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TBL -- Let's get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by JeffHanson, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. CrazyLarth Augur

    I agree it would be nice if they unlock some TBL T1 zones.

    TBL progress is weired a TEMP flag for a zone and makes you do quests in TWO T2 zones before unlocking a T1 zone ESIANTI: PALACE OF THE WINDS and making you do 5 Trials to unlock a T1 zone Smoke.

    I only did one Trial and finished Prog. Took for ever to get all 5 trials.
    With at least 1 Trial down, you will gain access to the next zone, Empyr: Realms of Ash its TEMP for a perid of 2 days I think.
    Just camp in the higher zones till you get the progress down to move on.

    Smoke normal zone a T1 zone should be unlocked.
    Yinla and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I agree with what you say but just had to add its not easy.. which does make it a bit of a roadblock. Again the bigger issue was just people finding out they could do one smoke trial over and over. Let's not forget this was very much out of character for how every progresson expansion had been done in the past.

    I also think a lot of players had to just wait for smoke locksouts so they could do whatever trial they could handle over and over to gear up before moving forward. At least that is how I saw a lot of casuals do it. Farm the easiest trial for gear for tanks before moving onwards. That was once word got round you could just do a trial over and over.
  3. Traxen Lorekeeper

    No other MMO does this stupidity. WoW, Rift, FF, the rest, they don't lock zones behind progression quests, they just make them so you don't dare to into them below a certain level. Only DBG/SOE locks zones behind progression, which is probably why there's only a few thousand EQ players left.
  4. Whulfgar Augur

    Quick question.

    For ALL the casuals in your guild.. is it against your guilds rules to actually have raid geared people help them out in any capacity what so ever in grp content ?

    I find it vastly interesting you run a casual guild on perhaps thee most packed server with the two best raid guilds across all of eq.. one of which actually runs open raids as well ..

    Yet.. you claim the casuals in your guild never get help via raid geared players what so ever.

    So back to the question.

    Is it against your guilds rules to get help from raid geared xegony players ?
    Allayna and Coagagin like this.
  5. Whulfgar Augur

    Funny thing bout that..

    None of them are as old long lasting or game industry changers..

    None of them.. are EVERQUEST..

    So I would expect a game named Everquest to be vastly harder then those other games you named..

    We are after all.. the game everyone you mentioned tried to emulate..
  6. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    Raiders are more than 1% (a lot more)

    While it may have been true in GoD, it is no longer true. And hasn't been for years

    Keep the conversation civil.
    Ferriciean, Rolaque, Axxius and 7 others like this.
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Why would we be asking raid guilds for help? As Heinlien says There Ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

    Plus whats up with making up things about me saying no one in my guild has ever gotten help on anything by a raider?

    Please quote where I said this or maybe apologize for pulling stuff out of your ashcan.

    Plus I sort of expect that group players can get through group content without the help of raiders. Funny how that is eh? :)
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Yeah any comment saying raiders are 1% is insane. They may actually be the majority at this point depending where you pick the point between what is and isn't a raider.
  9. Laronk Augur

    Yet when I tried to drag (yes drag) people into tbl missions like smoke they didnt want to go. I can group with my guildies or box but if I try to invite people who are lfg in general chat they tend to only want to do GMM So because I want to make friends... I go do GMM with them.
  10. Belexes ForumQuester

    LOL! Let me see how you come up with 1%. I love it when people are trying to base their opinion or facts on made up numbers.

    Only in ForumQuest. Let's see you do that crap in the real life work environment.

    Look, those who can't play a lot and are casual are wanting the game to be easier and less of a time sink. In other words, they want a different game.

    You make EQ easier with less roadblocks, those friendless type of casuals get left behind even faster.

    Those out there that raced to 110 and are hollow (No AA, no skill) think gear and levels are gonna get them where they need to go. Not so fast! Those are the ones I see who have trouble progressing in new expansions. They are the ones that initially get groups, but then since they can't play their toon well and are a liability to a group, they flounder around in Gen PoP asking for help. Often I try to help those people and some of them are willing to get better and to help themselves and some just want others to get them their loot and achievements.

    There are a lot of non raiding players that are very good at this game and have no problems in TBL and they don't have any of that raiding gear. They know how to play, they have AAs. They don't need a lot of time to do progression. They get through it just as fast as that imaginary 1%.

    I have two accounts on two PCs. I can't two box everything, but I can a lot of it. I make friends, I help them and they help me. If I sucked and couldn't pull my weight, then I would not be able to get groups.

    The gap isn't how much time you spend in game or raider versus grouper. The gap is skill and how you use your time.

    If I didn't know how to play my class well, I would be spending the time I have learning how to play better so I can get groups and be more efficient with my time.

    Those in large casual guilds shouldn't be having issues keeping up unless nobody knows how to play. None of the TBL missions or trials are hard if you know what you are doing and have a full group. Large casual guilds should be able to get full groups.

    Like I said, the gap is skill, but it isn't 1% versus 99%. Those are numbers others use in our society use to cast blame for their own shortcomings.

    Skill and friends are going to get you where you want to be.

    I try to help everyone I can, but it comes down to it I can only help those who help themselves. I offer to tank trials and missions all the time, but if those who join can't heal or dps, we fail. I offer to dps for groups all the time, but if the tank can't tank, we fail. This is a group game and everyone in the group needs to know their role to be successful.

    I don't have a lot of time either, so if I am in a group where others can't perform their role, I am done with that group unless we are just barely failing and I know we can do better.

    Those that need help with tasks and know how to play get those tasks done if they want them done.
    Ferriciean likes this.
  11. yosco Augur


    I one-grouped a VoA raid the other day. Am I raider? :)
    Graves and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  12. Laronk Augur

    I like to do the easy ones on lockout, wending ways and trial of three. It's for the easy loot.
    yosco likes this.
  13. Laronk Augur

    I think "casuals" or non raiders are still likely the majority just not by a large amount. This would be including the players who play once a week or once a month though.
  14. Belexes ForumQuester

    How long did people only want to do Gribbles? Just about forever. At some point, I left those people behind. Someday, you will have to escape their rut man. The sooner the better for your own sake.
  15. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    People made a big stink about gribbles. Other than the fact people were selling them for plat, I never got the complaint. You might see 10-20 people there when it was "hot". Who cares what those people do. Who cares what GMM people do. I don't care.

    I'm tired of things being nerfed to make up for some people not playing the game the way some dev decides they should play it, because having people quit is apparently better than gimping along in worthless content that makes them happy.
    Xeladom, Corwyhn Lionheart and yosco like this.
  16. yosco Augur

    Or maybe that "worthless content" is their bridge to actually getting to the level they need to be at to get groups. We talk about how the skills of some casual players are terrible... well how many groups do you think a lvl 40 character gets on live servers these days? They probably don't see groups regularly until 105+ ... and even then its iffy.

    Instead of nerfing content that is seen as "too easy" because it's not forcing players to "get better," maybe another method needs to be explored to achieve whatever is the ultimate objective. What is the actual PROBLEM being solved here?
    Xeladom and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  17. Sathayorn Augur

    Came back a couple months ago. Fully TBL geared. Love this expansion, hope next is just as good, and that I get in in time to do progression with people!

    Anyone who can't progress in TBL, kill named, and so on... Needs to make friends. This is an MMO, not a single player game with like, trading. TBL isn't 5% as hard as y'all make it out to be.
    Ferriciean, Allayna, Duder and 2 others like this.
  18. Belexes ForumQuester

    Oh, make no mistake, I couldn't care less what people want to spend their valuable time on. But if they are complaining they can't get groups, because they only want to do Gribbles or GMM, they shouldn't be complaining. They shouldn't expect others to only want to live in one small area of the game.

    I have no beef with people wanting to do the same thing over and over, my beef is when they complain that I should be doing it with them. :)
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Duder like this.
  19. yosco Augur

    Sweet sassy baby jesus THANK YOU for properly using that phrase. It irks me how rarely it's correctly used lol.
    Dsuna likes this.
  20. Belexes ForumQuester

    Jesus is a proper noun yo. :p
    Annastasya likes this.