixed an issue with the 'Mind Your Steppe' collection from Timorous Falls not dropping correctly."

    Thank you.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  2. Allayna Augur

    I don't see Champion's Oath or Reaver's Bargain implementation in the patch notes, any updates on these two promised abilities from ...2022.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  3. Roguexx Journeyman

    So you are updating the Chase Loot weapons, but not the NoS Raid weapons on which they are based? Call me crazy, but that does not make much sense.
    Kaenneth, Fleebagg, Metanis and 3 others like this.
  4. chronicler Augur

    What is that really good for ? You know what it use, so ????
  5. Koutarou_E'ci Augur

    If you want to change your pet's weapon loadout for a different proc
    Rijacki, Keeden and Hobs like this.
  6. Thunderkiks Augur

    - added a confirmation popup when selecting the UI reset checkbox on the Character Select screen.

    I love you!
    minimind and Ozon like this.
  7. Marton Augur

    No fix for swarm pets?
  8. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    There was a way to equip both, but I bug reported it and it's since been fixed.
  9. Ozadar Elder

    Actually, I still am waiting on bags opening on top of the inventory window in the new UI. Still using the old UI until this is fixed.

    Ozadar of Zek
    Ascending Dawn
  10. Brickhaus Augur

    So ... memoryforged weapons are now better than NoS raid T1 weapons ... weapons that were "earned" rather than some lucky lottery system?

    It's fine if you want to bump memoryforged weapons. But you should bump NoS raid T1 weapons to match (well, and NoS T2 while you are at it).

    Getting tired of half-rear fixes to issues you introduced to the game. Stop producing half-done solutions to problems you created by poor planning (see the current UI conversion debacle for another example).

    [tinfoilhat on]
    It would seem from the outside that you are worried the market for these items would not produce the krono sales you are accustomed to and therefore, they must be changed.
    [tinfoilhat off]
    Thunderkiks, Fenthen and Yinla like this.
  11. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    Its a plot to make people play the new content.

    They're substantially worse than LS t1raid items.
  12. Brildon Augur

    the main point of the quest is to fix faction isn't it? what's the point of the xp on that quest other than for exploiters
    Rijacki and jeskola like this.
  13. Ozon Augur

    The chase weapons are now significantly better ratio than NoS T2 raid weapons, can we assume that NoS T2 will be boosted in the future?
  14. Cicelee Augur

    They will, after every account that can buy LS buys it. Otherwise for those that don't have LS, this is the carrot they can dangle in front of those accounts to buy...
  15. Pikollo Augur

    Just about everyone I know has used the quest to level new chars to 20. For a long time its been the use. Its probably how the people who exploit it knew to use it.

    I fully understand leveling to 20 isn't a big deal. Using the wine quest made it extremely easy which is why a lot of people used it. The main problem is it takes one person to ruin that for people. I'm sure other measures could have taken place. Such as capping the xp you get at level 20.

    Also just to note. It'd take a ton of money and wine to go past 20. I remember Rasper calculating it once and it was millions or so to get to 60? Its not even worth exploiting. It just happened so the easy route is to remove xp for everyone.
  16. Moege Augur

    Chase weapons are attunable so tradable, not much of a carrot.
  17. Moege Augur

    This could go to 200% in some zones 100% barely makes a difference and you are still surrounded by darkness.
    fransisco likes this.
  18. Ravenbeauty New Member

    Does this mean that rediculous 5 min raid timer?
    - - Player characters will no longer suffer longer combat rest lockouts.
  19. Evurkvest Augur

    While your working on filters make the "You have gained 2 ability point(s)! You now have 48 ability point(s)." type of messages go in to Experience Messages
    fransisco likes this.
  20. Evurkvest Augur

    This will be pretty horrible when spider goes active after egg phase and also with the Lich porting around.