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TBM and Daybreak Cash

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fanra, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Daybreak has just announced that we can purchase The Broken Mirror using Daybreak Cash.


    I hope that they will soon post a FAQ on the forum here explaining some things.

    My current question is if you already own TBM can you use Daybreak Cash to upgrade to the Collector's or Premium editions?

    I'm not sure if I would want to upgrade, really, but I was wondering if that would be an option.
  2. Lynnia Augur

    Yes, it is. if you follow the directions in the post, when you click "buy or upgrade now" it shows the prices for the upgrades in DBC.
  3. Haste Lorekeeper

    Haha I bet it'll look like this...

  4. Seosamh New Member

    Can you gift the expansion from one account to another?
    Draego likes this.
  5. Drusi Augur

    Without a gifting option this change while welcome is of little use to most players.

    I highly doubt there are many players with 3500DBC (7 months of all-access subscriptions) and no TBM expansion.

    I suppose it may help some returning players who quit before TBM was released.
    Draego likes this.
  6. Hellboy007 Augur

    so there still no way to send DBC or expansions?
  7. CatsPaws Augur

    I have a "little" more than 3500 DBC and do not have the TBM expansion. I do not race to place as soon as an expansion is released, am more of a quest type player so getting the latest expansion is always put off till the last minute when the collectors version comes on sale.

    What does the 7 month of all access have to do with it? Did I miss we can pay for subscriptions now also?
  8. Brudal Augur

    With all access, you gain 500 DBC per month; so collecting 7 months of free DBC pays for the expansion.
  9. Hellboy007 Augur

    I assume TDS will be opened to FTP when the new expansion releases. So guess this will be a nice way to get a little higher than FTP via 7 subs.

    Though could just wait till new expansion and get 2 for the price of 1.

    I guess DBG gets some financial reward for DB cash consumed?
  10. CatsPaws Augur

    OMG! You are so right, so maybe even save up for next expansion. Thank you for pointing this out.
  11. Warpeace Augur

    Come on Daybreak make gifting a thing!!!
    moogs, Fanra, Aghinem and 1 other person like this.
  12. Derd Augur

    I would not assume this will be an option for the next expansion.
  13. Draego Augur

    I would assume that with all the talk of people using existing DBC or sitting and collecting a 7 month supply (3500 DBC) in order to buy the expansion, they will soon reverse their decision and put a quash on this very quickly.

    Look at it in the past ........ as soon as SOE made the expansions available through the Marketplace, someone made a similar comment about waiting a certain amount so that they could collect FREE Station Cash, and boom an "emergency" patch (think a day or two later) the option to use Station Cash was removed.......
  14. Graves Elder

    Some of us haven't forgotten the last bait and switch.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  15. Zimmzimbob Journeyman

    Oh, I remember the time they did triple SC back when you could use it to pay for your sub. $40 for a year of EQ was just winning.
  16. Aghinem Augur

    Gifting marketplace funds is a feature long overdue; something I have been asking for the last 5 years.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  17. idej Augur

    I also think they should do a subscription and Item bundle. 1 month + Mount + Shared Potion 19.99.. Heck, they could even do a choose your bundle. 1 months sub+ 1 tier one item + 1 tier 2 item + 1 tier 3 item. They should get creative to increase non-Krono subs to avoid chargebacks from stolen credit cards. They may get a few but no where near the amount they get because people use it to profit.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  18. Aghinem Augur

    I don't have a problem if they make that a option; me personally, I don't need all that. I'm happy with my 30 days.
  19. Kravitz Augur

    They did the same thing last year with TDS expansion, offered it for Daybreak Cash but there was a 50% discount last year as well. This years deal is much worse as there is no 50% off using real cash.


    They are just trying to clear out everyone's DB cash stock pile before the next expansion releases.

    Also, you have to ask yourself, is TBM really worth $35 or 3500 DBC when the next expansion is 4 months away? I personally don't think so.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  20. Warpeace Augur

    No its not and they should know that.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.