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Test Update 07/09/2024 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Sometimes running live and test at the same time will cause issues when test is changed.
  2. Deloehne Augur

    New observations. The server select screen acts as if it is loading left to right, starting about 50-70% of the way. The remaining load moves visibly across the screen. The same is true of the screen between server and character select, and for the main in-game screen when alt-tabbing in. The second character loaded on the same PC does not fill left to right, but 'flashes' into place over 1/4 to 1/2 a second (estimated, not measured). Alt-tabbing between accounts produced a flashing and a small upward shift in the account being tabbed into.
  3. Angahran Augur

    New UI engine is disabled.
    Maximized window.
    Overlap Task Bar not enabled.
    Auto Hide Taskbar not enabled.
    2 Monitors, EQ on Primary.

    Found a way to reproduce the screen flash.
    1. fill all bank slots with 40 slot or larger bags.
    2. open all of the bags, this will produce the missing icons bug.
    3. open all inventory slots.
    4. now, opening or closing any bag will cause the screen to flash.

    Hobs and Cairbrae like this.
  4. torach Journeyman

    After I patched yesterday the screen went from full screen to windowed.

    When I ended up in game, I switched to full screen mode and the thing went bananas. Everything was HUGE! The best I can do is play in windowed mode and extend the limits of the window, and even then I still have the windows task bar on the bottom. It sucks!

  5. Lenivaya Journeyman

    Gotta admit I have no idea what G-Sync is, but googling instructions it doesn't even show up in my nvidia control panel options, so I'm assuming it's not on.
    Cairbrae likes this.
  6. Demetri Augur

    It's a thing on some fancier monitors, not a video card thing at all to my knowledge.

    I'd wager if you had it, you'd know - from my experience every G-Sync monitor has a $100-200 upcharge versus comparable without.
  7. Deloehne Augur

    It appears that the screen movement on loading is largely resolved. The only remaining effect is a slight upward movement of the window (full screen mode) on alt-tabbing.

    The need to reset the default UI on first loading a new character has not resolved.
  8. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    G-Sync is a proprietary Nvidia technology. You need to have a compatible Nvidia video card for it. It is both a monitor and video card thing.

    The AMD version is called FreeSync.

    The generic standard is called Adaptive Sync.
  9. Sdoofbuc Augur

    My UI was all messed up. Looked just like what a new charter gets when first starting. Or what you get if you have no UI file.

    I loaded a UI that was in my folder and that fixed 90%. My bags are all bunched up on one side (inventory and bank). I had to move them back into place. Bazaar window was almost off the screen. I only had a small section that I could grab and pull it back in.

    I now see 2 UI files within EQ. One labeled as "Windowed" and one is " 1920x1009". When searching the actual files I only see one file.

    I also cannot put a bazaar trader into offline mode. I click the button and nothing happens. I tried /offlinemode and that did nothing as well. I wonder it the box confirming the offline mode is off the screen somewhere.
  10. Sdoofbuc Augur

    I logged off and closed everything. Then I opened EQ and logged back in. My UI is all messed up again. Like I am on a new character with no UI file.

    Offline mode works now. I think the UI I loaded before moved the confirmation box off screen so I couldn't see it.
  11. Holyfires Elder

    J5 healer mercs are casting in loop and not putting the right buffs on at any level. this issue needs to be fixed as soon as possible. thank you
  12. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I'm sorry...is this a new bug?

    The only time I've heard of that happening is at lower levels when mercs hit a level where they seem to be transitioning from one set of spells to another, get confused, and just cast one spell on repeat. Once you level, the problem goes away.
  13. Hamshire Augur

    The tower seventh floor key quest has you go to Emerald Jungle and open chests. These chests are around a one to three minute respawn with a one in three chance of only having roots inside them instead of the actual quest items which I believe is not intended.
    The seventh floor tower item is a ring which is lore which I also believe is not intended based off that the previous reward from the sixth floor was an earring that was not lore.
    Yinla likes this.