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TBL -- Let's get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by JeffHanson, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. yosco Augur

    I also don't capitalize "god" :)

    Personal choice!
    Ravanta Suffer likes this.
  2. Bamboompow Augur

    I used to be a raider. Now I am not. Doubt it's like having been in the Marine Corps but it would be interesting what actually factors in the statistics. The devs put the most effort into the raids so it's safe to say that the game IS designed around a player who will focus their in game efforts towards beating raids.

    The issue is the game has to decide what it wants to be and just stick to it. Too often the dev team have to walk things back to better align with keeping to the game's niche as being raid centric. Which means some of us have to own up that it's time to move on.

    For now this game is still fun. When it stops being fun, it will no longer get my time and money. Still, it gets confusing as to when that time will be due to inconsistences and what might be too much influence by a rather zealous minority.
  3. roth Augur

    Can’t speak to the others, but FF14 actually DOES do this.

    You start out in Limsa Lominsa, you are stuck in the La Noscea region until you complete a certain Main Scenario Quest (the one that unlocks the airship travel to other city states, and sends you to them). If you don’t start in Limsa Lominsa, you are blocked from the La Noscea region until you complete that same level 15 MSQ.

    Expansions lock you from zones until you are directed there by the MSQ. Just reached Heavensward? You must do certain MSQ in Foundation and Pillars to get to Western Coerthas and Sea of Clouds. And forget about going to Dravanian Forelands or Dravanian Hinterlands before the MSQ directs you to them. Just reached Stormblood? You’re locked out of Rhalgyr’s Reach until you complete certain MSQ.

    Don’t speak where you have no knowledge. And for at least one of the games you cited, you lacked knowledge, some of which I’ve imparted to you. There are other examples of FF zones being locked behind progression that I did not cite here.
  4. Belexes ForumQuester

    Explain that to your English professor. :) Don't let your beliefs and bias cause you to fail at life. :p

    You are the one that evoked him, at least capitalize his name. Lots of dudes have that name.

    I don't like Adolf Hitler, but I still capitalize because...grammar. :p

    You can't pick when and where to be a grammar queen. Do... there is no try. :p
    Coagagin likes this.
  5. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Murder is a personal choice, doesn't mean you should get away with it.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    ALL T1 zones should be unlocked at least. Having to kill in a T2 zone to access other T1 zones is bad design.

    TBL shouln't have had Emypr & Aalishai progression needed to access Estanti.
    Dsuna, Xeladom and Whulfgar like this.
  7. Belexes ForumQuester

    Not relevant Dythan. Don't let YOUR bias cause you to fail at life. :p You are just offended because...well, I don't need to spell it out do I? :D

    Not capitalizing proper nouns has nothing to do with murdering someone. You are not breaking the law by not capitalizing a name.

    If he is gonna be a grammar queen, then he has to walk the walk if he is talking the talk. :)
  8. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Should have capitalized Him and His according to that...just saying!
  9. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Jesus is a name though. Lot of peeps named Jesus would like their named capitalized :) Well okay they might not care but still once we stop capitalizing names the world will end up in anarchy! Anarchy I say!


    Belexes likes this.
  10. Drakang Augur

    People keep saying change it so you only need one smoke win to advance. Hey guess what you only need one smoke win to advance. With a lockout on ONE trial you can get to Empyr. The tasks there are not hard to get aaliashi. Then go do the Relic mission and you have your lamp to port to aaliashi. Boom no need to ever do another Smoke Trial. Wending Ways is Trivial. I have boxed it with an SK a shaman and 2 mercs meaning for a full group it is simple to win.
    Maedhros likes this.
  11. Coagagin Guild house cat

    Comparing murder to not using proper capitalization is called 'false equivalency'.

    Back on topic.

    DBG is tasked with two separate paths here and neither is going to make everyone happy. On one side you have the casual player for whom most everyone started off early in the game. Raiding would come much later (Nagafen, Vox, etc.) These people once held the overwhelming majority of the game and for good reason. Outside of a couple of end game dragons, there was no real need for raiding guilds, etc.

    Somewhere between 2003-2007 or so raiding became more and more of a focus and EQ evolved with that focus. More raiding, higher level content. Things progressed to the day where we are now. Raiders are much more likely to spend hard earned cash that keeps the game alive for silver and non-raid level accounts. So raiders get there due as well. We see it each and every day here in ForumQuest.

    Now the problem for DBG is maintaining two viable paths, one for the casuals who want to be able to access better than what they currently equip and the raiders who by effort have access to much better gear than the casuals. Balancing this out is difficult as we have seen with TBL and GMM. Where GMM looks to be the appropriate way for shy casuals to gear up a bit in preparation for the next expac. Why all the kicking, screaming and temper tantrums is beyond me, save you want the game to go away because the same people are picking fights on both sides and crying foul each time. Word of advice - get over it or get out. Please.

    The game feels like its gently shifting more towards the paying raider than the silver account weekend warrior/wizard/SK types. I may be wrong but unless the next expac shows me something different I will have to believe this is truly the case. Emphasis not turning the casuals out to the cold so lets not get too up in arms about how the game is progressing while its still progressing.

    - Coag
  12. Zolav Augur

    Good post Coagagin, I feel the same. I never understood the hatred on both sides.. raiders vrs. casual. Hell any casual I see in Norrath I try to be cool to. We all love Norrath why the hate.
  13. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    In the past, players used to primarily clash over class abilities (wizard nerfs, bard nerfs, rogue nerfs, zerker nerfs, monk nerfs, enchanter nerfs, SK nerfs) but now find themselves in the casual-raider dichotomy.

    The trends you outline are likely true. The raider is more likely to maintain a consistent subscription (six month, annual, or lifetime) and purchase expansions on release. However, I would not discredit casuals who also may or may not spend All Access during holidays, game services (Heroic Character, pots), expansions, and cosmetics. (We could also account for raiders who go on hiatus or on a tight budget). Daybreak has the financial data for causation.

    Regardless, your main point is correct. I hope the devs find the right balance. There's a vocal, toxic minority from "each camp" on the forums. The proposed changes to GMM seems to "tip" the balance for some on the casual side. Interestingly, many "raiders" don't mind GMM near current state but obviously there's issues with people abusing the status quo (knight swarming).
  14. yosco Augur

    belexus, jesus, That Post Was A Bit Ridiculous, Incredulous, and Intolerant!
  15. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Why do a have sudden image of this guy dressed as Yoda carrying a ruler?
  16. haaaalp Augur

    I'm extremely confused and sad for those who consider TBL to be "difficult."

    GMM can be cleared by a group of 100s. Go get gear there and then come back and do smoke trials. Wait, smoke trials are easy.

    TBL was much harder the first two months before they nerfed it. Stop griping & get better.
    Belexes likes this.
  17. Whulfgar Augur

    Only part of your post I agree with is that a T1 zone should not be locked behind a t2 zone that part I agree 100% with.
  18. Whulfgar Augur

    You want me to apologize .. for asking a question?

    Are you serious right now or have you had a lapse of reading comprehension?
  19. Tappin Augur

    Statistics without proper definitions lacks substance. I think we are all guilty of it here, but I am not sure what this post brings to the thread besides our demographics may have shifted a bit over the years.

    Instead of looking at this from a “casual vs raider” perspective, why can’t we look at what can we do retain more players?

    It’s not fun to purchase an expansion for your 110 RoS geared toon designed for 105+, only to get two rounded on the first trash mob you pull. It reminds of Vanguard’s solo content that couldn’t be solo by most (a bit of a tangent).

    Would it be too much trouble to have 1 zone in a new expansion that is friendlier to those who may be a bit behind the curve? We don’t want a repeat of GMM, but a zone that is more molo friend where everything doesn’t have permeant buffs and a high resistance to almost all debuffs (cough OT).

    Thanks for listening.
  20. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    One way to get past, is to ask in general channel if someone has a lockout on any smoke trial, get them into group and get smoke trial. Then you can pass right through.
    If there are spaces in small fellowships, make some level 1 alts to park in the zone to set the campfire somewhere safe for the regular toons?
    Have someone request the smoke trial for the group needing to pass through from the Empyr side instead of the smoke side.