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Subscription info in Inventory Window

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Grem, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. Grem New Member

    I could have sworn you used be able to see when your subscription was set to expire in your inventory window. Was this actually not a thing? If so, why'd it get removed
  2. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Its gone. Search forums for more info. Or patch notes from a few weeks ago
  3. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    It was just recently removed. It didn't always display the correct number of days remaining so they removed it to avoid any confusion. I know several times when I would claim a Krono it wouldn't show the additional time added so I'm assuming they got lots of petitions from people thinking the game ate their krono without adding game time.
    Winnowyl, Grem and Yinla like this.
  4. Grem New Member

    Thanks. That's disappointing. Not sure how I missed that in the patch notes
  5. Tanols Augur

    Would be nice if they made a feature @ log in that had a "your subscription is due for renewal on (date)" vs # of days remaining like they had in inventory window.
  6. Sindace Augur

    Even with it not being 100% correct, it was still infinitely better than removing it from game. Checking online to see when the accts sub is up x8 isn't reasonable. Put it back in.
  7. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Quite so.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  8. Chopin.Xegony Augur

    Tin Foil Hat Theory - Everyone is done with the expansion and this is typically the time of year that some peoples subs that are coming up for renewal typically unsub until the next expansion and removing it from the inventory window where it is easily viewed may allow a few of the auto subscriptions to renew that otherwise wouldn't have.
  9. Xyphen Maximum Augur

    I find it hard to believe they can keep track of your next eligible in-game DBG cash claim but not the time remaining on a Krono. I think the move was intended to annoy people enough to get them to subscribe.

    "Hey, tired of checking this? Subscribe and (please) never think about it again".
  10. Nadisia Augur

    Yes, but ... no DPG, thanks :p.

    My workaround?
    A simple script, and a simple json file where I keep track of the datetimes when I use my kronos.
    The script spams me some warnings when the sub is about to run out.

    Removing a feature arbitrarily like this is not a fix, even if the feature is clunky.
    It's just sweeping the dust under the rug.
  11. cadres Augur

    So many people asking for this back over several threads
    Can we have this back please?
  12. cadres Augur

    I subscribe!
    I by by credit card
    I like to know when money is coming out of my account
    Very occasionally I top up with a krono
    This piece of information was very useful - and i never heard anyone wishing it wasn't there
    As ever, it would be really nice if we were consulted before making such changes
  13. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Or checking on accounts that all bill differently, like one is a 3 month and one is a 6 month. That is really frustrating.

    But hey, this is all about how Krono gives you subscription days. And TLP folks got upset their count was never right. Too bad the players couldn't figure it out and flow with it (its simple) cause now they have to deal with this and the days will still be off but now DBG threw it in the players lap to check the bill date.

    Edit: sorry it was supposed to reply to:
    "Even with it not being 100% correct, it was still infinitely better than removing it from game. Checking online to see when the accts sub is up x8 isn't reasonable. Put it back in.”
  14. CorkieMcSpanks New Member

    Perhaps if they would just put in a "Subscription Renewed on X/y/Z" in the UI, or store window, or something. I dont need a count, just the date info.