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TBL -- Let's get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by JeffHanson, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. Allayna Augur

    Some of the same vocals make me realize that many in the EQ community cannot think non-linearly.

    Without the loot tables in smoke, would you call it a T1 zone?

    100% of the "progression" ie Heatseeker achievement can be done without EVER stepping foot in the static smoke zone.

    The only thing locked behind all of the smoke trials is the mercenary plane of smoke and (arguably) hunter plane of smoke.

    This was a design choice by the developers and by far a much better one than was originally in place in beta.

    Original design was a 30 minute timed trial of any smoke trial.
    Original design included not being able to do a trial if someone in the group had a lockout for the trial you wanted....now it just adds to their timer.
    Original design was to require you to do a trial to zone back from empyr.
    Original design was far harder in many many aspects from group to raid and has been adjusted.

    Still there are people who call foul. TBL was a gift to the casual player base.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Part of TBLs problems are that the zones that are labeled as T1 & T2 are not accessed in the usual access order.

    For example if Empyr & Aalashai had been T1 zones, instead of Estanti & Smoke there would be less complaints from group players as they wouldn't have to do the harder zones to get to an easy one.

    What is the point of Estanti at all, if players can cope with mobs in the T2 zones why would they bother with it for lesser rewards?
  3. svann Augur

    Just put a flagging purchase on the marketplace.
    Just kidding!

    Actually, I think flagging should be removed from old expansions or nerfed to the point where any duo group can do it. You cant expect people to find full groups to do years old content.
    Mintalie likes this.
  4. Liin Edud (Tunare) Augur

    I stayed out of the GMM thread because personally I don't enjoy GMM anyways so I don't much care what happens to it either way. I know many people enjoy it, even many of my guildies and in game friends so I feel bad that content that they like is possibly going to be altered in some way. GMM is just not for me and neither was Gribbles. I'd rather quest than grind and that's all HAs are is a grind that you have to change camps for.

    For perspective I am 100% non-raider. I haven't been on a raid since one I was guilted into healing for in ROF and I hated it. I am in a pure group game guild of maybe 15 active players and maybe 2 of those will regularly attend public raids on Tunare. We have completed all of group ROS and group TBL. (Burninator and Scalebreaker)

    As for TBL:

    We've had a ton of different threads on this same topic and I've chimed in on a few of them.

    I think TBL progression is both broken and working exactly as intended so bear with me.

    We were through Smoke trials and into Empyr week 1 of the expansion and farming named there for lamps and T2 gear. We used a campfire and went back and did Wending Ways and Trial of 3 as necessary when our campfire poofed . The reason I think we had an easier time than most of the other casual guilds on Tunare was that we were done with ROS by that point. We were all in full T2 Scale Touched gear, all with a complete set of ROS type 5s and 25k to max AA.

    I think the way that the TBL progression was designed was that it required this level of gearing and XP to do without pulling your hair out. Not saying you couldn't get it done but for those that remember this is how EQ used to be. Working through the previous expansion was almost a requirement. Primals, epics, particular spells you couldn't get off a vendor, etc.

    I fully understand that no one wants to stay in ROS to gear up for the next set of zones and I get that returning players don't want to be by themselves in OT or Gorowyn while everyone else is in Empyr.

    I have posted this before so I'm going to quote myself. I think this would have been a better progression

    The one addition I think I would add to this is that I would have made Esianti the starting zone instead of Stratos. Wide open zone you don't fall off of much with alot of easily defined camps and sprinkle in a few named.

    These are just my thoughts on things we've been debating for 8 months now.

    As someone previously stated if you're on Tunare and need help with the trials or progression look me up, I like to help, it's what I do.
    Dsuna likes this.
  5. Belexes ForumQuester

    Well, you should have waited until you were more clear headed to try to make sense of what I was posting. :p

    If you read slower, you will see I am referring to the name Jesus. It is a proper noun. It had nothing to do with the word "god".

    I said something in a previous post where I used the phrase, " I could care less". He congratulated me using the correct words as people usually say it wrong and he just hates that. A sign of a grammar queen/.

    When he posted this response, he evoked the name Jesus, but didn't capitalize it, so I was playfully ribbing him about being a grammar , but failing grammar while doing it.

    He said it was a personal choice not to capitalize it, which is funny since he doesn't like others personal choice of words like "Couldn't care less". He also mentioned the word god then, but I was referring to not capitalizing "Jesus" and said his English prof would not cut him slack on not choosing to capitalize "hey-zeus". :D

    I hope you now understand what should have been obvious before. :p :D

    Every time I post here, I have to become the reading comprehension . :D Don't get mad, all forums suffer this horrible disease. :D

  6. Belexes ForumQuester

    I could care less :p about using proper grammar, but sweet baby yosco obviously does when it suits him.

    I don't post here correcting people's grammar, only a grammar queen like yourself does...just saying. :D :p

    I only make fun of those who do correct or say they hate when people use improper grammar or words, yet fail at that very thing when they correct others like our dearest yosco. :D
  7. Belexes ForumQuester

    You also should be aware that SKs are a gift to the casual player. :p :D

    But you are right, there is nothing that says progression has to be linear. People just hate when their cheese gets moved. :D
  8. Axeknight New Member

    Just come to FV and buy old raid gear or current group gear in baz. You can also get PL very easy on the server people are always auctioning wts PL etc. just buy like 200 Kronos from the daybreak store and trade them for full raid gear and PL so you can stomp through anything, no one likes a challenge.. Another option is just play the game the way it was meant to be played as many people are successful in doing so. Problem solved
  9. yosco Augur

    I hope you're joking... you were the one who first decided to correct my grammar.... remember? All I did was give you kudos for not hosing up the oft-hosed "could care less" when any 5th grader could see why that's wrong. But okay... lol... kudos giveth, kudos taketh away.
  10. Belexes ForumQuester

    If you don't care about grammar, why do you care about "could care less"? You do know any ol' 5th grader knows about capitalizing proper nouns right? :D

    Look, I am teasing you because you are wildly inconsistent and contradictory. Don't you see the irony of what you posted when you gave me the so-called kudo? :D
  11. yosco Augur

    Nope, I'm consistent with not capitalizing certain things and with appreciating when people say "couldn't" when what they mean actually calls for it.

    If I was talking about Jesús Aguilar then I would have capitalized it. As it stands, I don't buy into the other bs.

    Call it being principled rather than ruled by social pressure. :) People who study social constructs and mental development would call it "self authoring." You can look it up. It's interesting stuff.
  12. Belexes ForumQuester

    It isn't social pressure. Take off your hater hat for a second. This isn't about whether you believe in a religion or not. Jesus of Nazareth is a character in a book and that is his name. Names are capitalized. That is it, end of story. I don't care what your beliefs are. You just look foolish when you capitalize a name for one dude, but not another of the same name because of your beliefs. Capitalizing it doesn't mean you are compromising your beliefs dude. It is silly in my eyes and shows your insecurity you have about your self and your beliefs. Nothing wrong with how you believe. Give your belief the respect it deserves by not being childish about it.

    Don't mis-apply what you think you know about "self authoring" here.

    I say all this in seriousness with trying to help you overcome this insecurity.
  13. Allayna Augur

    De-railed sooooooo far........
    Whulfgar likes this.
  14. Belexes ForumQuester

    You've never derailed a thread have you? :D

    SKs are OP and TBL is easy if you are gud. We back on track now? :p
    Veritas likes this.
  15. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Aye. It went straight into the roundhouse of pointlessness.
  16. yosco Augur

    I'm quite comfortable with my particular convictions :) thanks for asking, though!
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Great suggestions.

    Never heard of the one about grouping with someone with a lock out I could have been getting a lot of guildies past the smoke trials that way.

    Lets hope the next expansions progression is more straight forward and follows the standard progression paradigm used in the past or at least all the info to get around things gets posted on third party sites.
    Yinla and yosco like this.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Thank god for beta testing. Testing makes it better.. though not always ideal.

    But lets face it. If things had been as they originally were in TBL before beta the public outcry would have been incredible. It still wasn't well received. But hey that's all part of the reason for beta testing.

    Though it's true the guy told he is going to get 15 lashes but only gets 5 will say thank you.

    Beta testing occurred. It did what it was intended to do. I do thank all those who did beta testing. While I realized raid guilds want to get a heads up on content and be game firsts they also are very valuable in testing everthing. The fact they might have a reason for testing things is besides the point. DBG gets dedicated testing by people who have skin in the game and therefore things get well tested. Thanks to all who do beta.

    I guess what I do get out of this is that the Dev team is WIDELY out of touch with the playerbase if that much had to be changed in beta testing though. I mean scarily out of touch. Unless their idea is to start off crazy then come down to sanity as beta testing is done.
  19. CrazyLarth Augur

    Their were many issue with testing TBL beta last year. I met groups Factioning to get past blocks in Prog. Locked zones cant find groups once your group broke up.

    I don't think I knew the levels of the zones at the time of Beta. The weird lock out of smoke trials was very new 1st time in any expansion. I hope we have a long beta for this year.
  20. Natal Augur

    IMO a raider is anyone routinely doing raids that generate drops that are better than the best group gear. Currently that would be RoS and TBL raids.

    There is no way that is the majority on any server. More than 1% probably but certainly not anywhere near half.