Sugestion for /hidecorpse

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cainen, Jan 17, 2017.

  1. Cainen Augur

    I love /hidecorpse and generally run with /hidecorpse always on. However on my cleric I would love a /hidecorpse alwaysNPC.

    With the advloot window I almost never need to see an npc corpse but would love to see the players corpses I need to click on without having to issue a new /hidecorpse command every time someone dies.

    Thank you.
  2. Thraine Augur

    this is a good idea to seperate NPCs and players with a always button.

    a quick fix would be make a /hidecorpse npc key and bind it to a movement key so everytime you turn you hide npc corpses.
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    /hidecorpse allbutgroup? If the players are in your group of course. Not sure why you want to go clicking on other dead players, ew:confused: Anyway it should work if its your group that you want to click on.
  4. segap Augur

    Raids? Also, there are some kind people that play clerics that when they're in a zone and see a corpse, send a tell and offer a rez to save people the run back.
  5. Brudal Augur

    I don't think "hidec /allbutgroup" is persistent, meaning you would have to add that to your assist key or other repetitive action to hide new npc corpses.
    Koryu likes this.
  6. Cainen Augur

    Correct, there are a ton of options but I am looking for a persistent one that doesnt hide players but does hide npcs. Just a quality of life improvement.
  7. Lianeb Augur

    I use /hidecorpse listed. If you are using advloot any corpse that gets listed in the window disappears. This does not include corpses with nothing on them unfortunately you have to wait on those to fade.
    It is also persistent even after log out and in