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Stromm-Oldschool Still Around?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Agony2000, Mar 22, 2020.

  1. Agony2000 New Member

    Hey Stromm!

    Im looking to see if there are any oldschool players still around from Stromm back from 2002 to 2008. Caan, Kohl, Steel, Ozumiena, Trinnea.

    Also oldschool guilds: Euphoric Aftermath, Inverse Logic, Unity, Evo, etc.

    My name is Agony Of`Life -- I was an oldschool Troll Warrior. Im thinking about coming back. I would love to hear from you guys.

    All the best!
    Kakgumu and Trinnea like this.
  2. Sobmre Augur

    Fenthen likes this.
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    Stromm went through a couple server merges, we are now on Luclin. IL is still operating as a raid guild there.
  4. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I am an old Stromm player, though I am on Vox now. Hakkin was my name back then, and I belonged to the guild NYAA.
  5. Zunnoab Augur

    Additional information on Inverse Logic:
    The active players from the following guilds effectively merged into Inverse Logic last year.

    Merged guilds chart:
                                                  Inverse Logic > Inverse Logic
    Asylum's Edge ->  Haven's Edge 2010 > Infinite Elysium 2019 >
      Final Door ->  Final Horizon 2010 >
                            Heroes 2015 >
    We do have people from Subliminal Realm, Evolutia, Five Rings, Ethereal Kindred, and Cestus Dei as well but not through official mergers. I'm sure there are more I don't know off hand, and naturally everyone from Stromm and Luclin and even server transfers that joined all of the above over the years.
    Kakgumu and Kalvenie like this.
  6. Vaslious New Member

    It's been a few years since I was last regularly online. I hadn't seen Ozumiena online much after she stepped down from EA. Trinnea and Magicrokk were running EA for a while afterward but moved to a different guild maybe 7 or 8 years ago. I haven't seen them on in quite a while.
  7. FranktheBank Augur

    Hi, I was an Iksar Monk named Ssoulle in Final Door. It's funny you mentioned Caan because I was just talking about him two or three days ago.

    Such fond memories. Syanu, Lenera, Aumdyder, Fransesca, Snippet, Hippolyta, Seychelle, Hugehead, Saedill, Zunnoab (who posted in this thread), Danladil, Wiznut, Darinae, Copperfist I know I'm missing a ton of people, but it's been 15 years and I was a stupid kid.
  8. Tanols Augur

    Lots of memories associated with those names. Spent a short period of time in Subliminal Realm with Darinae as RL then moved to Haven's Edge when SR folded. Played a dwarf paladin back then and suffered through many a grind session with Saedill. Only one on that list i don't think i knew or was guilded with is Snippet.
    Kakgumu, Soraia and Dibab like this.
  9. Heajol Augur

    I'm back in IL now with Seychelle, Zunnoab and others.

    - Darinae
    Kalvenie likes this.
  10. Kalamir Journeyman

    I was in Evolutia (Dwarf Rogue) for a long time. I originally started the journey from $tormhammer with Vexare but the guild moved off to Kane Bayle and we lost too many people in the process so a good chunk joined up with Evolutia which merged into Stromm.

    I wasn't super social outside of my guild, but I recognize a lot of names from Frank's list. I wonder what ever happened to Hanudorf, Mazter, Aurov, Triceraton, Miffas, Stingg, Tagori, Tanwen, Chmadler, Nanul, Will & Mindgasm (great enchanters), etc... I have a lot of fond memories of Stromm and competing for firsts with Final Door.
  11. Dibab Augur

    Old stromm player here. I was never in any raiding guild but played forever on stromm. On Bristlebane now just add an x to my name
  12. Fenthen Well, that's that...

  13. Soraia Journeyman

    Holy ...DARINAE?
  14. Heajol Augur

    Heya Soraia - log on and say hi! I was in touch with Weaselboy a few times over the years and Soulrheever several years back, but have mostly played on TLP servers until the past year.
    Soraia likes this.
  15. hairbair New Member

    Soraia likes this.
  16. Heajol Augur

    OMG a Hairbair! Sup! It's good to see so many old school Strommers still around.
  17. hairbair New Member

    Hi Darinae!! I do miss our raids and subliminal realm very much. I haven't played EQ for over 10 years. It's still going strong I see.
  18. hairbair New Member

  19. Soraia Journeyman

    MOIST slackers!
    hairbair likes this.
  20. Tanols Augur

    RL hit me like a storm this summer so I'm on hiatus atm but will look you up on Bristle bro.
    Usually I bump into people i know from Stromm/Luclin during beta and exchange hello's and how are you's.

    Anyone remember Leaha ? and her gnome mafia ?
    Trinnea, Dibab and Soraia like this.