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Teek Race/class question

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Will42, Apr 6, 2024.

  1. Will42 New Member

    I’m wanting to duo an ench/nec on the new TEEK server and was wondering how important the iksar regeneration is for necs. With the iksar starting zone and their KOS status I worry about not being able to get my duo together easily. With the Kunark start ports won’t be available until later.
  2. Vincent New Member

    Iksar regeneration is vastly less important than it used to be. There are a lot of sources of health regen, including the fungus covered great staff, potions, AAs later, and items. You will have to pay more attention to maintain your health until you have enough regen to outdo lich but that is still true even for iksars. Worst case there are race changes available. Don't worry about it, it's a solid bonus still on TLP but it will not break your class at all not to have it.
  3. auto21 Augur

    the bonus is only really noticable in specific situations e.g. self-buffed, solo, not much gear
  4. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    If you have Laurion's Song you can use personas to easily origin to several different places once your characters are level 5.

    To answer your original question though - as others already mentioned, the iksar regen is a very minor bonus.
  5. Doze Augur

    Imo then the iksar hitpoint regen bonus is significant enough to make choosing Iksar over other races a no brainer, but judge for yourself:
    Innate Racial Regenation in EverQuest
  6. Bewts Augur

    Regen is noticeable when you don't have a druid or shaman around and/or lack gear. However, having either of them around and willing to keep a regen on you makes the class regen benefit fairly moot.

    And later on in expansions, its not really that much of a concern because you won't find worn regen items lacking.
  7. Will42 New Member

    Is there a way to get a gnome/iksar together early on with no ports? Or at higher levels like 20s? Or will I have to wait until ports are available? Can iksars use the translocators if they are invis?
  8. auto21 Augur

    Iksar race has some interesting innate bonuses and no exp penalty anymore but they are still hated in every city apart from their own.
    My suggestion would be to play what you like visually, and start both in the same city.
    All the innate and race bonuses fade over time to inconsequential, especially when AA are released.
  9. Kahna Augur

    Translocators are a neutral faction and they see invis. So yes, everyone can use them while invis. That being said there are undead on the OT dock so you have to approach from the water.
  10. Doze Augur

    Yes, you can use the new Persona feature to accomplish that.

    Iirc then all TL NPCs see invis these days, so yes (but watch out for that roaming undead marine on the OT docks).
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