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Suggestion: Lower dungeon pickzone limit (Teek)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by GameKiller, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Again, this isn't about xp per kill but xp over time. As has been stated multiple times now it doesn't matter if one zone gives higher xp per kill if it takes longer to kill things and ends up with a lower overall xp rate.
  2. SnapVine Augur

    oh, did you follow the thread here? also is there a return period?
  3. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    They absolutely do run.
    GameKiller likes this.
  4. Iven Suggestions Bard

    So you agree with me that there are better zones for overall exp than LGuk ?
  5. Elabone Augur

    If only there was an entire other half of the zone you could kill in.

    Stop being prissy about a faction that doesn't matter and go to live side.
  6. Catashe Augur

    and right there is the crux of it.. devs overcorrect and people just go to the next big xp zone... CoM used to pull some of the heat off of LGuk when Kunark was released but in the end now CoM hit a lot harder and while probably have a tad more HP.. Why kill a yellow mob in CoM for .8% exp when you could kill in LGuk faster and get 1.2% xp for the same lvl mob...
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Why do you keep trying to twist words? I have been saying since the start that for some just because the xp per kill is higher it doesn't mean that they will get a higher xp rate overall. For some the best place for them to be is lguk.
  8. Iven Suggestions Bard

    I do not try to twist words. It is a simple question that you anwered with a vague reply, because you don't know the answer. I know that higher exp per kill does not necesarrily mean higher overall exp. Thx for agreeing with me so far that there can be better zones than LGuk for overall exp, which was my point from the beginning.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Again, I have been saying from the start, just because something gives a higher amount of xp per kill doesn't mean that it gives a higher xp rate over time. I haven't made any statement about what is the best place to xp or what gives the best xp rate over time, you are just trying to twist my words to say something that I have not been trying to say at all.
  10. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Why are you repeating the same boring old stuff over and over ? Nobody has declined your statement. It is basic knowledge that overall exp has nothing to do with exp per kill, even that not all players are aware of that.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Because you keep trying to twist my words and make this into something it isn't. I have never stated that zone X it is the best place to get xp at any point in a TLP life cycle. All I have stated and repeated is that just because a zone gives higher xp per kill doesn't mean that it gives a higher xp rate over time.
  12. Iven Suggestions Bard

    I have not twisted your words and I havn't tried doing that. Trying is not the same as doing. Trying does mean that it is only you imagination and that you created a fiction that cannot be true, as all fictions are lies.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I have been focusing on the idea that higher xp per kill does not mean higher xp over time. Now you seem to be trying to twist it to saying what zones give the best xp rate which has never been my point.
  14. Iven Suggestions Bard

    You only focused onto that because you wanted to disprove my posts with your subversive trolling. Instead you could have focused onto something constructive.

    Waring (Warring -> the name is the omen -> troll name) is not interested to find a solution. Instead he does enjoy putting spokes in the wheel by pointing out pointless stuff and repeating them over and over, which does deviate from the problem of too many players in one zone. He is there to start and win discussion warrings.
  15. Robomax Elder

    which is 2 more months BTW? LMAO
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Incorrect, I focused on a it because the fact that getting a higher amount of xp per kill doesn't mean that you are getting a higher amount of xp over time. No one is disputing the fact that you might get better xp per kill in other zones but that doesn't change the fact that those zone might not be a better place to level up.

    Note, things only keep getting repeated because you kept replying to me trying to say I was wrong or trying to suggest that I was saying something else. The issue about there being to many people in a zone doesn't change the fact that other zones are still undesirable to some players for various reasons.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Doesn't change that idea that people still look for the one optimal route to level and gear up.
  18. Raytheon Augur

    This is the TLP Forum. R.I.F.
  19. Nennius Curmudgeon

    It was moved here.
  20. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Live servers = TLP with yearly unlocks. ;)