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Talk about T3 raids upcoming

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by uberkingkong, Feb 14, 2024.

  1. Leex Pewpewer

    You realize that guilds do a significant amount more damage these days, then back in the day right? This means events that would have taken 20 minutes or 30 minutes to complete, take less time now.

    You realize that the raids you remember, had very little mechanics to them and characters/classes didn't have the abilities they do now, back then.

    Everquest live servers are a completely different game compared to TLP, tinydingaling. You have passive and activated abilities which bump the potential damage output of a player significantly, compared to the days of old, where you had very little to increase your damage. The game was slower..You literally had heals on an 8 second cast time, or was it 10? I can't recall it was so long ago.

    Regarding guild beating raids day 1, beta does play a significant role, guilds are able to create and refine strategies. However, it also has to do with players are better now, then they were before, our characters are stronger and we aren't hindered by a flagging mechanic that allowed those who raided lockouts at 3AM to gain a significant advantage.

    You like clearing trash for an hour before you're able to engage the raid named? You like tank and spank mechanics that don't have any real emotes? The devs cater to your nostalgic feelings and have created TLP servers for you to live out the "good old days".

    Stop worrying about the live servers, they obviously upset you. You don't understand that we've moved on from sitting and medding, creating a CH rotation, and not really understanding the events. The game has moved forward in a more progressive way. It's about pewpew and being reactive, not getting caught in an aura or learning and understanding what the emotes mean, and performing said actions, or getting screwed and potentially screwing your raid.
    Lubianx, Allayna, Ozon and 2 others like this.
  2. uberkingkong Augur

    Thats a thing too.

    You are comparing raids from now and then.

    Should comparing
    EQ raids vs how other games do it.
    Modern games.
    Games leading in innovation
    Games that are popular

    EQ back in 2007, we could argue they doing something they got something going.

    2024, EQ raids compared to other games, no there is nothing, when you compare raids in EQ vs other games.

    EQ's problem its always EQ today vs EQ back then. Thats the wrong way to think.
    EQ is living too much in the past.

    EQ was better back then.
    But EQ now is more detailed.

    Well EQ now is garbage compared to the other games now too. It's not just my opinion, its 49/140 saying that its garbage. Thats like a 65% on a test. Hanging there, yes its hanging in there.
    Is that good enough, no.

    Keep getting 65s you accidently drop the ball its bad bad.

    I can tell you straight up, those other games. In raids.
    You aint standing still for the entire fight. Move move move, pay attention to the animations, the sounds, etc.

    Its not "boss is saying that triggers GINA"
    "everyone don't do AEs right now"
    thats EQ raid, easy.

    The only EQ raids do more of trigger GINA.
    Oooh so much more complex, it has a lot more triggers to GINA.

    Modern games, GINA? Just watch and react, listen and react. Text based? Ew thats old, we modern.

    Writing notes via pen and paper.
    Nah, I'm gonna turn on voice and its gonna hear and its gonna write down for the notes. Modern style.
  3. Leex Pewpewer

    You talk about modern games and how EQ isn't pushing the bar, yet also talk about how the causal game is to hard.

    The casual or group game is a simplified version of raids. There is nothing within the group game that's really challenging outside of a single mission.

    Most modern games, use the mechanics that EQ has been using for ages, in their raids. How many modern games do you play where the boss locks, and you have add phases, or mechanics where you need to get into an aura to damage an enemy?

    Your points come from ignorance. However, with how strong you feel, maybe you should leave and play other games. Maybe EQ isn't for you.
  4. Kaggrak New Member

    So you want it to be hard for raiders, and you want it to be easy for casual players? Being a raider doesn't make you a good player. I mean there is this kaggrak guy who mails it in weekly and yet they let him raid. Plenty of casual players live on in everquest every day and complete the content you claim is "difficult." I am aware you are a troll and don't honestly care about what you are posting, however, maybe everquest isn't for you.
  5. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Agreed. In fact, the "harder" achievement for that event is the hot potato achievement only because it randomly respawns on ppl during the event, so it takes one non-attentive person to fail the achievement. That said, every achievement this expansion is easily doable with the only real "problem" being several achievements which can't be earned during the same win.
    alanus likes this.
  6. Owch Crotchety SOB

  7. Whulfgar Augur

    Define.. your definition of "casual".

    Then perhaps everyone can understand where you are coming from?
  8. Nightops Augur

    Identifying what classes he plays would help out a lot too. He was asked in a different thread but instead of replying, he ghosted on the thread and started up a different complaint a few days later.

    To my knowledge, this guy has not said what classes he plays (main and box). He does mention - stuns- often so that narrows it down to only a few for at least one of his classes. My guess is he plays a cleric or paladin for the stuns. But he could be dumb enough to being try to rely on wizard stuns.

    As for making raids harder. My guess is a large majority of raiders would be ok with making raids harder. But there isn't going to be this magical number or x% harder which is going to stop guilds from beating the events the first day they are live. The only raids a difficulty increase really effects is the casual raids or casual raiders. But then again, UKK is the unofficial champion for the casual player so he's only hurting his player base.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  9. uberkingkong Augur


    Duo, you really shouldn't but since its EQ. Consider to box.

    Can a tank merc and healer merc, pretty much survive a fight against a named.
    They can't? Too difficult.

    What you gonna expect, theres no LFG. Everyone should be 3 boxing, everyone should be boxing in general?

    Casual, you really shouldn't be boxing.

    Theres no named you can take out solo, as a casual. Meaning your AC your HME is pretty much 1/2 of these serious and raider people.

    1/2 AC means you get hit harder, its scary.
    1/2 HME means less HP
    Less HP plus getting hit scary hard all the time, that means you get whooped quickly. Deleted quickly.
    Heavily reliant on merc.

    Duo, tank merc, healer merc, they get whooped by nameds. T1.

    They couldn't survive T1 named, and what else, they barely scratch them meaning its 20 minute fight, because your pretty on defense the entire time because if you don't that tank is going to get deleted. Healer merc can barely sustain them, but thats 20 minutes of fighting, whoops some round got unlucky, tank down, quickly now everyone is getting deleted.

    its not really difficult or tough when things just hit too hard and there is not much you can do about it.

    It's not like you can avoid a nasty attack they do. They just do every hit hard. Its not difficult just tedious. Have to rely on cheesing the game, then they notice cheesing they take it away.

    On top of that, people do say, CoV nameds are pretty much close in difficulty as LS named.
    So, struggling LS.
    That means struggling on nameds 4 expansions behind too.
    Which means your gear?
    Probably more than 4 expansions behind, or whatever you can afford in the bazaar.

    That is sad, the only upgrades gotta bazaar for it. All because can't do 4 expansions worth of nameds. Casual nameds are just too strong.
    Not hard not difficult.
    Just hit too much, too much hp. Can't even do simple tank and spank ones.
    And the mercs can't even beat them duo'd with the people doing stuff too, which is normally playing defense because tank mercs if they go down, thats it, its all over. Tank merc struggling.
    Healer mercs their mana doesn't really move, but they struggle keeping the tank, part of it is because the named is too hard too. 2 to 3 rounds its possible tank dies. Slowed tons of debuffs and still 2 to 3 rounds thats it. its over.
  10. Nightops Augur

    None of that makes any sense. It's more stupid gibbbrishssed that doesn't have any information to qualify as a reply to Whulfgar's question. Since you have talked about it before in other posts, I don't need to read it again. However...

    Here are some questions you should answer first and directly in your next post. No one can help you if you don't post more facts without opinions.

    1 - what classes are you playing (and I assume both are paid accounts/active).
    2 - what is your level, aa #, ac, Hps?
    3 - What are your stats for the merc tank? Do you have the merc tank line of AAs maxed and have the 4 LS expansion merc items equipped?
    4 - If you are not level 125, are any of your equipped items shaded with a yellow background color?
    5 - If you are lvl 125, what server do you play on and why can you not buy LS T1 gear in the bazaar?

    Casual players, no matter what your definition, have the ability to farm for plat. Either by older content mass killing or by searching for and selling collect items.
  11. Leex Pewpewer

    It honestly sounds like the OP is just bad at EQ and doesn't know how to play his class. It sounds like he's relying on a merc tank/healer, which to me means he's DPS, and he can't even kill a T1 named?

    Maybe that's why he's advocating for more modern game play, because they spoon feed you everything.
    Allayna likes this.
  12. Whulfgar Augur

    So.. not going to answer eh?
  13. Krazzi Elder

    Hmm group "casual player" tanks?? what are you ac and hp? Just curious, just curious cause group armor isnt as bad as it was back in the day.
  14. Zarkdon Augur

    There is nothing difficult in Everquest, nor has there ever been. EverQuest is a game of persistence, and by that metric Raiding is more difficult than getting group geared since it takes about a year to get your character fully raid geared.
  15. fransisco Augur

    time != difficulty
    Thats where raiders get it wrong. Sitting around waiting for everyone to finish picking thier bums to do a 5 minute fight where you just push 1 button as fast as you can isn't a challenge
  16. uberkingkong Augur

    What are you on.

    Did you raid in NoS?
    Boxes not just mains. Full highest tier geared way before the expansion ended.

    You must be like the reddit posts.
    Talking about EQ back in the days. EQ is tough because of corpse runs, tough because raid bosses are 72 people fights. Tough.... yada yada.
    That was decades ago buddy.

    Modern day EQ, for the past few years.
    Your boxes will get complete full set of highest tier raid gear. Raid gear drops like candy. Only takes like 30 minutes to do a whole tier of raids.

    I agree, people don't even move in these raids. 10 minutes long and they getting so much rewards.

    Raiders fighting for more rewards, ugh 0 loot, should be 3 of them guaranteed every time!

    Meanwhile casual content, 3 hours on average, maybe 10 hours realistic. To get a named spawned. Then you gotta beat it of course which is a whole new challenge. If you wipe those raiders with full of highest tier raid they watching they waiting to sweep and take the loot. Just so they can make some platinum. While your the one actually needs it as in the ore and everything of that mob drop.

    3:00 and 8:00 they didn't even move. too easy. Thats T2 too. T2 too easy.

    T1 was same difficulty. T2 you don't even move too.

    Difference EQ raids T2 and say GW2 easy raids.

    GW2 easy raids are like EQ's toughest raids.
    Also, pick up raids.

    Remember the old days, raid bosses 72 people, a lot of people showup.
    GW2 has been doing that for 10 years.
    Remember the old days pick up raids and yada yada yada.
    GW2 10 years later still has pick up raids.
    Remember the old days when people went LFG????
    GW2 10 years later still a lot of people going LFG.


    •5mo ago
    No one can know for sure, but maps dont feel empty and all wvw maps have queues in the prime time. The game feels healthy right now playerwise
    •5mo ago
    It’s enough that there are people around for events at reasonable hours.

    Main takeaway is, maps don't feel empty. Main takeaway people still show up to events.

    Something EQ lacks. 30 expansions and EQ still doesn't have events?
    Again the complete package, EQ is not a complete package MMORPG.
    No PvP modes.
    No Events.

    Theres a lot more EQ does not have that makes it not a complete package of an MMORPG.

    This is a raid thread.
    Raid wise,
    EQ struggles to get people to move, easy thing, move.

    EQ raids are just tank and spank, don't even move, people just moving because they got an itch.

    If you don't even move in a raid, that goes to show how easy EQ raids are. That EQ video is T2 raids too. Not no suppose to be easy raid.

    Thats the thought process of EQ players and raids.
    They been accustomed easymode raids for too long.
    Group up together, so you don't need to move.
    Then never move and just do group spells.

    Casters spam group spells
    Melee turn autoattack on
    Tank smash that taunt button, aggro building macro button.
    Never move.

    The floor is lava, just overpower through it.
    The boss does AE damage, just overpower through it. Dogpile
    EQ raids so easy boss got all these mechanics, just let the dev during beta, tune it down. Tune it down. Tune the dmg done.
    Ok thats good, dogpile style its doable.
    T2 raid, never move, dogpile.
    EQ T2 raid video, 28:40,
    "stack stack stack stack"
    "we eat this one right here, don't move"
    Thats EQ raid nutshell. Easymode.
    One other thing about EQ raids is, they eating stuff but nothing is happening, visually. Theres a lack of visuals.

    Theres a reason why in other MMORPG raids people moving side to side a lot, because its tough you gotta be ready at anytime.
    2:18, "this fight can last more than 12 hours, what if we run out of food"

    Other MMORPGs,
    2 years ago
    The struggle in eso raids [IMG]

    EQ Raids, "my box has full set of highest tier gear already"
    EQ raids = Easy.
  17. Nightops Augur

    Gotta love how this guy compares a video from a guild which ranks near the top every year and his difficulty as a casual player.

    I can't follow his posts, but I don't think he has mentioned anything about his characters yet. Maybe it's in another thread on the reddit boards?
  18. uberkingkong Augur

    Difference between

    casual === hard
    raid ===== easy


    lvl 120 doing lvl 115 2 expansions ago stuff. well 120 geared and what not too, 400k HME.
    "uuuh I got killed"
    "you were outta range sorry"
    "oh I don't if you could have saved me, he ONE SHOTTED ME"

    CASUAL ======== hardmode. One shots. Deleted. Your 2 expansions ahead and get deleted.

    Move move move move move move move.
    Casual content, move move move move.

    RAID ========= easymode

    1:00 click click click 9:00

    100% hp 100% hp 100% hp

    No one moved
    No one moved
    No one moved

    Tier 2 easymode raids, hp never drops. No even needs to move.
    autoattack on and afk

    casual game ===== moving, get one shotted. 2 expansions ahead in gear.
    "I don't if you could have made a difference I got one shot"

    raid game ===== afk autoattack, peoples hp 100% entire fight. No panic situations, unlike that casual, "feeling the healing pressure"

    casual video was 6 real players too.
    6 real players 2 expansions ahead in gear.
    "I don't know if you could have done anything, got 1 shot"
    400k hme.

    Thats above average casual hme. 400k hme thats above average. 6 real players that above average.

    raids =========== tooooo disgustingly easy
    casual game ======= 1 shot deaths, 20 minute fights, bloated hp, bloat damage they deal.
  19. uberkingkong Augur

    Difference between

    casual === hard
    raid ===== easy


    lvl 120 doing lvl 115 2 expansions ago stuff. well 120 geared and what not too, 400k HME.
    "uuuh I got killed"
    "you were outta range sorry"
    "oh I don't if you could have saved me, he ONE SHOTTED ME"

    CASUAL ======== hardmode. One shots. Deleted. Your 2 expansions ahead and get deleted.

    Move move move move move move move.
    Casual content, move move move move.

    RAID ========= easymode

    1:00 click click click 9:00

    100% hp 100% hp 100% hp

    No one moved
    No one moved
    No one moved

    Tier 2 easymode raids, hp never drops. No even needs to move.
    autoattack on and afk

    casual game ===== moving, get one shotted. 2 expansions ahead in gear.
    "I don't if you could have made a difference I got one shot"

    raid game ===== afk autoattack, peoples hp 100% entire fight. No panic situations, unlike that casual, "feeling the healing pressure"

    casual video was 6 real players too.
    6 real players 2 expansions ahead in gear.
    "I don't know if you could have done anything, got 1 shot"
    400k hme.

    Thats above average casual hme. 400k hme thats above average. 6 real players that above average.

    raids =========== tooooo disgustingly easy
    casual game ======= 1 shot deaths, 20 minute fights, bloated hp, bloat damage they deal.

    Casuals, 100% 1 second later 27% hp.
    Yeah no kidding the healing pressure is real.

    Raids, 100%, hp may drop 73% back to 100%, you have like 10 healers and they spam heals and so always 100% really.

    They have 54 people raid, and they just do enough where not enough mechanics going on, could be a 10 person raid and thats enough mechanics for 10 people.

    If you got more people that means more mechanics need to happen.
    People gotta be doing stuff, not just spam heals.

    Same strat every raid.

    Everyone dogpile up, got 10 healers keep the heals going, stay at 100% hp all day.

    Good thing I like dps, i get to afk in raids while these healers have to keep pressing buttons.

    You know other games they got like 10 people or so in raids.
    They got more mechanics happening and 10 people gotta deal all of that.

    Meanwhile EQ raids, its like nothing happening, you have 54 people just standing around because not much going on.

    Bigger you'd expect a lot more to go on, but
    Tier 1 tank and spank.
    Tier 2 tank and spank.

    Easymode easymode easymode

    26 guilds all of the raids beaten
    20 guilds beaten all the raids

    Tier 3 this is Tier 3 talk.
    Throw in curveballs these raids a disgrace.

    Be AGILE for once, show us you can be AGILE by, not waiting until the year is over and do something.
    Do some AGILE, I'm giving you feedback.
    Hows Tier 2 raids.
    Hows raids.

    Easy easy
    easy easy

    Curveballs put em in. Tier 3.

    Casual content, tone em down more. Especially nameds. I should be able to duo them with mercs in my casual aka 1/2 of the stats of everyone so that means I take x2 more dmg than others and I have x2 less hme than others so that means I'm always in the defense game, because always feeling the healing pressure. And x2 less dmg output meaning its long fights, 20 minute fights.
  20. Knifen Augur

    Need more videos to reference..