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Teek - Leveling Paths

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by 25thAnniBaby, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. Fluid Augur

    It's been a while and I don't remember the expansions vs perks very well. What I think I remember.

    Everything will be different. It has piqued my interest!
    For examples, I think low Magician heal pet spells will be in, Enchanters will get Breeze at something like level 14, Rangers get Salve out of the gate(???), and so on and so forth.

    It should change the economy a bit too. I mean if you are raiding level 60 zones, will the old time gear like Stein of Moggok still be an item?

    I'll probably do my normal assumption which is to level a Druid and Enchanter. I'm just thinking I may want to change starting locations/race so they can work together w/o travel and Faction problems getting in the way.
  2. Ilshade Augur

    persona's make it all possible to tp any race to lizzy starting zone
  3. Appren Gnomercy

    Indeed - quite an expensive solution, but it works!
  4. Doze Augur

    It does make Personas available for all characters on all previous and future servers (3 Personas for each character with just the basic exp pack).
  5. Doze Augur

    Just remember to arrange for some way to get yourself invised after the Persona switch as there are guards at all exit points from Cabilis - on both sides of the zone (Invisibility: ENC 4, MAG8, WIZ16, SHM27 or Cloudy Potion 11'ishPP each)
    Or alternatively have someone train away the guards (wait for the Crusader variants to go on patrol as they are SKs and use HT).
  6. Psalmz Elder

    The Stein of Moggok quest will definitely be a thing on Teek. An easy to get +10 int item is still good even if better items will be available to higher levels.
    Fluid likes this.
  7. Tachyon Augur

    i'm in freeport as a necro/wizzy duo... local until 10, then kurns tower til 18... unrest til 23... lavastorm till 30... skyfire til 50ish... howling stones to 60!
  8. Fluid Augur

    Right, but I think it may change the dynamics of the situation. For instance, low level Dark Elves of all persuasions should be able to do the quest with a bit of Faction work and in particular low level Dark Elf Enchanters. I sent a level 3 Enchanter around using Druid ports and with just a few Faction turn ins was able to do the quest w/o Alliance Spell. Shouldn't need the Druid now to do the same thing. If the Tunnel price is the same, it should make for a good pp maker. I don't think there is anything else in that level 3 characters can do to make that kind of scratch. There's a couple of rough spots like getting the "the fish" that could be done with other characters.
  9. Kahna Augur

    The right personas and the quest should be easy peasy.
    Fluid likes this.
  10. Rooksmirk Journeyman

    Why does CoM have less exp ? is it out of observation or an official thing ?
  11. Numiko Augur

    It was more of a reset. Some dev investigated why the exp was so good there and a few other zones and found the reason was because of a bug that occurred when zones were declared Hot Zones.

    The zone would get a exp boost, the problem was it did not reset when it was no longer a hot zone.

    On top of that the next time it was made a hot zone the exp was bumped up ever higher! .. this went on for several years and some zones we giving huge exp bonuses never intended.

    They went through them all and reset the ZEM back to normal about the time Phinny server came out.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  12. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    I might buy personas just play an ogre shaman and exp in Qeynos area (best newbie dungeon in MMO history is there - Blackburrow! That, and well, levelling in qeynos area builds character - esp. the run to freeport as all discerning norrathians know :p)
  13. Ultrazen Augur

    Being able to roll a lizzy monk and/or necro day one, dream come true. I always hated having to wait to roll monk until Kunark. Will be awesome to be in on the ground floor with the character I actually want to play. Being a liz, just going to stick to Kunark the whole way. I won't miss trudging through crocs/guk etc at all.

    Also, CoM is awesome, exp be damned, I need my 2 wu's trance sticks!!!!
  14. Mithra Augur

    ZEM is pretty bad everywhere. I would not suggest going to kaesora, city of mist, karnor, sebilis or howling stones.
  15. Kahna Augur

    I plan on going to all of these places.
    Celatusp99 likes this.
  16. fransisco Augur

    Im sorry what? CoM has an amazing exp modifier, why are you lying? To keep it empty?
  17. Tachyon Augur

    howling stones zem is better than most
  18. Kahna Augur

    ehh, it really doesn't. Hasn't for a long time.
    Bard2019 likes this.
  19. Kraked Augur

    If you can manage to deal with the constant HT's, Howling Stones is one of the best zones in Kunark to level in due to the abundance of mobs!
    It also tends to be fairly empty because people hate doing the keying process.
  20. Tachyon Augur

    necro paradise
    Kraked likes this.