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Tangent - The Mangler streamer from today.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tangent, Mar 16, 2019.

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  1. Tangent New Member

    I absolutely understand and mentioned that several times. As a professional, I don't think streamers deserve anything. If a company wants to hire / do an activation with you, that isn't something deserved. It is just work that fit the demographic. But that is not what this was. I personally feel that the veterans of the game should have priority, and that the current playerbase is absolutely the lifeblood of Everquest.

    With that said. I feel just as much a part of this community for having been here for the first 6-7 years. I was 12 or 13 years old then. EQ was the old west then (As some of you will surely remember). I can't begin to tell you the joy this game brought me. And how much it sucked to grow up. To struggle with school, college. I didn't have time to play gamed of this sort for many years. Heck I never knew I would be a streamer someday.

    I can see how it can be viewed as a slap in the face because the game is here because you are here. I feel however that my time in game since the beginning is invalid now though because I stopped playing. But again... I just love this game.
    Benthon likes this.
  2. Roxxlyy Augur

    Confirming that Tangent's posts are accurate here - 3 streamers in total (CohhCarnage and Ellohime being the other two), who were long-time players and Twitch partners with plans to start up on the new servers were offered flags to help ease up their queues a bit.

    I apologize for the lack of clarity around this, but it wasn't intended to be a big campaign or push, and just a helping hand to our top streamers. While we did expect a bumpy day with logins and server issues, the outcome of today has obviously been very extreme and I understand why players have been frustrated.
    getlostgreg, chumbus and ch0rny like this.
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