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[Teek] Faceless - Server First & Open World Raiding

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Protocol, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Azzlann Elder

    They would have to totally revamp PvP for there to be a huge interest from anyone I think. Some people remember EQ PvP fondly, but I do not.
  2. jeskola pheerie

    Faceless Pacific Branch in the works?
  3. CokaRZ "Oh! they baited us"

    Good luck Faceless! Not sure how some of you love playing classic so much (maybe they will surprise us and start at PoP )

    All the best
    Protocol likes this.
  4. Basak Augur

    Classic is best EQ. I could live 6 months of Classic and be thrilled. I'd love 6 months per expansion with some exceptions (Ykesha for example)
    Laberintica77 likes this.
  5. Laberintica77 Lorekeeper

    Basak, I feel the same...everyone wants really rushed fast servers...for what? to get to PoP then the majority quit? it makes no sense. I would love a slower pace server 'Lozidal' slower open world target repops, slower expac release etc
    Protocol likes this.
  6. Basak Augur

    That would make a perfect name for that type of server to be sure.
  7. Blastoff Augur

    This guild is an amazing mix of hardcore and casual. If you want to poopsock you can. If you want to raid 2 hours a week and be 90% bis you can. Faceless respects your time and will optimize raid targets for the best use of it possible. There's no beating such a competent group of players with no RA requirements if you want to see all content. And Faceless does everything they can to go the distance. Also, the bidding system eliminates bidding.
    Raidyn, Daax and Protocol like this.
  8. Vetis Augur

    I'm a huge PvP fan, born and raised Rallos Zek. Sadly, the fact is a TLP PvP would be rampant with hackers warping all over the place, unable to be snared/rooted, they can increase their move speed to whatever they want and god knows what else.

    Zaide's Dramaquest Podcast has brought to light what we could expect or rather not expect from GMs cracking down on something like that. It would be DoA.

    Outside of emus, it's pretty safe to say EQ PvP is dead and gone.
  9. Protocol Dragon Defender

  10. Veronious New Member

    Gonna run it back with you guys one more time. Going to try my hand and Wizarding this go round.
    Protocol likes this.
  11. coltongrundy Augur

    Teek or Tormax guild?
  12. Vitaez Journeyman

    You should roll on Tormax since you can't scroll up to see his response that it will be on the Teek server.
  13. coltongrundy Augur

    That's not how forums work lil bro. When I click on a thread and see the title and main post don't mention any server at all, scrolling up doesn't move you to the next page and scroll down to the bottom of it.
  14. Manian Vineheart Lorekeeper

    Was part of Faceless on LJ. Time to put the pads on and show that the olds can still go.
  15. Protocol Dragon Defender

    The roster is forming up nicely. Come get in and prepare your body for that batphone life.
  16. Foaming I Drank Bleach IRL Once

    We even have a launch faq channel filled with very important hard to find answers.
  17. Klucifer Elder

    Server first racing? Check!
    24/7 batphones? Check!
    Aggressive splitting dz's? Check!

    Sounds like the place to be! None of it required, but all of it encouraged :)
    Raidyn likes this.
  18. Ograk New Member

    Can I bring my Drake?
  19. Protocol Dragon Defender

    All day every day!
  20. KuntaFirst New Member

    Hello, will this be the number one guild?