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Test Server

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Bogardan, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Bogardan New Member

    I am considering moving to the test server because while I enjoy EQ I don't have the time to devote to it that I did 10 years ago. After having returned from a very long hiatus the test server seems like a good server to get my EQ fix. I cant seem to find any information on how to logon to it, what the requirements are, or anything like that. I have all access but I haven't purchased the latest expansion yet. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Lonye Augur

    To access Test,
    open the EverQuest launchpad,
    click on the gears in the bottom left corner
    game version --> Test
    select apply, and Test will patch and you'll be all set.

    You're smart to hold off buying the expansion, there are no features that a freshly returning player absolutely needs.

    Good luck and welcome back to Norrath!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  3. Bogardan New Member

    Okay I have done all of that but there isn't a server for me to be able to select, just shows the standard server list and when i click play it won't logon to a server.
  4. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    Make sure to delete eqhosts.txt as it is buggy and will cause the patcher to show the Live servers instead of Test. Then follow the above steps and you should be able to get to Test.

    Also if you need anything on Test feel free to ask any member of Primal Brood for an invite and you can send me a message on Nothobitses and I will give you a few things to help you get started.
  5. Platrat Journeyman

    Don't forget you can /testcopy and it will make a copy with everything except the shared bank space.

    Finding decent gear on the bazaar can be rather difficult on test..
  6. Anhari Augur

    Also, I believe that on Test you get all expansions, 10% (or is that double, I forget) more experience, all AA's available without having to be All-Access. Perk for helping test content. Also, they do release content (patches) to Test before Live so you can help the DEV's test the changes.
  7. Brazox New Member

    You don't get access to TBM on test, it's n-1 on expansions. But it is nice for players to get all access and the community is pretty helpful overall. Although if you want to raid, test is not the place as there are no current content raid guilds.