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TBL -- Let's get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by JeffHanson, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. Funky Augur

    lol if I were available to do that I totally would... but I more than likely wont be on... I haven't really had much play time lately outside of my normal raid nights due to work and this or that... also, I don't have any non raid geared toons... I literally only play my SK and bard.. I let my 3rd account go silver and it doesn't even have the current expansion... basically just a banker account lol

    there is quite a difference in playstyle between raiders and casual for sure.

    some casual players are quite terrible as you put it.. but that's mostly cause they stick to the little things they do and don't venture to much further or they don't investigate the capability of their class, don't ask for tips or whatnot... nothing wrong with it.. just a difference
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Fair point.

    Lots of people have bad experiences with randos (casuals & raiders) - AFK, incompetence, weirdos, being too needy, etc. Not to mention some people are introverted, independent, seeking escape, or suffer from a social anxiety disorder.

    Edit: Some people also prefer to play with rl friends or family (spouse/child) exclusively.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  3. Bamboompow Augur

    Sitting in General chat can be a butt chapper. Can only handle that channel in small doses. Unfortunately that is where rando groups advertise.
  4. Fnyanea Augur

    Not sure if I missed something. But cause it was going to be really hard/annoying, and now its less hard/annoying than what it was going to be, people have no right to express any dislike?
  5. Fnyanea Augur

    Couldn't agree more!
  6. Bamboompow Augur

    I could be wrong, but Absor is sort of where content starts as far as mad scientist take over of the world type content goes. As in it starts on Plaid level difficulty and then he gets talked down from there to some pragmatic reality. Shoot the moon, right? GMM might have been a "Fine! Whatever! Have it your way! You want easy? I can do easy!!!! OH YES I CAN BWAHAHAHAHA!" response and it was born out of spite.
  7. Tappin Augur

    There trying to slow down progression as much as possible. If people allow them to patch in easy mode, then nerf it latter they are going keep feeding us poop at luanch. They should provide at least 1 zone to bridge the gap between last expansion and current expansion.
  8. Whulfgar Augur

    From every thing I've seen in the past I can't even remember how long..

    Beta is ran.. hard core raiders swarm it hard core style .. casuals login check the new loot coming out (that's if they got in..)

    Beta closed launch happens.. hardcore people blow the it in a week or less.. casuals start threads about how unbalanced and not friendly it is ad nasuem..

    3 months later it gets nerf.. the first..

    Couple months later.. it gets nerf the 2nd..

    Yet couple months later this or that is yet NERFED even further..

    Now casuals think it's participation trophy time.. and all get ticked because they can't get their alts into newer zones because well get guud..

    This has been the cycle for at least as far back as any of us fully remember..

    So do any of us REALLY.. 5hink it's gonna change ?

    It's gonna come out hard af.. then get needed a few times before next beta launches..and nothing. Nobody posts here will change that recipe..
    Funky likes this.
  9. Tanols Augur

    It is simple really ... "casuals" have to hit beta as HARD as "hard core raiders" and post CONSTRUCTIVE feedback based on actually trying out the new zones, mobs, tasks, etc. to the devs if they want a more balanced release. I also think there is a huge misconception that "balanced" content means you can walk into it with any combination of 3 player characters and 3 mercs and beat it. Or that walking into the first zone with your pet class and being able to molo content equals "balanced."

    I expect new content to be difficult (entry zone) to almost impossible (end zone) with my box crew of group geared warrior, shaman, bard, raid geared berzerker and 2 mercs @ lvl 110 and previous expansion gear, spells, discs, etc. I expect it to get progressively easier as I earn levels, gear, spells, discs yet still not be a total snooze fest.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  10. Tanols Augur

    Also, if I have learned anything in the past 10+ yrs., it is that attaining the new level cap, AA, spells, discs can have as much of an impact on ability to clear new content as attaining new gear. Especially for group geared players. So it makes sense to spend a little more time in previous expansion content to attain at least a few new levels, before jumping into new content. If not all of them.
  11. Allayna Augur

    The other issue I frequently see on beta is that people...casuals and raiders alike will equip full new raid gear from the beta fish when testing content.

    Some of your out of whack tuning is a result of testing in the improper gear.
  12. Moege Augur

    :rolleyes: Casuals do post constructive feedback it is not only raiders on beta as is now widely sprouted.
    The problem is forum feedback is ignored 99% of the time. Last few expansions I posted myself tried to help to be met by silence and no fixes to actual mistakes. TBL and onward devs lost my support I will use the month of beta getting alts ready on live.
  13. Spellfire Augur

    Feedback was posted (and not just in TBL beta but other expansions as well); a lot of it was ignored, too.
  14. bigpapa Augur


    some can stop to play EQ because it is too hard and not fun for them ( like TBL is ) , being stuck in the entry tier one zone who is a great challenge for many casuals .

    tier one zones should be * pretty easy * and no road block , and getting tougher as we progress.

    I doubt some would quit playing EQ because tier one zones are ** easy mode ** but some could if tier one zones ( like stratos ) are too tough for them .

    in 2019 with EQ population shrinking ( compared to what is was many years ago ), we need to get everyone having fun to play EQ. we can see easily why FM and GMM are so popular btw...
    Yinla likes this.
  15. Fcseven XIII Journeyman

    I agree with others that beta feedback is largely ignored. I have seen paragraphs and paragraphs of well thought out feedback not given a response on beta forums. The problems pointed out then go live. It is one of the reasons I do not give my time to beta anymore.
    Graves likes this.
  16. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    TBL was an experiment in a different way of doing progression. We acknowledge that it was not widely popular. We don't plan on doing it that way again.

    As someone in another thread pointed out... we try not to "Cut and Paste" (everything... some things well...). We try different things to shake it up and keep the game from going stale. And, while we could do some things the change TBL, we *DO* get both opinion from players (as this thread shows) So... while we may not do it that way again, we are also not making efforts to change TBL itself.

    Also. We're busy now!

    And on the beta thing. We do read beta feedback.
    We DON'T respond to every post (we wouldn't have time to finish the expansion if we did). Even the nice long very well thought out posts.
    We also don't AGREE with every post. Even the nice long very well thought out posts.
    Sometimes we DO agree, and make changes based on that feedback, and if you say we never do, you are being disingenuous. We sometimes do this without responding to the post as well.
    We also sometimes even disagree with "majority" of posts, because well. really, it's a minority of players that do participate in beta, and perhaps we have other feedback/directives that they don't know about.

    And sometimes, yes, we are trying something new and we want it out in the full real world with LOTS of people trying it, despite negative feedback of the few. Sometimes we are wrong, and stick to our guns anyway. (Or sometimes take a long time to change) Sometimes we are wrong, and make a change, Sometimes we are right, and sometime we are right, and also make a change.

    This game is a live entity.
    Dsuna, Gana, Thunderkiks and 13 others like this.
  17. Sissruukk Rogue One

  18. Mintalie Augur

    Great news!
    eqgamer likes this.
  19. dreamweaver Community Manager

    This thread has more or less gotten back on track, let's try to keep it there guys. GrammarQuest is a different game. ;)
    Allayna and Funky like this.
  20. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Gamer girls can be grammar 's too. #singledout