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Test Update 03/05/2024 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. EQ Dev Developer

    This thread is for new bugs and how to reproduce them only. Please keep all opinions, discussions, posts about balance, and anything else in the other thread.
    Patch notes and discussions thread
  2. Riou EQResource

    Broken Key of Forests drops don't seem to be dropping from the same mobs that update the kill part of the task (after 60+ kills)
  3. Cuzon Augur

    Category: Other [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Tue Mar 05 21:10:01 2024

    Character: Level 106 Shadow Knight (Main)
    Zone: Tides of Time 3223
    Location: 77.15, 14.43, 36.86, 1.79

    Target NPC: a sun bleached skeleton
    Target Location: 128.00, 10.00, 35.57, 207.00

    Description: Working on the anniversay tower mission for the first floor. Was able to kill the first 2 mobs, but the 2 skeletons I have to kill for step 2 cannot be attacked. They just stand there. Shows they con KOS and can target them, but cannot cast or attack them. They also do not attack. Mission seems bugged.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Last month tower L2 quest was obtainable, but not completable until it went live on live. I suspect this is the same deal. The fact that regular zone skeletons update the first step is probably unintended. It should be risen miners.
  5. Lilfella Elder

    Two bugs with this quest - "Reflections of You"

    1) The "kill what is clearly not" steps required the stuff to respawn and be killed again. The first killing at each spot did nothing for the quest.
    2) The "Explore the central courtyard" step cannot be completed. the location seems wrong.

    Paladin likes this.
  6. EQDev-Naylie Developer

    I found the issue with the miners not spawning. So hopefully it will be fixed soon. I spawned a few on test tonight and a few players were able to complete the quest.
    Quatr, Barton-Vox, menown and 3 others like this.
  7. EQDev-Naylie Developer

    I found the issue with the second set not behaving. This should also be corrected soon.
    Quatr, Barton-Vox, menown and 3 others like this.
  8. Ztide New Member

    Bard not gaining any skill ups in percussion nor wind instruments.
  9. Paladin Augur

    RE: 25th Ann. Group Task: Reflections of You

    Impossible to complete because Step 4 (Explore Central Courtyard) will not update.
  10. Thundersnake Elder

    I found as long as you do the first part before any of the "clearly not" part of the tasks they update on first try. But as you stated the update for the central courtyard seems to be totally broken right now. 2nd go around I went in with the assumption it was working like older tasks, where everything had to be completed in exacting order, and to an extent it seems to hold true.
    Paladin likes this.