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Teek - Leveling Paths

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by 25thAnniBaby, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    If you don't spend time in Blackburrow, you are missing out on the greatest newbie dungeon of all time! The ambience, sounds, zone design all make it amazing!

    Just make a qeynos character to level in BB. You will thank me later!
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'm looking at staying close to Cabilis initially until I get some PP to be able to purchase spells and move further away, with spells in my bags ready for use.
  3. Appren Gnomercy

    Anyone know what the /pickzone number to spawn a new zone is for field of bone or kurns? If that number is high, its going to be...interesting :eek:
  4. Arclyte Augur

    they make medication to help with that
    Chikkin and OldTimeEQ1 like this.
  5. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Permafrost king was camped a lot on Mischief during classic - as it had 4 named spawns in one spot all lvl 30/31 so can drop DE mask, Pegasus Cloak etc. Would have been more, but remember Permafrost was not popular even in the good old days for expping due to it being in the corner of nowhere, so I think many didnt even know about these 4 spawns (most know only the king and priest maybe)
  6. Tempfix12 New Member

    They say most people suffer from an optimism bias and negative people tend to have a far more realistic view of the world
  7. Doezit Lorekeeper

    Until they decide the world is ending in 2 years...again...and again.
    But back to the topic, the best paths will include leaving the newbie yards as quickly as possible. After that it is a choice between loot and having more mobs to kill.
  8. Kahna Augur

    Lighten up, Francis. This isn't some new and unknown ruleset we are talking about. No one was locking down all the camps on Mischief, and it will happen even less on Teek, as we now know there is no point in spending oodles of plat on any piece of gear since it can so easily be camped at half a dozen different locations.

    The only camp we are going to have a hard time accessing is the character select screen as everyone sits in hours long queues.
  9. Chikkin Augur

    You do seem a bit grumpy today.
    It's Friday. I'm optimistic you may have a good weekend.
  10. MMOer Augur

    Persona's?? I remember hearing something about this... What is this sorcery? How does it work? Will it be on the TLPs?
  11. Zansobar Augur

    It has to be pretty high because FoB is a large zone with a lot of mobs. I would guess it might even be higher than Gfay, Nek Forest, and such...maybe on par with the Commonlands?
  12. 25thAnniBaby Lorekeeper

    I believe it is around 50 like Warsilk Woods.
    Should easily have x2-3 picks of it given the number of Iksars being made.
  13. Search and Rescue Journeyman

    Nothing has changed here gang.

    The best exp path for leveling for decades now is FoB > Kurns > Unrest > Velks > GE > 60+ hell levels and your screwed everywhere unless you can get flagged for pofire somehow...

    Obviously the last 2 are out so sub in chardok and seb which both have pathetic exp compared to velks and ge.

    If your not racing to get max level you will get left behind by the masses who are so if you plan to eventually raid where flags are needed you might be sol by the time you catch up because they might be done with that content.
    If you don't care about raiding, then play however you want.

    Random look drops means any named camp is fine, no need to camp specific mobs anymore.
    Unless they change random loot and make it work correctly, which I have not heard they are going to do.

    Random loot done correctly would be normal loot that drops on the mob, with double drops, then 1-2 additional drops that are random from any named of the same level in the same expansion.

    Straight up random everything is straight up stupid and will lead to people not getting specific items they need for their class which will ALWAYS be overpriced from players looking to benefit from the poorly implemented system of random loot.
  14. Zansobar Augur

    It is much easier to get flagged for raids on the free trade ruleset, it was on Mischief. Then with personas where flagging is shared between your personas, demand will go down for the flag mobs anyway.
  15. Stagentti Augur

    If you're an iksar, sure.

    If you aren't you will get left in the dust going this route.
  16. Stagentti Augur

    Lolol you can take your time getting to max level and still get to raid content just fine in era. This was true on Mischief and will be true again.
  17. Doze Augur

    Iksars get 5 newbie zones (East Cabilis being the 5th), but yeah - FoB will no doubt be the busiest one.
    Search and Rescue likes this.
  18. Goomba Journeyman

    I'm gonna be boxing so usual route to lower guk
    But the interesting part is City of mist, Karnors and Seb can be accessed much earlier, which is going to be pretty awesome. Can pretty much go to karnors at 40, seb then chardok to 60. Far better than being stuck at lower guk or hole for far too long
    Search and Rescue likes this.
  19. Numiko Augur

    One thing to remember with the random loot rules is *all* rare spawn mobs will drop level appropriate loot, and lots of it.

    All those named wandering in Kunark Zones that never used to drop a thing suddenly start dropping 3, 4, 5 or more items. Good gear will be rotting in less then a hour of camping any random spot in such out of the way places as Trak's Teeth or Swamp of no Hope.
    Doze likes this.
  20. Arclyte Augur

    field of bone is the best newbie zone ever. almost everything drops cash, tons of bone chips + bonechip quest and skeles can drop plenty of weapons including the coveted cracked staff AND a shield that sells for around 1pp

    ignore the other crappy zones (LOIO and Swamp) they suck and aren't real starter zones
    Search and Rescue likes this.