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Test Update 05/07/2024 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, May 6, 2024.

  1. EQ Dev Developer

    This thread is for new bugs and how to reproduce them only. Please keep all opinions, discussions, posts about balance, and anything else in the other thread.
    Patch notes and discussions thread
  2. Riou EQResource

    Alt tabbing into the game in windowed mode has a 1-2s lag spike every time EQ goes from background to foreground
    bobokatt likes this.
  3. Cairbrae Developer

    What is your version of Windows please?
  4. Riou EQResource

    Version 10, 22h2, build 19045.4291

    Noticed also that minimizing the game in windowed mode took a similar amount of time 1-2s and restoring it from minimized black screened the EQ window for the 1-2s delay as well before it came back to foreground as normal

    Live has none of these issues atm
    bobokatt likes this.
  5. Cairbrae Developer

    I have a machine with that exact Windows 10 version.

    When you say it has delay, what do you mean?

    I'm testing it now and my machine ALT+TAB between EQ and other applications instantly.
  6. Riou EQResource

    When tabbing into EQ the game is basically frozen for at least a second or 2, to where you can't manually move or hit buttons, tabbing out works fine
    bobokatt likes this.
  7. Cairbrae Developer

    I'm not seeing that delay at all.
    I can move and cast spells immediately after tabbing in.
    Are you sure you're in plain old desktop windowed mode?
  8. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    I just let my machine update to that windows build yesterday, and alt-tabbing with EQ, or other games has gotten slower, using the same 'live' version of EQ as the day before.
  9. Cairbrae Developer

    I've tested with new UI enabled and disabled and get the same zero latency.

    Do you have a windowing program running?
    Do you have properties > app compatibility > disable full screen optimizations checked?
    Do you have settings > system > display > graphics > default graphics settings > optimizations for windowed game enabled?
    Do you have game bar running?
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Shroud NPCs are still missing in PoK.
    Captain Video, Barton-Vox and Fenthen like this.
  11. Omanzoh New Member

    I have the same Version as well and everything is working as intended. Exited, restarted, and tabbed all works great.
  12. bobokatt Augur

    If I may add to what Riou said, I have the exact same issue. Only on test though. If I have 3 instances of EQ (so 3 toons on), and I use windowed mode (borderless and not maximized, so I actually strech and cover my desktop leaving only the taskbar at the bottom) so I do not see the bloody stupid bar at the top, the instant I click (using my mouse on another tab of EQ or ALT TAB or any OTHER windows program I have open like brower or email) EQ goes blank (black screen with my tool bar visible at the bottom). This locks me out of all my toons for 2 -3 seconds. All the time. If I go to LIVE it's not a problem. This is on Windows 7 pro by the way. I have the exact same installation on a windows 10 machine and this does not happen but I am upgrading that so it's down for a bit.

    The other issue I have is why is it on Test, every time I log in, I have to resize the whole screen? I have to drag my borders up, then left and right to get it perfect (borderless) with the taskbar visible below. Live always remembers and is perfect. Has been like this from the last 2 patches on test?? makes me always resize everything and I cannot get the top stupid bar to disappear completely or almost like before. It still remains like half an inch. If I try to push it up it snaps right back. UGH. Small thing though.
    I tried deleting my eqclient.ini and patching a new one, with no luck.

    Just to add: All this started exactly when the patch (I think it was 2 ago) stated that you had fixed going back to full screen. Since then the resizing happened, where I have to do it manually all the time and the LOCK out of each EQ tab when moving from one to the other.
  13. Barton-Vox Fizzlethorpe Rules !!

    Agreed when are we getting Shrouds back ????
    The amount of removing things and removing things and removing things is getting a bit much
  14. Deloehne Augur

    When zoning there is a high chance of losing the enabled extended target set. This has happened zoning from GH to GL, GL to PoK and PoK to PoT. Three characters lost target sets in 8 of 9 cases.
  15. Cairbrae Developer

    Anyone having the ALT+TAB performance issue reported by Riou, can you please PM me your Logs\dbg.txt file? It's okay to cut & paste the whole log into a message. Thanks.
  16. Cairbrae Developer

    I just zoned back and forth 10 times and my ETW is okay. This is with default UI and new UI enabled. Do you have any UI customization?
  17. Apathy Elder

    Having the same issue. PM sent.
  18. Cairbrae Developer

    Thanks for all the reporting and feedback. Mystery solved and we're tracking the issue.

    Meanwhile, you can try a performance work around by adding eqclient.ini file to your virus checker's exclusion/ignore list.
    Nennius, Riou, Fanra and 1 other person like this.
  19. Deloehne Augur

    Strictly default UI. I've seen /general chatter that suggests others have seen the same issue.
  20. Cairbrae Developer

    I wondering about latency, were these troubled zone times particularly long?