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Successful Roguish Rapscallion Pack?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, May 24, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    I started up a new sub, and then go to buy that 2 bag pack and when I got to the next page it is saying that only the Roguish Rapscallion Pack is available and the Successful Rapscallion pack is unavailable and greyed out? Really wanted the 2 bag package.

    Is there some reason for this? They should be good to buy till tomorrow per the usual.

    (Edit: Pretty sure I bought this bag set on Thornblade when it went live is that why I can't purchase another? Normally you can buy ahead of time again for the next TLP, no?)
  2. Midnitewolf Augur

    They advertise a new pack that is supposed to come out on the featured new page but I have no idea why it isn't available yet. They are probably trying to milk the previous bags packs for all they are worth since the new TLPs Drop tomorrow. I would check back then.
  3. Trox2010 Augur

    For some reason DPG decided it doesn't actually want extra money so they made the bags purchasable only once per account.
    Vlahkmaak likes this.
  4. Vlahkmaak Augur

    Pretty sure that bag is 1x per account.
  5. Zinkeh Augur

    Yeah I juuuuust read that. I wonder if that's not a semi recent change? I've always had both bag sets on a new TLP. Strange. I was ready to blow 70 bucks on bags, lol.
  6. Midnitewolf Augur

    I am pretty sure the bags are still coming because the bag bundles listed as incoming are:

    Trying Toxicologist Bundle
    Vexing Vermin Bundle

    Furter, is specially says and I quote: "This is also your last chance to get the Roguish Rapscallion Pack and Successful Shenanigan Bundle before they go away.

    This was posted on May 18th and the article is right at the top listed as featured on the EQ home page.

    So based on this, the new bag bundles haven't dropped yet. Not sure why they are waiting other than perhaps greed.
  7. TheDohn Augur

    They'll drop a new bag pack tomorrow that will be purchasable.
  8. Lhokhi New Member

    OP.... packs are single purchase per account. So if one is greyed out you must have bought it on that account. You can log into your account and check your Account History under Account Management and see what purchases you have made on that account going back 2yrs.
    For the new bags, they'll likely pop up tomorrow just before or just after launch, DBG is milking the current packs for all they can, that's why the new ones are not up yet. As soon as the new ones are up the old ones should go. I'd wait to buy the new ones till the server has been up for a few hours, if they add the new packs at server open...just incase there is some instability and there is a roll back.
  9. Vlahkmaak Augur

    Yhea, this one bag per account is a PITA for the cost which is equivalent to buying a stand-alone game itself. Should be per character on the account imo. I'd buy more across a few accounts instead of making my own bags on boxed accounts were that the case.
  10. Zinkeh Augur

    Rather than start a new thread I'll ask this here as well: The House of Thule pack, are those bags WR? It doesn't say so. Also I'd heard that with that pack you get like 999 claims of each bag? Seems like a hell of a deal if you could claim a character full of bags over and over.
  11. MischiefTLP Augur

    The Thule Bags and almost all claim bags are Lore, it's a pretty good deal, 100% weight reduction 16 and 20 slot bags for every character you ever make and Shared bank on every server along with 1998 mounts that have the buff that unlocks with LDoN.
  12. Zinkeh Augur

    Any idea on the mount's speeds? As fast as the store bought wolf/horse etc when Luclin drops? I know they're not like selo's speed ones.
  13. MischiefTLP Augur

    Tan Chain Bridle Mount — 21803
    1: Summon Mount: SumHorseTaRun2

    Verdant Hedgerow Leaf Mount — 52096
    1: Summon Mount: SumMTLm0Run2

    Probably the same speed, it says Fast when you inspect the mount, being on Mischief all my characters have clicked an Emperor mount so can't test Velocity.
    Zinkeh likes this.
  14. Herf Augur

    It's one pack per account, pretty much always has been.

    The new packs are up on the website now.

    Has anyone bought them who can post the status of the different potions, etc.? Which are lore, heirloom, no trade, etc? If the pots are no trade it matters which toon does the claim.
  15. Arkatar New Member

    I've been told everything is heirloom and can be shared among characters on the server where the pack was claimed. I never claimed a pack before, waiting for new TLPs to do it for the first time.
  16. TheDohn Augur

    This is accurate. The bags are heirloom and can transfer through the shared bank fine. The pots have been no trade in the past.
  17. Herf Augur