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Test Update 09/27/2022 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Sep 27, 2022.

  1. EQ Dev Developer

    This thread is for new bugs and how to reproduce them only. Please keep all opinions, discussions, posts about balance, and anything else in the other thread.
    Discussion Thread
  2. Bartlesen Lorekeeper

    Category: Quest [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Wed Sep 28 23:35:12 2022

    Character: Level 107 Ranger (Main)
    Zone: The Western Plains of Karana
    Location: -3699.28, -9187.05, -0.81, 466.27

    Target NPC: a crazed scarecrow
    Target Location: -3300.25, -9623.38, 28.75, 118.00

    Description: The Scarecrow Roundup holiday quest in West Karana is horribly buggy. I have six scarecrows rounded up in the corral so far and only 2 have given quest updates. Sometimes the pitchfork will not activate. The scarecrows will hare off in random directions. Perhaps this should be reworked so that you just have to click the scarecrows once for an update while they run off to the corral?
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Paladin Augur


    RE: The Rot Within & The Rot's Sporali (new NOTD Tasks #1 & #2)

    These tasks award a single (one) stat food (Petrifying Peanut Butter Cookie) and a single (1) stat drink (Ghoulish Grape Juice).

    Aren't these usually awarded five (5) at a time? If not, they should be.

    RE: Investing in the Infesting (new NOTD Task, #3)

    This task awards a Gruesome Gumdrop Familiar. If you do it a 2nd time, you get another Gruesome Gumdrop Familiar.

    I suggest that the Gruesome Gumdrop Familiar be made Lore, or Heirloom. Or maybe give it a nice tribute value!
    Bartlesen likes this.
  4. GlassDeviant New Member

    I don't know if this is new, but lots of the NPCs have letters missing from their quick text links, both on live servers and beta. If you click those links, they (obviously) don't work, although one can manually type the text over (or shift+uparrow) and add the missing letters at the end.

    This is happening with lots of NPCs in many zones so I assume it's due to some system wide change.