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temp items and offline trading

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    last nite I had summoned some temp items - warm milk / throwing knives on my main.
    after raids, I switched over to my bazzar mule and went offline trading mode.
    when I logged back onto my main in the morning I still had those items.

    is this a bug ? is it intended ? are tribute / merc timers still running on main toon ?
  2. Axxius Augur

    That can't be intended. If temp items don't poof in offline mode then it defeats the whole purpose of them being temp.
  3. Vouivre Augur

    Actually temp items have often been sought after in the bazaar, I don't see why they would poof as your character is still actually logged in, just not attached to your PC. That is why when you try to log into the account with the offline trader on it, it has to log off the trader in order for you to finish logging in.

    Working as intended.
  4. Theka Elder

    i can assure you tribute timers will still tick down made that mistake already!
  5. Aamonn Journeyman

    Agreed. This is intended because the character is still logged into the game while in "OFFLINE MODE". And a lot of pet classes would be upset if this was changed to allow temp items to poof (but it wouldn't make sense to change it to begin with).
  6. iniari-TR Augur

    I was on my bazaar mule. offline - trader. the temp items were on my main , which was not logged on at the time. - same account.

    if temp items and timers are still persistent / ticking off while on another toon in offline mode something is definelty wrong.
    Vouivre likes this.
  7. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    There is a very simple way to test this:
    1. Make/Buy some Temporary items on an alt on your account.
    2. Change to your Main character on the account and play for 15+ minutes.
    3. Change back to the alt and see if the Temporary items are still there.
    Possible Result A: The items are not still there in the above circumstance; then the items still being on your main was definitely a bug.
    Possible Result B: The items are still there in the above circumstance; then it is possible for this to be intended or at least and unforseen consequence of Offline Trader Mode.

    The character's timers ticking down, I don't really see any easy way to change that; plus it is just that same as if you had went into the bazaar and turned on trader and left yourself logged in the same time.

    The timers won't be changed since that is only true of the character which is actively in Offline Mode.
    Temporary items remaining on characters other than the one in Offline Mode might be changed, if Result B and the Devs feel that it is going to be widely abused to a point that it will upset the ingame economy and balance.
  8. Qbert Gallifreyan

    That "test" as is won't work. They changed the temporary poof-time to about 30 minutes offline many years back.
    Leerah and Vouivre like this.
  9. Xirtket Augur

    The items may be marked temporary, and even though you go offline on your computer, your trader is still in the world, so there's actually no reason for them to poof if someone does this. The offline simply means you no longer need your computer on 24/7 to have a trader in the world.
  10. yaddab Augur

    They are talking about the temp items being on a different character to the trader but on the same account.

    It is not something I have noticed, but I will test it out.

    Personally I am not sure why most temp items are temp anyway. Okay as a mage I can resummon but non summoners can store most items in a house to keep them. I assume a possible exploit with mailing temp items to keep them is why they cannot be sent as parcels - but really there are so many other ways that not being able to mail them is just a pita.
    Leerah likes this.
  11. smash Augur

    It is not new that sometimes temp items can remain on your chars even if you have been logged out hours +.
    But that is not often it happens.

    Have you tested if your bug thing is a 1 time accident, or something you can repeat ?
  12. iniari-TR Augur

    logged in on the following morning, it did not repeat itself.