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Teek krono prices rising rapidly?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Arugan, Jun 6, 2024.

  1. SnapVine Augur

    this would be good bait if it was even remotely true. all the decent gear any "casual" could want is super cheap and tower gear is like less than half a krono for a set.
  2. Rothj Augur

    It's funny just how inaccurate this ended up being and yet it was said with such confidence. The lesson here is that eq players will always cite what they know or has been historically accurate without considering context or current conditions. Anyone who played on oakwynd knew these numbers weren't going to be right.
  3. BonJovisGhost New Member

    its 100% true, yeah people can get that random planar gear, etc, however for a casual to get his epic, VP, spirit wracked cords, and some of the other BIS it cost KR which currently a Robe of the azure sky is going for 8+, so it would take days if not weeks for a casual to farm 240,000+ plat
  4. SnapVine Augur

    OK, I agree that BIS gear is expensive, but i'm still not completely following.

    how is BiS gear being expensive (like always) a "for once casuals are being kept in their lane" situation? Everyone on teek has better gear than they have ever had on any previous server, including the "casuals" so how are they being kept in their lane? the current bis gear is more meaningless than ever in the history of TLPs in terms of differentiating you from people who play less, especially in Kunark, because tower gear raises the baseline so high.

    if you want player differentiation based on time played you basically want everything the exact opposite of Teek.
    fransisco likes this.
  5. Fhiele Augur

    A casual would never be able to get a Robe of the Azure Sky on another server format.
  6. Demetri Augur

    In era perhaps - it's actually pretty easy in VP 2.0, albeit uncommon.
  7. ISmellLikeInnySwamp Augur

    Here is how I prioritize items.

    Spells first.
    Clicky items next.
    Epic items.
    Tower gear.
    Everything else is junk to me.
  8. Demetri Augur

    At least for the early xpacs, yep, 100% true.
  9. Achillez Elder

    The rise in price of krono was actually super steady and regular from day 1.

    Something odd may be going on now though, yesterday morning I bought a few krono at 30k each and today several people are WTB krono at 40-41k+. No bonuses, no nothing going on now to account for it. Hope its just a blip but a 30k selling to 41k WTB in 28 hours is a little concerning.
  10. Demetri Augur

    I'd wager it's people that have learned the "ignore threshold" for TLP-auctions and similar and just juicing it to be honest - assuming it's set as a % as expected, even a steady 5% daily increase or whatever will keep getting more and more absurdly fast due to exponentiality. (normal PRt math stuff)
  11. Achillez Elder

    This however was a 30%+ price raise in 1 day. You'd expect the people selling the krono to ignore the threshold and up the price, not the people so much who WTB krono. 1 krono has been put up for sale in the past 2 hours, 21 auctions for WTB krono.
  12. Achillez Elder

    This however was a 30%+ price raise in 1 day. You'd expect the people selling the krono to ignore the threshold and up the price, not the people so much who WTB krono. 1 krono has been put up for sale in the past 2 hours, 21 auctions for WTB krono. Historically people stop selling krono when there is a super abnormal spike in price, as was shown many times on Mischief and on Thornblade.
  13. TheChosenOne Augur

    people use characters to manipulate the EC prices and the listings on TLP Auctions

    i bet if you sent a tell to that person who did WTB for 41k, they would have been offline or not responded

    then theyll post from 2 other accounts at 39k, then on another, until they're closer to real price of like 30kish and people think they got a steal.. car dealerships use a form of this
  14. Achillez Elder

    There were at least 6 people I saw WTB for 39k+. People who try to trick the market do it for a purpose, they turn around on another char and sell krono at 1k under that high WTB price to profit. In the past 5 hours, 2 krono have been put up for sale and 50+ buying. Yesterday during the same times, 23 krono were put up for sale. I am not saying anything is definitive, but something is off.
  15. Achillez Elder

    So apparently (I've heard a few sources state but this does not necessarily means its true) that a ton of krono were recently removed from the game due to fraudulent credit card krono purchases (something to do with the dispute/reverse transaction after the krono were delivered in game). Any of the players that sold items for these ilegitimate krono that were removed from the game, were reimbursed with platinum at the going rate of what krono are selling for.

    That said, this idea is outrageously stupid. Let's remove a ton of krono from the game while injecting millions of plat = price of krono skyrockets. I guess they didn't consider or didn't care about the poor people that logged into to sell krono at the going rate, when there were 50x times the people buying krono at much higher prices due to the giant plat injection/removal of krono. I guess they also didn't consider or care about anyone who was saving platinum legitimately to buy krono.

    If this is true, I'd suggest you not sell krono until the market levels out. Based on the volume of refunds, I would not be surpised to see krono level out at around 60k over the next couple days.
  16. Muramx Augur

    The Whales are just as much to blame as the Kronolords...
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  17. Achillez Elder

    Eh I may have jumped the gun a bit on the refunds. I hear the refunds are for people who paid for the krono in plat to begin with, which would make sense to refund them it if the krono was removed form the game. I was thinking of the people who sold 30kr worth of items, then got that translated back to 1M plat refund. I hope people that sold items for krono that got removed just got the items returned. If this is the case, its probably going to be bump in the road, makes sense if the refunds were issued all at once and now a ton of people have their lost plat back and all want to buy krono at once.
  18. Muramx Augur

    I know on Oakwynd not long before Teek came out they started Deleting Krono. People would petition and be told the Krono they got for an item was "obtained fraudulently." An educated guess would be they caught some people down ng the RMT, and hammered some accounts because Krono on 3rd party sites went from $12 to $16.50. While they recovered their inventory...
  19. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Why in the world would you pay $16.50 from a shady site and shady people for a krono versus paying DBG $17.99?
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  20. Muramx Augur

    That's what I was thinking. It lasted for like 4-5 weeks.