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Test Update 06/29/16 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by Hludwolf, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. Ravengloome Augur

    House of Thule? Guessing at what he's referencing
  2. Sancus Augur

    I guess he's referring to Spear then? Quickly glancing over our spell list, it doesn't look like any other nukes recieved a particularly unusual increase in base damage. I guess I can see his point, though it's far from an apples to apples comparison.
  3. Ravengloome Augur

    I was guessing so IDK
    Sancus likes this.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    Unless they changed it GIFT of the quick spear has 2 glaringly obvious hoops you would have to be purposely overlooking.
  5. Silentchaos Augur

    That wasn't very nice. Also, why? Also, please don't.
  6. Kohnn Elder

    Any chance of making the Epic Retelling ornament "Night' bigger for small races... more specifically Dwarves...big hands + small dagger = sad face. I saw the Dark Elf models(and taller) all had a bigger version of the ornament. A copy and paste of that for little folks would help us see its greatness! If at all possible I know the beard-folk would appreciate it.
  7. EnchFWO Augur

    Just for future years and in the overall interest of avoiding clusterfk*s that may occur like the most recent such as HHMM - might wanna also allow Zordak to spawn in HHSol B for the Cleric epic 1.0.

    This was seriously one of the worst implementations of one of the most awesome ideas to come along in EQ in a loooooong time. It's sad that such a glaring oversight has made most of it pointless.
  8. kizant Augur

    Sancus is probably right for mages. Looking at when they got spear it was like an 80% increase from the previous expansion's main DPS spell.

    Although, hey don't group us poor wizards in with mages. Between SOF and TDS our main DPS nuke has gone up 381% and theirs has gone up 483%!!
  9. Ravengloome Augur

    Thats because Mage dps sucked the D the for awhile they needed the boost (and do again)
    Gyurika Godofwar, Sancus and EnchFWO like this.
  10. Orbital101 Augur

    Can we at least pick which type we want back? Its almost useless at is to turn in 10 double to get 1 random out of the 4 type. If im missing one out of the 4+ type which will most likely be one of the rare then I may as well keep them to sell or trade.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. kizant Augur

    Hey guys are enc dots supposed to crit? I never really noticed before because I box an enc with my wiz and don't really need the extra dps. Sure, I'll throw in some nukes to not waste chroma charges but that's about it.

    Today I'm doing some enc dps parses because Gotcharms thought the crit rate had gone down. I saw that a DD only parse came to 61.3% crit rate. But then I tried dots and they never seem to crit ever.
  12. Brazox New Member

    Since the last server reboot/crash started an old world instance (Sleepers Tomb), characters crashed leaving the zone, clearing out character selection after trying to log back in. Now 0 characters in loading screen. Confirmed with another fellow tester same circumstances.
  13. Ravengloome Augur

    Chanter Dot Crit chance is like 30% tops with DON.

    Its parseable (unless Test is messed up) at 30% over a duration (or was as of about 3 weeks ago on live when i parsed it to figure out some things for my own knowledge)

    In order to make it easier to parse ive found taking focii off.\

    Edit: Excuse me its 29% i rechecked my parse.
  14. Darkitecht New Member

    This would be the fellow tester! I restarted my clients while in an oldworld raid instance (Sleepers Tomb) and now all of my characters on all accounts that were in said zone are missing from the account.
    Brazox likes this.
  15. kizant Augur

    Thanks. I'll double check I'm not just missing something.
  16. Ravengloome Augur

    It is entirely possible... That something is messed up on Test. Just throwing that out there because its a real possibility.
  17. Brazox New Member

    Confirmed that all accounts that were part of the expedition had all characters removed, even ones that didn't crash and logged out like normal.
  18. kizant Augur

    Nah you're right. I just wasn't at all familiar with the damage to expect and was casting three different dots. I figured there would be a similar message to how DDs crit but it doesn't look like that at all. One tick I'm doing 45k with mindstorm and the next it does 198k with the exact same damage message and color.
    gotwar likes this.
  19. strongbus Augur

    ya coming form someone who has play dot based classes all the time. Dots do crit but they don't have crit messages.
  20. JChan Developer

    What are some of the names of the characters?