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Test Update 02/13/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. Covington New Member

    Really glad they realized that out of the knights, Pallies were OP. Perhaps you could turn them into a silk wearer to really help "rebalance" the class.
    fransisco likes this.
  2. Elkar Headhunter Elder

    Making battle leap passive was for lazy people and honestly a waste of time.
    Why not code fortitude to trigger when they get below 10% health?
    Why not make the bracing defense line passive? Just make it all passive and trivialize the game even further.

    As far as the damage component from the sound of it if someone is using it specifically for the new DD they will most likely be losing DPS. The small amount of time spent leaping out of melee range would be a costly price for one 95k DD IMO.

    As far as the shammy twin cast adjustment, you can call it a nerf but in reality, they are doing you a favor and you should thank them for the added spell gem.

    The amount of over healing in this game is insane. If this adjustment begins wiping your raid you have way more issues than you know.

    In our last cycle we had 3 - 4 shaman with 127403 lines of healing from shaman splash alone.
    Out of those 127403 lines
    329 were cast messages
    7521 actually healed a player or pet
    119253 healed for 0

    You can make the argument that the most important part of the shaman splash is that first wave with the twin cast, but you don't actually know that. When I dig into it the majority of the healing, I see comes from the second and third waves. This is the biggest benefit shaman have over clerics between the two classes splash ability.
  3. Ozadar Elder

    When is the patch going live? Patch day on 14 Feb 2024 did not happen.

    Ozadar of Zek
    Ascending Dawn
  4. Findictive Augur

    Is getting a chunk of sustained DPS from full utilization of SPA 185 abilities now considered being lazy or a waste of time? Color me confused!

    Full utilization now:
    Brutal Discipline
    Reckless Abandon
    Group Bestial Alignment
    Intensity of the Resolute
    Group Guardian of the Forest
    Vehement Rage (Small but for the first time in 15 years-ish?)
    War March/Chorus

    Determined Reprisal
    Fellstrike Discipline (Likely better than Charge Discipline since it will do something now)
    Offensive Discipline (Mixed bag but now worth clicking if not tanking soon)
    Killing Spree
  5. kizant Augur

    6% of my raid logs being from spiritual shower is kinda insane. They really should reduce the target count or have it ignore swarm pets at the least. Ignoring swarm pets cuts it half on our raids.
    fransisco and Szilent like this.
  6. Evurkvest Augur

    Fixed Internally - Blood Magic X (Beza), short duration | EverQuest Forums (daybreakgames.com)
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Changing the target count would destroy it as a heal as it would no longer be reliable to heal players that need a heal and it can easily be wasted by only healing people that have no need for a heal.
    Missiny likes this.
  8. Marton Augur

    Maybe everyone should roll a druid for mana recovery.

    Nah, actually it seems shaman is the way to go.

  9. Svann2 The Magnificent

    The calendar was wrong. This week was test server patch. Live is the 21st
    Ozadar and Strumph like this.
  10. Captain Video Augur

    With rare exceptions, Live monthly patches are always on the third Wed of the month, with a Test patch eight days earlier.
  11. Swiss Augur

    I hope everyone looking at splash over heal 97%~ percent also factors in that half of that flat over heal amount is from swarms/pets, and single target heals are also 90-97% over heal in the current state of the game.

    There are ways for the devs to slow down the healing game by increasing the time you have to heal before people die but the current game requires heavy preemptive AE/single/group healing during the big AE dots/phases, you just don't have multiple ticks to wait on HoTs etc anymore like you could years/decades ago.

    When your healer gets a call out or is just not played to their full potential and your HP is purpling after blowing your self defensives I really don't care that splash was over heal on someone else during the same wave.
    Straahdx, Metanis, Windance and 3 others like this.
  12. Elkar Headhunter Elder

    To answer your question, no it isn't. Getting a DPS boost that you don't need is not being lazy. I think you know that though so I will take this response for what it is. Sarcasm.

    I hate to hear it and I hope it doesn't happen often. I will give you the reason for my "opinion" on the battle leap change though in the off chance it helps.


    These are the threads I can remember where this was discussed. None of them go in detail about DPS gains from this change request. You know what you do see a lot of? You see a lot of the language that says people don't want to have to click the button anymore. This is why I label it as lazy.
    The way I see it "We want this change, so we don't have to click this button any longer" is completely different than "We want this change so we can avoid SPA conflicts and boosts DPS".
    If the DPS portion of this conversation had been brought up and I happen to have seen it, I would have been involved in that as well. I would have mentioned warriors do not need it as I did in the bottom thread linked above.
    rusco likes this.
  13. kizant Augur

    It would just make players put a little bit of effort into where they position people and what target to use for the cast.
    fransisco likes this.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I hope this also applies to the new heal filters that won't stay as non zero only.
  15. Allayna Augur

    Do it with a druid healer.

    I could (and have) analyze the differences in priest healing, comparing and contrasting them as a whole (in another thread). https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/druid’s-ability-to-recoup-mana.287926/page-8 But will just for the sake of ease list what druids lack vs what both the other priests have:

    Heal over time.
    Unlinked heals.
    I suppose you could argue they are also the squishiest as they wear leather vs plate and chain.
    fransisco, Windance, minimind and 2 others like this.
  16. Zaknaffein Augur

    Then I am the laziest warrior in the game! I don't consider it a waste of time when my quality of life is made better with these kinds of changes to the game :)

    I also think this may be the case. I was testing to see if there was any way to suppress the jump into the Z-axis because it does take you our of melee range for a round or even two perhaps. Holding down the END button doesn't work so I don't think you can, making the added DD moot and therefore I won't have to worry about jumping up and down all the time.
    Tyranthraxus, Maedhros and Cannikin like this.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You still don't have control over who gets healed and that would just be a needless change.
  18. E'ci - Knight Errant Lorekeeper

    Most of those abilities should have gone to Druids, not Shaman.
  19. kizant Augur

    You have 100% control.
  20. Rogean Master

    Changing Battle Leap from a Permanent Buff to a Passive does not have any affect on people being Lazy. It was a permanent buff anyways, just had to hit it once per zone.

    What it does allow for is a bunch of abilities that we previously couldn't use that are now useful again. I welcome the change.

    The DD Component of the new Battle Leap is probably not going to be helpful at all, as others have mentioned you will miss a second or two of swings and it's not worth that tradeoff.