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Summon Monster III?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Zinkeh, Sep 25, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    From what I remember summon monster, I II III would summon a random monster from the zone. I cast it 20+ times back to back in commonlands and it turned into the same coyote, over and over. Same thing in oasis. Half the fun was getting that random Hill giant in commonlands or an Orc in Sro, etc. It picked from any of the mobs in that particular zone.

    Is this a bug or is this just how the spell works now?
    Andarriel, Hegsheoshed and Fenthen like this.
  2. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    It would be interesting to hear if this was changed to not troll other players. Or you able to get any of the undead in the zone?
  3. Hegsheoshed Augur

    It's not as if a mage would be able to get a pet that looks like a dark elf wearing fine plate armor using a potion to name that pet Dragoon Zytl because getting a pet that was from the playable races won't work. I agree that you should be able to get a hill giant, orc, werewolf, bixie, griffith or any of the undead in the Commonlands. Preferably a Del Griffith.

    "I’ve got 3 dollars and a Casio"
  4. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    My guess, this is a side-effect of the body type changes, and then the changes to fix Reclaim Energy. I guess now it only summons a creature that is 'eligible' to be 'reclaimed', IE an elemental/summoned body type.
  5. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    When i used it many years ago just made pet a random monster from the zone. Just made for fun as there are actual tougher pets but it was cool just to see pet in different forms.
  6. Zinkeh Augur

    Yeah that really was the point/novelty of it as the summoned monster was pretty wimpy otherwise.

    I did try it in other zones and got the same results. Just one monster or animal from that zone over and over. No random selection anymore.