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Suggestion: let raid invites expire

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Traxen, Jul 26, 2021.

  1. Traxen Lorekeeper

    I am a FNF (friends and family) with a raiding guild, which means I don't raid much if at all. On raid nights, the GL sends out mass invites when it's assembly time. That's all fine, but a few hours later, when I am ready to play, I have to go into all of the toons and decline the invite so I can put together my box group.

    Would it be too much to ask that raid invites expire after, say, an hour? It's not urgent or game altering, just convenient.

    (I can't wait to see who objects to this, and you know someone will).
    Szilent likes this.
  2. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    What are you talking about? They already expire after like a couple minutes.
  3. Conq Augur

    In the Guild Management Window, you can toggle "Show Alts" off, then when you hit "Invite All to Raid", you will invite all guild members online to your raid, except those who have been tagged as alts. That's how I avoid sending invites to everyone's boxes. But the raid invites do expire - I do the mass invites before raids then wait until I get the multiple declines messages (from the AFK raiders who's invites time out) before I lock the raid and proceed to make groups. So I can verify that the invites do expire, on both ends.
    Bigstomp, Yinla and Fanra like this.
  4. Nolrog Augur

    No, you literally do not.
  5. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Raid invites are auto-declined after about ~1 min, 40 seconds if you do not accept.

    07/01/21 11:23:35 PM You invite <player1> to join your raid.
    07/01/21 11:23:35 PM You invite <player2> to join your raid.
    07/01/21 11:23:35 PM You invite <player3> to join your raid.
    07/01/21 11:23:35 PM You invite <player4> to join your raid.

    07/01/21 11:25:16 PM <player1> rejected your offer to join the raid.
    07/01/21 11:25:16 PM <player2> rejected your offer to join the raid.
    07/01/21 11:25:16 PM <player3> rejected your offer to join the raid.
    07/01/21 11:25:16 PM <player4> rejected your offer to join the raid.

    Are you sure you're not talking about group invites? Those do not expire.
    Skuz likes this.
  6. Repthor Augur

    Also task and dz invites dont time out. Maybe thats what his talking about but that whould not be raid invite
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Velisaris_MS and Knifen like this.
  8. Nilwean Elder

    Raid invites time out if you have it set to get the popup box on invite. If you have the popup turned off then it does not time out. (Options / General / Confirmations / Raid Invite)
    Svann2 likes this.