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Teek - Leveling Paths

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by 25thAnniBaby, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. 25thAnniBaby Lorekeeper

    With Kunark being a new unexplored TLP launching point, I am curious what people intend to do for leveling paths.
    I fully expect the standard classic paths to be jam packed as normal but am curious to some alternatives that people look to explore with Kunark available from the start.
  2. Kahna Augur

    I plan on tiptoeing through 1-60 on a necro. I want to camp the Skullcap quests as I level, get a group in Droga or Kaesora to camp my CoS, Howling stones for the skullcap pieces. I don't plan on raiding until Velious, so I can take the whole 3 months to get to max level and camp all my gear.
  3. 25thAnniBaby Lorekeeper

    I figured a good majority of people are going to do the FoB / Kurns route but I have 0 interest in sitting smashing my head against skellies for 25 levels lol

    Currently looking at starting my 6 in GFay area.
    Cleric / Ench / Pally / Bard / Wiz / Mage
    x2 High Elfs / 1 Wood Elf / 3 Gnomes.

    1-11 in Gfay/Crushbone
    11-20 in Unrest
    20-36ish in MM
    36-46 in CoM
    46-60 in Seb/Chardok

    May pop up to the Planes once 46 and snag some gear to supplement me a bit.
  4. Tempfix12 New Member

    CoM has a negative exp modifier. Unless you're an Iksar and want to do Kurns, there's absolutely no reason to go to Kunark pre-40.
    Shalom likes this.
  5. 25thAnniBaby Lorekeeper

    Not everything is about exp speed but rather "Named" with the random loot function to obtain as much as possible along the ride.
  6. Tempfix12 New Member

    Play how you want but while you sit in Kunark dungeons getting terrible exp some boxer is going to be leveling his mage army in the most efficient way possible than he's gonna take all your named and you ain't gonna get squat beside bad exp.
  7. Kahna Augur

    That's not actually how Mischief loot servers work. It's too hard for them to lock down everything. Heck, CoS's will drop of some random named Yeti in the middle of nowhere in TD. There is always somewhere else you can go to find what you want on a random loot server.
    25thAnniBaby likes this.
  8. Tempfix12 New Member

    That's not how I remember Mischief at launch. I seem to remember mages and necros sitting at every spawn in every zone of every pick.
  9. 25thAnniBaby Lorekeeper

    I ran this same crew on Mischief and had 0 issues competing with botters/boxers for kills.
    Certain spawns will obviously be locked down but with kunark being open from the gate, we have so many options available to us to alleviate that pain.
  10. Kahna Augur

    I experienced nothing like what you described on Mischief. I am sorry you had a bad experience, I had no trouble getting what I needed.
    Rooksmirk, Chikkin and 25thAnniBaby like this.
  11. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    I only played on mischief during classic, but I had contention over a camp 1 time going from 0-50, and that was with a full human group, not a mage/necro.
    Laronk likes this.
  12. Stagentti Augur

    Same leveling path as always except hot route to Seb at 46 rather than rotting in LGuk.
  13. Agonybot2 New Member

    Less LGuk and more Hole... and the Hole is just boring.
  14. Chikkin Augur

    some may actually take on the negative exp modifier simply because they miss the fun. These would be the people who are always 50 at Classic, then at Kunark launch do the same zones on a race to 60.

    I plan to play a cleric, so I'll be where the groups are. -- however, if/when I want or need to box myself, I'll probably surf around some favorite open world zones on Kunark since they have tons of mobs and well spaced out.
    25thAnniBaby likes this.
  15. MMOer Augur

    barf! classic path. I guess if you are boxing like its a job you will want to work as efficient as you can. Not as fun as you can.

    Going off memories so might be a little off on ranges

    4-10 The Warrens (Is warrens going to be OPEN?
    Else.. your local starting area 1-10.

    5-25 Lake of Ill Omen Various camps
    15-35? The Overthere Various camps
    15-20 Warslick Woods Gobs (maybe earring?)
    18-25 Warslick woods Giant fort (maybe earring?)
    LFG in all three areas 5-30. Go where the group is.

    DALNAR! 25-33? If you can catch a group here it will be worth all the sweet deaths and exp loss. Hard to find a group normally.. this will be your only chance! Dont let it slip away.

    Move on to Dreadlands 30-40? Low exp mod but good fun and memories.
    Really at this point so many zones open up 30-45... pick one you like.
    Trakanon’s Teeth
    Emerald Jungle
    Timorous Deep
    Burning Woods
    Mines of Nurga

    Then the next group of zones opens up

    City of Mist
    Howling Stones
    Skyfire Mountians
    Mines of Nurga
    Karnor’s Castle

    Then Sebilis!! One of the best zones ever. Loot and ok exp.

    Then Chardok to finish to 60

    I normally go Karnors then Sebilish then finish in Chardok upper levels then chardok lower levels / juggs for spells.

    Then farming fungi, or HS or whatever for cha chings between raids.
  16. 25thAnniBaby Lorekeeper

    Since I will be 6 boxing, having to move to kunark at that low of level is just a hassle.
    At 30-37 I obtain the ports for my wizard and will have better movement at that time.

    You do reference a few zones that I always forget about, so I may wander over to KC / MoN for some content.
    Seb/Chardok will def be my endzones from 46ish - 60 though.
  17. Stagentti Augur

    I play cleric so hated the hole lol. Easier to be lazy with IVU in L Guk lol.
  18. Zansobar Augur

    I think for the most part it will be a normal Classic area leveling path. Like others have said, it might open up in the 40-45+ range, but I doubt it will be necessary. I've never had a problem leveling to 50 in a Classic launch before, I doubt I will change it up this time, unless I decide to play an Iksar as the first character I play. And I will say if the Hole opens up early-ish, which it should, I will go there at high 40s and probably stay until close to 55 before moving on to Kunark. Kunark mobs at that level seem to have more HP for the same xp as in classic zones.
  19. Ilshade Augur

    Remember with random loot it is still tied to Area Classic is classic drops and Kunark is kunark only drops - any RARE mob has a chance to drop for that +or- 5 level loot list

    K T is great named cycle and exp
    KC same but exp normal
    COM great names but less exp
    SEB great names exp normal
    Dalnar was great names and hot zone exp - this will be the best option than unrest and with out FTE rules unrest will be train central

    Persona's make a difference you can all start ( less than 5mins transfer your whole group there )in Lizzy zone which is the best over all starting zone carrying you from level 1 - 20 easy with KT added, then hit Dalnar then Kaseora then SEB - less traveling means faster leveling and all 4 of these zone have mad exp

    Skip the rush and lag of GFay
  20. Zansobar Augur

    I would expect the Iksar starting area to be swarming with newbs, so it may be much much worse than the Classic starting zones.
    Chikkin likes this.