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syllable of refreshment ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, May 21, 2014.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    may 14 - removal of harvest refresh proc - "testing needed"

    devs stated mana was an issue and met with a lot of feedback from players that this was a bad nerf and shouldn't go live.

    may 19 - reversed the changes to syllable of refreshment. ( thankyou )

    then on may 21 update - removed twincast from spell refresh.

    obviously not happy with this for a couple of reasons.

    first off , this was a change without warning.
    second. - obviously it seems the intent is to nerf the wizard DPS and nothing really to do with the concern about sustained mana use.

    "transparency" doesn't exsist in EQ. :mad:
  2. Bigstomp Augur

    it's not in the update notes. If it did change are you sure it's not just a bug and maybe the bug thread would be a good place to post?
  3. Ranpha Augur

    Syllable of Refreshment (35737)
    Last Changed: 2012-11-30

    Slot 1:Reset Spell Timers
    Slot 2:Limit: Spell Group: Excluding: Twincast

    (that's from april, in other words, it was always like that)
  4. Iila Augur

  5. iniari-TR Augur

    my apologies.

    the spell description says:
    Refreshes the caster's spells.1: Fc_Timer_Refresh (1)
    2: Limit: Spell Group: [SG:-7228]
    EQResource had Syllable of Refreshment:
    - Description changed from 'This random component of Malediction of Havoc refreshes the caster's spells.' to 'Refreshes the caster's spells, except for Twincast.'

    I had no clue what spell group SG-7228 is, and had thought that the spell was changed , instead it was the description that was changed.
  6. Corak Elder

  7. Iila Augur

    Spell Group 7228 is the Twincast group.

    If you have the raidloot standalone parser, it'll show things like:
    [18882/7228] Twincast Rk. III
    Classes: DRU/85 WIZ/85 MAG/85

    And the second number is a spell group, so that similar spells can be effected by AAs and other mods without including dozens of spell IDs.
  8. ~Mills~ Augur

    Can we expect Death blossom to go away and Deathbloom be restored to what it was as well?