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TBL -- Let's get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by JeffHanson, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. Whulfgar Augur

    It's usually 1 raid coin via dev.. or.. so many group coins gotten via quests and or hunting nameds an other stuff in grp content.
  2. Whulfgar Augur

    Can find out via devs when in each years beta by si.ply asking them how many it takes from grp stuff.
  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Can the devs buff the xp rate in TBL?
  4. jeskola pheerie

    c) wait for DBG to set aside time to work on server merge script
    since c) will never happen, see a)
  5. jeskola pheerie

    not really. They used to merge servers, and tried again as recently as Vulak into Fippy. Their new script failed, and they threw their hands up and declared defeat, and have not revisited merges since. Merges used to be a foregone conclusion to maintain reasonable server population.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  6. Drpeppa Journeyman

    Yes really. They have transfur tokens available to enable populations of players to leave any server to join any other server with out moving entire populations of players who don't want to move.

    The literal only difference in a server merge or a transfur token is 1 is free.. the other costs the player.
  7. Warpeace Augur

    If people saved their Daybreak cash its still free.
  8. WorriedinNorrath Elder

    Thank you Burning Lands for doing something I never thought possible, curing my EQ addiction. I have gotten to take the entire 2019 Spring,Summer, and soon to be Fall off. It's an expansion meant for raiders or ultra hardcore groupers (even though pickup groups do not exist anymore) with expansion zones locked behind progression. My server has been reduced to nothing but Krono farmers spamming their Krono and one mentally ill individual talking to himself in general chat.
    Inga, Graves, Sappas and 2 others like this.
  9. Sappas Journeyman

    I agree. I've tried the smoke trials several times with various groups and have yet to beat one of them. Some of those groups I even spent a full week setting them up... doing favors to get raiders to show... and all the other @#$ kissing needed. I still try from time to time but after a couple months of that stress I mainly have just stopped playing except to do a lesson burn here or there.
    I hear people claiming those trials are easy but that hasn't been my experience. Maybe I just haven't gotten the best groups. Which I suspect is the case for most people since I see basic drops in TBL flagged zones still selling for up to 2 million pp... with the campfire option available. And those people that are selling these items have no problems finding customers... even 9 months in. That's insane.
  10. Whulfgar Augur

    Hi new member since today. With literally 1 post. (until after you read this you will have more then)
  11. Brohg Augur

    I'm curious, what class do you play? On what server have you had such remarkably poor experience with trials?
  12. birdsong_pawn Augur

    Not everybody who plays EQ posts on the forums. (I have played EQ since 1999 and never posted on the forums until this year.) Maybe this person signed up to share their feelings on TBL.
  13. Bamboompow Augur

    Trials are indeed easy if you get in that Goldilocks Zone of a very competent tank and healer. Excellent dps. CC is kinda optional but a bard is good.

    Got trials done. Kinda don't play in there anymore tho. They say it gets easier past them but never really cared. TBL wasn't my glass of ale. Plus it was one of those Expacs where people got the prog done and then didn't want to return if they could help it.

    Best advice? Finish everything you can before TBL. At the very least it gets you in the right mindset. If you are strictly a group player, its not optional. More like mandatory. Gear is important, but not as much as AA and knowing what it does. Don't venture into TBL unless you have all the key AA done for your class thru RoS and as many of the Heroics as can be done.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Yinla like this.
  14. Evurkvest Augur

    This! It would be enough to make Ashes recoverable, limit the possible adds spawned at the same time to 4 or so. Remove the stun and/or tone down the AEs. For me this is the hardest mission in TBL. Not really great to have this mission blocking ppl from doing trivial merc quests in static smoke.
    NeverPayForLag and eqgamer like this.
  15. Crokker Lorekeeper

    Ngreth Thergn Developer

    But which "right" gets the correction?:p
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  16. Mazame Augur

    Ok I have done the trials with the following.

    Trial of the Ashes of Rusted Cliff's Glory = 1 Beast raid gear + 5 Alts in group gear. (I have heard of this one being soloed. I have not done it my self. I would be willing to do this with just 2 toons but every time I run it I find a number of people needing it that it easy to fill the group to complete it faster.

    Trial of the Eternal Cyclone = This one I done with a Raid gear beast and A live healer ( use shamy, cleric and druid on different runs) and 1-2 range DPS (used nerco, mages, rangers all based on who need the trial.)

    Trial of the Speaker's Amphitheater = 1 raid gear bst and a boxed chanter with 2 mercs.

    Trial of the Wending Ways = 1 raid gear beast + 1 group gear beast + 2 mercs. I will say this is one of my Favorite trials.

    Trial of Three = 1 Raid gear bst, 1 group gear healer, 4 group gear DPS. This is another one that for me has been easy to fill a group because a lot of people need it when ask in general.

    I know I am a raid gear but I am also a beast. So a group gear Tank should be able to tank everything as I was able to tank.

    My 2nd point is that I was able to do these trials with very minimal numbers and with random pug groups. so again I don't feel they are in need of a nerf.

    "At most one smoke trial should allow players to access the other TBL zones"
    I have to LOL at this because it takes less then one to access the other zones.
    people have posted about the fellowship to get past and yes that works but it even more simple.

    1 lock out on any trial will let you by pass the zone. The lock out doesn't even have to be on your toon. you could simply ask in General " anyone with smoke trial lock out able to request it so I can run through?" If the person with the lock out request the trial then everyone in the group can run through with out need to do any trail.

    From you post your making TBL sound hard. and yes at first it was hard because people didn't know the tricks. but by now it not and issue any more.

    If you have gone this long with out doing any of the smoke trials it tells me you need to be more social. Ask for help in general, Join a guild.

    EQ was not meant to be a solo game it is a social game and requires asking for help. I just spent 4 days this week helping people to finish up TBL stuff because the asked for help. It not that these events need to be nerfed it that you need to find people to help you and learn the tactics to win the events.
  17. Sappas Journeyman

    Spot on. I started playing when the ruins of Kunark came out... around 2000 I think. I did take a 3 year break though. I've been back for a year now. I would have sworn that I had posted in the past. I do have another account, maybe I posted on it. That said, I know I did only a few posts in the past so it is hardly worth switching back to it for this thread just to get some kind of post count cred...lol. I can though if that matters to folks. My view on the expansion is still the same though regardless.
    I'm just not a fan of paying for an expansion that I can't see more than one zone of without doing flagging that requires specialized groups, etc. AND even if you get said group it only flags you for a few days. You have to get that specialized group for several missions to actually get any kind of permanent flag... that's insane.
    You can't do any reasonable amount of additional progression in those flagged zones in just a few days. Now, my understanding is that you can just never leave the zone. However, that plan comes to an end the second you die. You can drop a campfire... but that requires you getting boxs flagged or finding 2 other people that not only are flagged... willing to do the content... online at the same time as you... and willing to do what you want to do... and available to do it when you are. Yeah, good luck with any of that when you are struggling just to find the right people to successfully do ONE mission.
    So, it basically would be me eventually finding the right group to get that one mission done only to go into the flag zone and MAYBE getting 1 or 2 progression missions done in 3 days (don't know how hard those are though... maybe I could get most of them done... though, I doubt they are that easy) then spending weeks again trying to get another flag mission done... which most likely would end up being the same easier one and thus not getting me any closer to permanent flag... then rinse and repeat. Yeah, that sounds like lots of fun.
    That is why I've all but given up on it. I still try to get a group together sometimes but seriously, it's WAY too stressful for something that is supposed to be entertaining. Which I agree should be the case sometimes in a game. However, not to this degree and certainly not right out of the fricking gate. Seriously, I could end up not seeing past the first zone of this expansion for another 2 fricking years when it will be possible (I'm assuming) to just zerg it. That's insane.
    NeverPayForLag, Inga and Graves like this.
  18. Laronk Augur

    What server are you on, I am sure someone on the forums here would be happy to help you form a group to do some progression, you might even make new friends.
  19. Sappas Journeyman

    First off, EQ has ALWAYS had a ton of soloable stuff in each expansion. I mean, a majority of progression are solo missions for goodness sake.
    Second, it's a ton easier for you to just toss a group together when you are one of the key members needed for said group. Seriously, look at your list, I think you only actually needed anyone specific for one or two of those missions... and these were the types that you might even been able to box if you had to. Because of your gear, etc, you are basically just powerful enough to carry all the rest of the groups... aka, they are dependent on you being willing to do the mission vs you being dependent on them. So, yeah, from your perspective these probably do seem pretty darn easy to set up, etc.
    I'm not trying to hate on you btw. You worked for that raid gear, etc. I'm just pointing out that there are some of us that can't just grab a random healer or tank and some random dps and do these missions. We need at least one or two very specific classes and/or geared folks. And we have to get them at the same time... willing to do the same mission... etc.
    Graves and Spellfire like this.
  20. Mazame Augur

    Yes Eq has always had stuff that was soloed by people willing to do it. but much of this stuff that was soloed was meant to be done with a group. Group have always made questing more enjoyable and quicker.

    I wish I could get a group any time I want to do what I want but that is not the case. Often putting a group together takes effort. As a bst I not a required class or a key class in any mission.

    My trick to putting groups together is find some one else that is in need and join up.
    Once I have a 2nd person I then /gu /general that we are going to do X and it takes time based on what we are doing. But I keep looking.

    What I found with most people is they want a group but they want a group that has a goal in mind.

    When I ask any Tank LFG or any DPS lfg I don't have much luck. When I say " Looking to do Trial of ash have 4 spots" I get more tells because people know what I am doing and they know they are not just going to sit in a group debating what to do.

    Don't get me wrong I not trying to put anyone down. I just would rather the dev work on new stuff rather then re-tuning things at this point. I believe the trial are doable and If your on my sever I am happy to help run missions for those that would like help.

    That is what my post is about people being more social to get things do by asking for help or advise on how to beat x even rather than posting it need to be nerf. If people can do these trials with 1-3 people. then anyone with a group should be able to do them as well.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.