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Suggestions for level 50

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rothj, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. Rothj Augur

    Once you finish the leveling game and you hit 50, what are some camps/things you should be doing?

    As a group class or a solo class either is fine, I just want an idea of what people normally do once they're capped. A list of camps that people commonly farm or just ideas on where to go would be cool.
  2. Senadin Elder

    I have been doing tradeskills and maybe an odd xps group here and there. Look for folks who do cash groups. Free for all! Farm guards etc or do like everyone else, make an alt and level him up. Lots of time before Kunark!
  3. AgentofChange Augur

    Go play another game until Kunark comes out.
    Communist Puppy and Noblesquire like this.
  4. Karanthal Augur

    Farm an fbss for me if you are bored. Got another 6 moonstone rings today. This banded belt is getting too tight.
    Ming Tee likes this.
  5. Aoldar New Member

    Why go where everyone else goes get to KK and start farming inks and corner the market in kunark
  6. Ming Tee Augur

    You can try to battle me for hill giant spawns, and lose.
  7. Tevez Augur

    Inc Magebox Army to accept the challenge!
  8. Rauven Augur

    That is what pick pocket is for.

    Due to DPS Race replacing First in Force, pickpocket can now be used on others' mobs. You're allowed to pick pocket any mob you have rightfully engaged. Since DPS Race allows us to attack the same mob to see who gets credit for the kill, all mobs are legitimate pick pocket targets.

    Throw Stone and Elbow Strike may not be enough damage to get credit for the kill versus dots and fireballs.But doesn't stop us from trying.
  9. Kahna Augur

    Pickpocket pulls from a different loot table than dropped loot, so I doubt anyone will care if you run around pickpocketing mobs. You aren't taking their cash.
  10. Drakkal Elder

    1. Look into your class specific armor quests, each class has a full set.
    2. Prep for your epic quest as much as possible
    3. Get your Jboots
    4. Farm for items you will need later such as a Fish Bone Earring
    5. Grind rep if you evil
    6. Farm plat; Hill Giants, Seafurries, Gaurds in various places
    7. Start an alt
    8. Start another alt
    9. Tradeskill
    10. Get into some plane or dragon kill raids
    11. Train Mage armies
    12. Dispel Enchanter/Necro pets
    13. Play tunnel quest to earn phat loots
  11. nbkan New Member

    14. Skill up...been working on lock picks myself...going to have to rent someones pet for maxing defense and 1hb, and gonna have fun maxing safe fall

    There is always something to do. At this stage of the game for me I doubt I roll an alt. I have had a bunch of fun since returning. I do have many accounts just no other boxes so I can't do a second account. I don't even know if I would feel like boxing it would probably make me finally quit for good. I am happy I picked a class that can't solo. Presently I have been working on the highlighted and hoping to get in a raid or two. I won't pay for looting rights for gear either. Kunark is coming gear(you will always need gear)will change and Velious isn't that far away.
  12. Amoeba Augur

    I rarely just camp things when I get to 50. I play many alts and I do a lot of quests
  13. Green_Mage Augur

    Raid, Farm or enjoy the time off. I don't understand why someone would even start in classic and not try to enjoy the endgame a bit. Kunark probably has better leveling anyway.
  14. Drakkal Elder

    Honestly this is the first server I have boxed on at all, only one additional box and only maybe 30% of the time, but I do enjoy it. Although I have a second box I only use it part of the time, I don't use it in the anti-social way many people do, I actually use it to be more social when possible. I have typically do not play both in the same group either. I may have a toon in a group somewhere that does not take a ton of effort like a rogue, ranger, bard, mage or wizard, while my other box is running my farming whatever class that is camping a named spot, grinding plat or even running around grabbing things I need for my toon that is grouped. The idea is to support my group play and not take away from it, while avoiding the boredom of playing some classes. It doesn't work in all situations, if I find I need to focus more on the grouped toon, I will simply log out of the other, or have it sit in the tunnel and watch auctions while I exp on the main.
  15. Troutfest Augur

    I would swear prathun posted that it's all the same but search isn't working for me. This was in the last year or so, surprised me since I had always thought separate also.
  16. Pikallo Augur

    I leveled up a crew of 4 to 50 and have pretty much completed my pre-kunark goals.

    Once hitting 50 I basically just focused on the best group-level gear I could get and farmed my own stuff for all 4 guys. I typically use EQitems as a resource. My team consists of SK, Enc, Clr, Wiz.

    Farm PoHate for Enchanter, Cleric
    Farm PoFear for SK , Wizard, Cryosilk Belt for casters
    Farm Efreeti for GEBs/Darjns
    Kill Fire Giants for ID 2 masks, Roykl's crystal, PMT
    Farm Guk for various items to fill in gaps - most camps have at least 1 items each of my guys are using
    Farm OOT for Jboots
    Farm the hole for gaps in caster gear, Healing III idol, withered leather from revs
    Farm relevant steps for Epic 1.0 that are currently available
    Farm thunder spirit princess on sky isle 1
    While I haven't done it myself - there are some decent items to farm in Kedge as well

    I also spawned up instances of various zones for my own use to remove any camp competition(The Hole, Hate, Fear, Sol B, Perma, PoSky) but of course there is no respawn

    Sell off any extra items in CL

    Tradeskill if you are still bored with some capital to blow

    And of course, raid mobs would be the next step up beyond solo/group.
  17. Pikallo Augur

    Good ol' narrow-minded Green_Mage lol. Many people have raided classic on 1-4 previous TLPs and have no interest in doing it again. Many people might just have no interest in raiding anything at all. Plenty of other perfectly reasonable justifications to not participate in the classic endgame.

    Classic endgame is honestly quite dull, so after doing it once or twice, I actually don't understand why anyone WOULD want to "enjoy" the classic endgame.
  18. Accipiter Old Timer

    Definitely separate. It's been this way for decades now.
  19. Asiema Elder

    I Have never been above lvl 46 in this game, so I'm grinding to 50...yes..still. Then I'm going to run around and just take in everything...ive been missing this game for 15 years. I want to see old zones, do old quests, etc.

    All about nostalgia for me, I'm not hardcore enough to worry about all the fine tuned things.

    Hand me a fishing pole, a few stacks of ale, and you'll find my monk washed up under a dock somewhere...or...maybe FD in a fishing boat...who knows...
  20. Troutfest Augur

    From older prathun post, on phone so couldn't figure out how to link it easy

    I can't find any evidence of a post or patch note claiming that pick pocket cash and/or items come from a separate table, nor can I find any indication of who might have said it, though it has not been difficult to find posts remembering that it was said. We may have stumbled onto a real Mandela Effect in EverQuest here.

    "Eventually, and I'm pretty sure it was before Kunark, SOE added the change that took picked items and coin from a seperate loot table. I tried to find the patch notes from back in the day, but couldn't. Currently on my rogue, my favorite EQ class, I usually only pp in groups on occasion, or I'll ask if it's cool as long I do a split. I'm really looking forward to them changing the shared loot table for pickpocketing as it is kind of frustrating. Especially when a second rogue joins the group and commences to pick every mob practically clean of coin and loot."

    "I was under the impression Pickpocketing provided an entirely seperate loot table available to the Rogue. Meaning you're not pickpocketing loot that could drop, you're pickpocketing loot that could only be attained via pickpocketing. (note i dont mean different loot, just 2 different tables)"

    "You used to be able to pickpocket from the main loot table of a mob. Now I believe it is a separate table."