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[TEEK] <The Last Ride> Casual Raiding Guild

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Tenne, May 28, 2024.

  1. Tenne Journeyman

    <The Last Ride> Teek's newest and most "okay" guild is now recruiting!

    The Last Ride is a casual raiding guild based on the east coast with experience spanning back several TLPs. Our goal is to create a tight knit crew of friendly and helpful people who enjoy seeing the guild and their guildmates succeed.

    We believe in fun over farm. The EverQuest experience is powered by the community you are a part of and we'd love to have you join us in building that community.

    ⚔️ Casual raiding 8PM ET with closed-bid OpenDKP system
    ⚔️ We happily accept boxes to raids who help us, but prioritize main characters for loot
    ⚔️ Our goal is to clear all content in era and celebrate as a guild
    ⚔️ No raid attendance requirements
    ⚔️ Mature crowd with some inner child left inside

    Our raid schedule is below with first official raids starting June 16th:
    1. Thursday 8PM-12AM EST - Official DKP raid
    2. Sunday 8PM-12AM EST - Official DKP Raid
    3. Friday 8PM-12AM EST - Unofficial Non-dkp "Offnight" raids
    If you'd like to know more please join our discord and say hello!

    If you'd prefer to reach out in game send a tell to Tenne, Trancer, Lilwarrior, or Bottim.
  2. Tikia New Member

    Level 38 Druid looking for a guild if you all would have me.
    Name Tikia
    Tenne likes this.
  3. Tenne Journeyman

  4. Tenne Journeyman

    bump^ We've have scheduled our first non-dkp raids this week and first official DKP raids June 16th. Looking for more to help round out our raid team!
  5. Tenne Journeyman

  6. Robomax Elder

    Do ya all take returning players that cant remember anything ? Been a couple years since I played.
    <Slobo-LVL 31 Sham>
  7. Tenne Journeyman

    Yes everyone is welcome :)

    Pop by in our discord and say hello!
  8. Tenne Journeyman

    We've started regular DKP raiding and are looking for more good people to join our community!
  9. Tenne Journeyman

    ^ bump

    We are working through kunark targets and epics now and are looking for more good people!
  10. Tenne Journeyman

    bump^ Always looking for more good people to join us on our adventure!

    Raiding THU/SUN 8PM ET with Friday night unofficial raids
  11. Tenne Journeyman

    We're gearing up for Velious and are always looking for more people!
  12. Tenne Journeyman

  13. Tenne Journeyman