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Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Iven, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What could possibly be wrong with players helping people catch up to where most of the player base is?
  2. Windance Augur

    No thank you.

    All of the returning players quit EQ for various reasons. Many will quit again as soon as they remember what a GRIND EQ has become. They enjoy the FUN ride to 120 and realize they don't want to put in 10-20 hours a week for the next year to finishing catching up.

    I totally disagree with your assumption that limiting PL'ing will somehow make it so there are other people to group with.

    In fact your suggestions would make it HARDER to find people with in your level range.

    If you want to have higher player retention:

    1 - Make EQ less of a GRIND.
    2 - Make it so every class can solo/molo efficiently.
    3 - Make it so returning players can more easily get the levels/gear so they can more quickly be able to contribute in groups/raids.
    Stymie likes this.
  3. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    It will help returning players to make the game harder?
    maybe re-started with a new toon anonymously....?

    I'm kinda worried that you/your guild churns through people so fast and that your immediate assumption when they leave is that they want to play EQ, just not with you and your guild, therefore EQ must change so that they need to play EQ with you longer before the divorce. This is not building a credible structure on which to hinge the idea that the game must change, rather it's building a credible indication that you/your guild should.

    Even if we accept the concept that 1-90 slow leveling is where it's at, we already have that experience on the TLPs for those who want it, and heroic level 85s (soon 100) for those who don't, so there will be no renaissance.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  4. Shenovar New Member

    I would love to see the "Mentor" feature in EQ2 implemented into EQ1. Some balancing would need to be done and limit the spells and abilities by level your mentee is. Shrouds are terrible when it comes to going to help out a friend and usually more hassle than its worth. You can limit damage for example:) lv120 Warrior mentor's a lv35 Druid friend. The Skill cap would go down to lv35, and skills and AA would be locked. The gear would scale down making them as powerful as a mercenary tank. People would probably help out their friends more if they didn't have to visit a NPC to pick a Shroud.
  5. Iven Suggestions Bard

    In fact it will be harder to find someone to PL or getting PLed. 10 levels up and down does sum up to a span of 20 levels which is still huge and won't make it harder for players that want to play conventionally in an experience group. This is not as huge as the current crazy 60 level span in the higher levels of course which does animate players to PL. Players that want to catch up fast could just buy the Heroic Character feature.

    Regarding gear, plz check my suggestion #35 and like it. :cool:
    Regarding levels (ketchup) -> Heroic Character
  6. Dre. Altoholic

    You're both fooling yourselves if you think you can predict better than a coin toss what any change to PL-ing does to low level grouping.

    Any high level player who knows what they are doing can completely trivialize the low level game. Might as well remove gear and grouping restrictions entirely at this point to even the playing field.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    60 levels? Don't you mean 30 levels as that is the max gap that can be between two players for both to get experience?
    Yinla likes this.
  8. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    I think Cause he said 10 levels up and down sums up to a span of 20 levels so he equates it to 30 up and down = 60
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    But that isn't how it works, if you have a group with a level 70, 100 and 120 which covers the 30 levels up and down the level 70 will not get experience.
  10. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    Maybe this will enlighten him?
  11. Iven Suggestions Bard

    This is correct. A player that is lfg or a group that is looking for more player can always decide if they want to team up with lower or higher level PCs.

    Of course. A span of 60 level is the maximum potential for a PC to find a group or partner which can shrink to as low as just 30 level for a PC that is at the top level cap. My suggestion would reduce that by 2/3 in any case. 10 level as a span between the lowest and highest PC inside a group are more than enough for forming a successfull group. In reality most conventional experience groups do have a much smaller level span as most players don't want to have experience leechers inside their group. A span of 11-30 level is only there for one purpose which is PL.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    No that is incorrect, as soon as the level gap is over 30 a player will not gain any xp from that group. That means if there is a level 120 in a group anyone that is level 89 or lower will not gain xp. Trying to claim that there can be a 60 level gap is a straight up lie.

    To sum it up there is a minimum of 5 levels and maximum of 30 levels in difference for who someone can gain xp with. As far as power leveling goes the people who are doing that don't need to group with the person they are power leveling in the first place.

    But if you want to get picky, a level 1 can group with a level 120 but they won't get xp from the group until they hit level 90.
  13. Iven Suggestions Bard

    The non trolls do know what I mean.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Trolls? You are the one making false claims about power leveling and wanting to nerf who can group with who for xp. There isn't even a problem with power leveling in the game with the exception of people who sell them for krono or in other ways and they will find ways to get around your restrictions.

    There is nothing wrong with a level 90 tagging along with a level 120 to experience things and still gain experience.
    Wayylon likes this.
  15. Windance Augur

    I personally think a level 1 should be able to tag along with a 120. All the level limits do is put artificial limits to slow things down. If someone is willing to level up what's the harm other than eating into people buying the heroic boosts.
    Ozon and Yinla like this.
  16. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    I get what you mean; someone level 90 can currently group with at least one other player from level 60 to level 120, which is a range of 61 levels. I have a level 95 SK with raid gear I got with my max-level characters I use to swarm kill for level 65-75s who wants to get into the 80's. Some people don't bother to read and understand before responding.

    Your idea is still not great. I would *remove* the level restrictions on grouping; but also change how the XP is split. My SK being able to lift a character from 65 to 75 in a single pull is a bit much. The higher level should get a larger relative share of the XP, and the lower level should not gain XP at such a crazy rate. I would give them enough to catch up to the higher level over time, perhaps 2X what they could get if the character were solo, since the higher level character is not getting much, but not the current rate.
  17. Smak Augur

    Suggestion for a new class, pure dot class similar to wizard but instead of pure dd pure dot. It would not have a pet like necro and couldnt heal or buff like a shaman. Maybe to mix things up a bit it could be a wis casting dot demon tied to the evil races and classes. It could have some utility such as dots that have additional detrimental effects aside from the damage over time.

    It could be called an inquisitor.

    I also suggest adding a subforum to the newbie forum for each class, to ask for a receive advice or for guides on each class to be posted.
  18. Bigstomp Augur

    Just let me group with a returning friend or family member.
    Whatever level they are.

    The rest of your post is a bunch of ... I can't use those words.
    Wayylon, Zunnoab, Ozon and 2 others like this.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    No they can't balance the classes they have already and dots are way overpowered
    Skuz likes this.
  20. Smak Augur

    I think we are well beyond "balance". Spells that were once crucial in pvp are not permitted in pvp any longer. Trying to make every class tank, heal, and dps equally would just turn the game into world of warcraft where any class can solo to level cap.

    The core of everquest was not about balance, but the imbalances between classes that made them unique.
    Bigstomp likes this.