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Test Update 02/13/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. Opal Lorekeeper

    taking away shaman twin ae heals? lol seriously?
    yes losing twincast on ae heal is a huge deal at least for me. I main a shaman and I do more than raid. Its a fundamental component of a shamans healing. Groups, missions, raids, soloing, moloing, twincasting squall is a huge part of how I play.
    I'll definitely have it on my spell bar for raid but for everything else sounds like ill be continually spamming a single hotkey for hours on end to make that healthbar go the other way. Gee that sounds like a freakin blast!
    Hey guys, lets figure out a way to make the shaman class more boring!
    Beco, Covington and Hobs like this.
  2. Wulfhere Augur

    Stephen51 and alanus like this.
  3. Marton Augur

    What does that even mean?

    Mage gargs can run circles around a single skeleton from necro swarm.

    Also, lvl 125 swarm is less dmg then lvl 120 swarm. Is it going to be the new normal that old spells are better?

    What am I missing?
  4. Windance Augur

    I agree. I have people who are afraid of touching their eqclient.ini grumping at me if I've heard when we are going to get a fix. ( I've offered to walk them though the process but they don't want to "mess anything up" )
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  5. Bard_speed New Member

    How badly will this affect mages? You guys nerfed our of many line a few months back and now you are coming after our pets? Pretty soon mage pets are going to be worse than SK ones. You guys need to rethink some things
  6. Ashigaru Augur

    As the charms have had a (somewhat expected) nerf - have any further items been added to the vendor? Seems like a wasted opportunity in some ways.
  7. Evurkvest Augur

    I hope you guys realize mages have an AA that cuts the recast time roughly in half making it possible to have more swarm pets out at a time. If the ambition was to cut nec swarm dps in half you nailed it but if the idea was to make the nec swarm pets roughly do the same or a little less dps than mages over time this was a big failure.

    Was the HP changed also?
    Ileasa likes this.
  8. Lilfella Elder

    To bring the spells/abilities further in line, can necromancer's synergy be linked to the swarm pet, like mage's?
  9. Maedhros High King

    Gee another nerf to paladins. Outstanding.
    You know, I agree, when I look at the state of tanks, I immediately zero in, not on the SK, but those over powered paladins.
    Stephen51, Darkhain, Kaenneth and 6 others like this.
  10. Moege Augur

    then a dev comes up with something and links it to battleleap damage, since why not they are using it.
    its a terrible idea
    Dre. likes this.
  11. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    So you're raiding using pets from level 116-120? What raids are you doing with those? And you're going to quit the game because of this? Okiedokie.
    Kaenneth and fransisco like this.
  12. strongbus Augur

    What you mean pets from level 116-120? the notes say Enhanced Minion XXVIII or higher will be weaker. The "or higher" tells me all em up to current raid one of xxxii will also be effected by this and as such won't increase pet power by as much as they do before patch.

    my question is why did they do this? did they think the group ears needed more power but raid ones where to powerful?
    Silvena and Ileasa like this.
  13. Kalipto Augur

    Hopefully guilds play games to face challenges. The games already to easy and shamans have been over balanced for long enough. Try being a cleric.
  14. Kalipto Augur

    DBG, thank you for these balance changes. Keep up the good work and don't listen to the cry babies who can't stand change, want the game to be easy, or just want to be over powered. In the end, the game will be better by balancing.
    Xyroff-cazic., kizant and Sunawar like this.
  15. Zeelot Augur

    Shaman change aside, the knight changes make 0 sense and are nothing about balancing. Forcing knights to rebuff their self buffs more often is just an annoyance that doesn't affect the difficulty of events or the capability of knights at all.
    Barton-Vox, Lubianx, Ileasa and 5 others like this.
  16. Metanis Bad Company

    As I just posted on another thread they need to keep an important philosophy in mind, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

    I know it's not always that simple, but like the thing with mage pets, why did that have to be "fixed" and make a lot of customer's unhappy? Sure the pet power curve was wrong, but it should have been about 459th on the list of broken things to be fixed.
    Barton-Vox and Ileasa like this.
  17. CdeezNotes Augur

    Played around on test with battle leap. Unsurprisingly, it's absolutely terrible and not worth clicking. What a shocker! And people crying about the damage added. It arguably makes dps go down when clicking it because my attacks are halted until landing again. Yep, definitely worth that 5-10k dps :rolleyes:

    That being said, for the first time in years, Vehement Rage worth something. Moving battle leap bonus to passive allows VR's SpA 185 to actually increase damage. And don't forget that also makes our secondary burn better cause offensive has the same SpA.
    Moege and Cadira like this.
  18. kizant Augur

    You can try it on Test and find out you know. The complaints are silly like usual.
    fransisco likes this.
  19. menown Augur

    I am not sure I want the swarm pet to be tied to our synergy either. Our swarms are highly impacted from other classes auras (shaman, bard, and mage). If we have none of these classes in our group, the swarm pet is one of the last spells on our lineup that I want to cast.

    Instead, I'd prefer defiler's synergy to proc from the Cascade of Decay AA. Our synergy acts like a lot of the melee dps synergy in that it is duration based and not a single charged counter. Melee dps classes can keep their synergy up 100% of the time just by keeping their combat abilities on cooldown. The necro synergy should act the same way in my opinion.
    B0HICA and fransisco like this.
  20. Findictive Augur

    Rangers and Druids appreciate the "non-noted" changes, thanks!
    Szilent, menown, kizant and 1 other person like this.